Frequently Asked Questions and Examples
RPT Admin (Unlicensed)
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What's new in LRS under the 2012 Act?
This document shows some of the most obvious visual changes and describes some of the other changes in LRS to areas such as A. Section schedules, B.Section names and general picklists changes.
I need an Application or Research Area moved, such as when an Application or Research Area has been TAKEON by someone on long term leave.
This can be accomplished by emailing IT Service Desk with the details of the Application(s)/Research Area and requesting that it/they be moved. If the application is on referral every attempt should be made take it back through the referral route before contacting the IT Service Desk.
When is it appropriate to "clone" a burden version?
It is only appropriate to "clone" a burden version when the text or editing of the existing version(s) is not suitable for your title. Such as when the colour references have been shown using different tints from those in the existing version(s) or some textual changes are required (this excludes typo's which should be referred to a designated person within each Registration Unit who has the Burden_Amend permission - see also Question 21 for a list of Users). Please note that when cloning a new version the element box should always be used to explain the difference within the version.
How do I recall a Case?
To activate the recall case function, open the Case Workdesk, select Tools>Recall Case and the "Select Case For Recall" will appear, input the Case [Application] number and select OK, subject to certain criteria [See below] the Case will appear on your Case Workdesk.
You will be able to recall a case only if the immediately preceding event was a "Release" and you personally Released it and you are performing the Recall in the same Group (i.e. Legal Settle) that the Release occurred.
You will NOT be able to recall a case if:
- the immediately preceding event was a "Release" and you did personally Release it but had not previously TAKEON the case.
- the immediately preceding event was a "Release" and you did NOT personally Release it.
- since you "Released" the case, it has been "Taken On" by the Group or Person [including Standover] you released it to.
- the immediately preceding event was a "Release" and you personally Released it, but your release was a Refer return.
- if the immediately preceding event was NOT a "Release" or if you are in a different Group from the Group that Released it.
if you are attempting the recall on a Monday and the prior Release event occurred in a previous week, this is because the weekly EIS statistics have been run.
How do I get permissions for LRS?
All requests for LRS permissions should be completed by the TL of the person requiring the permissions and emailed to the IT Service Desk.
Please note only permissions relevant to the user's role will be provided. Special Permissions such as Cancel, Burden Amend, Nap Support Manager and Intake should always be approved by Team Leaders in the first instance.
Where possible LRS permissions will normally be available to the LRS user on the following day to the request however it would be appreciated if the form is submitted as soon as possible. If permissions are urgently required then the Team Leader should contact the IT Service Desk (Ext 3166) who can push across an individual permission (please note that this process can affect the performance of the servers so these requests should not be widely used).
Permissions that are no longer required should be reported using the same application form or by the Team Leader to the LRS Support email folder so they can be removed.
What are Next Application Notes (NAN's)?
Next Application Notes allow information to be added to any new or pending application or flagged against the Title Number the note has been created for. Such information can be Internal only or Internal and Public, Persistent or a one-off.
Where possible NAN's should be selected from the picklist. Obsolete NAN's should always be removed.
I get an Error message when trying to CONFIRM an application
When CONFIRMING an Application (or on AUTOCONFIRM when Releasing an application) information is passed to the Finance System and BOPS, if either system is unavailable then an Error message is displayed.
Why is the COMPLETE button greyed out?
The COMPLETE button can be "greyed out" usually for one of the following reasons
- the "Stop at Despatch" box has been ticked, therefore any Applic N&I should be read to determine why, or
- the Application's Title version has NOT been "CONFIRMED" and has a status of "DFu", The application should be "referred" back to the Legal Settler to "Confirm" the Title. This will update the title status to "DFc" and result in the "COMPLETE" button being enabled, or
- the Application type is either a FR or TP and the Title has been CANCELLED i.e. the Title has a status of "DXc", however the "CANCEL" button should be enabled, or
- the selected Working Group permission does not allow the "COMPLETE" action to be performed.
I get an Error message when trying to COMPLETE an application
This can happen for the following reasons;
- When Completing an Application information is passed to both the Finance System and BOPS. If either system is unavailable then an Error message is displayed.
- An error message will also be displayed i.e. "Failure to complete case Missing Land or Charge Certificate Printout". This occurs if it has been more than a specific number of days, [currently 25] since the [Legal Settler] "Printed" the Land Certificate and/or the Charge Certificate(s), as part of the print process the Certificates are captured electronically if the appropriate flags in LRS are set to "E"*. In order to prevent this error message and allow the case to be Completed all that is required is to Reprint the Land Certificate and/or Charge Certificate(s) [this need only be formatted on screen not necessarily sent to the printer].
- *In the case of the Land Certificate this is set on the Title Workdesk "LC Despatch" to either "P" = Paper, "E" = Electronic or "N" = Not Required and in the case of the Charge Certificate this is set in the C. Section "CC Despatch" against each Entry. These need not be set they can be blank.
Why is the CANCEL button greyed out
Where the application, usually a "DW", is to be cancelled and the "CANCEL" button is "greyed out" this normally happens when that Application's Title version has been "CONFIRMED" and has a status of "DFc". The application should be "referred" to the Legal Settler/Cancellation Office to "UnConfirm" the Title. This will update the title status to "DFu" and result in the "CANCEL" button being enabled once the application is released back to Despatch.
However if the application to be cancelled has a title status of either
- "DCu"/"DCc" then the application still needs to be referred to the appropriate Officer for further investigation.
- or "DAu"/"DAc" then the application still needs to be referred to the appropriate Officer for further investigation as it is part of an Amalgamation.
- or if the application to be "CANCELLED" is either a FR or TP, the CANCEL button with be greyed out if that Applications title version's status is NOT "DXc" as for a FR or TP the title must also be CANCELLED to allow the application to be cancelled.
The CANCEL button can also be "greyed out" if the selected Working Group permissions does not allow the "CANCEL" action to be performed.
I get an Error message when trying to CANCEL an application
This can happen for the following reasons;
- When Cancelling an Application information is passed to both the Finance System and BOPS. If either system is unavailable then an Error message is displayed.
I do a ROI name search via the LRS but it does not show in the LRS ROI Search/Disclosure Results on RoSnet
A possible reason for this is that a HYPHEN has been used in one of the names searched for. HYPHENS should NOT be included in searches.
Where do I locate the LRS COMMON LINKS data and if I have a deed that could be added who do I contact?
The LRS Common Links data is available on the LRS casework Desk under "Search". The link shown below explains the Common Links further and list's the current contact with the required permissions to make additions, amendments or delete existing entries. The actual pdf images for the Links can be found under the "Quick Links" section on the Intranet.
An "OUTSTANDING APPLICATION" is an application that has been sitting at or in transit to a Location or even with a person for an unexpected length of time.
An outstanding application can occur for a variety of reasons. Many still exist from the back conversion project in the late 1990's. Extensive work has been carried out over the years in an attempt to clear or reset them to the correct status but many still exist. Work is still ongoing. If current applications are not attached or completed properly they can soon turn in to outstanding applications. If applications are not completed properly or not completed in the correct order they can lead to Title Versions being overwritten.
How do I suggest that a new item is added to a LRS PICKLIST. Please note that Creditor Codes are dealt with within the Data Integrity Section (see FAQ on CREDITOR CODE).
Use the Production System Amendment form available via RoSnet .
How do I suggest that a new CREDITOR CODE is added to the LRS Creditors picklist?
Use the LRS Creditor Code request form available via RoSnet.
What is STATIC DATA and how does it affect the LRS and other systems?
Static Data is a term used to describe data that has been mutually agreed for use on systems on a constant basis throughout the ROS network. On LRS this is generally available on the picklists. The data shown within these picklists has a corresponding affect on other system such as BOPS which rely on the uniformity of the data.
Although LRS has what is known as free data fields it is important that Users select the data from picklists where these exist.
LRS static data fields are currently maintained by the Data Integrity Unit.
See the "Data Integrity Information Paper 04/2008 LRS Picklists" on the availability of Picklists in LRS.
How do I add an "AS ENTRY" name to the B Section of my Title Sheet? and when should this be used
The "Data Integrity Information Paper 5/2008 Clarification on B. Section Entries" explains the use of the "As Entry" function on LRS. It is important this is used where appropriate. Settlers should be aware that the B. Section "Use in CC" tick box for the "As Entry" Entry may need to be de-selected when using this function.
How do I check if I have applications that have been released to me on the CASE MOVEMENT system of LRS?
The "Data Integrity Information Paper 8/2008 LRS Refresh/ View Personal Buttons" explains how to check.
What is an IDA FORM and when should I use it?
ILR is an abbreviation of Inaccuracy in Land Register (Internal). Links to the appropriate page of the Registration Manual can be found on all workdesks of the LRS under the Help menu. Update, August 2023: The ILR form has been superseded by the Title Inaccuracy Service, found via the LRS Help menu.
See "Data Integrity Information Paper 12/2008 Internal Data Amendment (IDA) Forms" for full details.
When should I add an APPLICATION NOTE in preference to a TITLE NOTE or NEXT APPLICATION NOTE (NAN)?
The general rule is that Title/Plans N&I should only be used where information is permanently required as a means to explain why a decision has been made that affects the underlying Title. Current decisions such as "ROI is Clear" should be added to the Application N&I where this will not clutter up the Title Notes.
Where possible NAN's should be selected from the picklist. Obsolete NAN's should always be removed.
For more information see "Registration Manual - Adding Notes to the LRS".
If I require the text of a BURDEN VERSION corrected who should I approach and what should this amend?
A brief explanation is available on the LRS Support webpage "Burden Amend Permission – instructions". For those who have the Burden Amend permission, the actual deed-burden rules can be viewed via the following link. "Deed-Burden Rules".
How should Tables within burden text be set up
Tables should be set up so that they do NOT exceed the width of the D. Section gridlines. See "D. Section table example".
What is the "Use in CC" option in the B. Section?
See "Data Integrity Information Paper 06/2011 - Land Register- Use in CC option in B Section.". for full details.
If I have a LRS question that has not been included in the above FAQ's what should I do?
If your Team Leader cannot give you an answer or is unavailable please e-mail the IT Service Desk.
Registers of Scotland (RoS) seeks to ensure that the information published in the 2012 Act Registration Manual is up to date and accurate but it may be amended from time to time.
The Manual is an internal document intended for RoS staff only. The information in the Manual does not constitute legal or professional advice and RoS cannot accept any liability for actions arising from its use.
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