Requesting a Map Update (MU)

Requests can be sent to Mapbase Maintenance for an amendment to the registered extent of a cadastral unit.

What is an MU?

When updating a cadastral unit, the MBM officer can compare old and new versions of the OS basemap to create a new version of the cadastral unit using a Map Update (MU) application:

  • An MU application only exists within the mapping database - the application is not recognised by the LRS.
  • An MU application number is based on the year created, the number generated within the current year, and the relevant cadastral unit number.

When is an MU request appropriate?

An MU should only be requested in the following circumstances:

  • Minor /cosmetic changes (for example, snapping to vector points).
  • Back conversion errors where no DWs have been issued since back conversion.
  • Increasing the extent of restricted tenement steading cadastral units - no Plans HEO approval required in this particular scenario, although AO plans officers should get EO approval for this type of MU request.

When is an MU request not appropriate?

  • Each MU request will be treated on its own merits, however an MU will not be created that could affect the warranty given to a registered owner by the Keeper under section 73 of the 2012 Act.
  • Non-cosmetic or major changes (for example, moving the position of a legal boundary, reducing the extent of a tenement steading cadastral unit).
  • Where an agent or owner has consented in writing to changes to a registered title, a Rectification (RR) application should be used rather than an MU application. Please refer to the Post Registration Enquiries team.

How to request an MU?

Requests were formerly sent on a P110 form but this form is no longer used. MU requests can now be sent directly to - the email should be titled MU Request - [title number].

Please include details of the affected title(s)/cadastral unit(s), what update is required to the plans reference(s), and if appropriate give the details of any COF or PR that already has the updated mapping that can be used for copying & pasting through from.

Ensure a Plans HEO has approved the request and that they are copied into the e-mail or arrange for them to send it directly on your behalf.

Please note, if requesting an MU for increasing the extent of a restricted tenement steading cadastral unit, no Plans HEO approval is required and an email to MBM with the header “Tenement Steading Update Request” is sufficient, although AO plans officers should get EO approval for this type of MU request.

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The Manual is an internal document intended for RoS staff only. The information in the Manual does not constitute legal or professional advice and RoS cannot accept any liability for actions arising from its use.
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