Prepare Case and Release to Next Destination - FR Intake and Closing Notes

Process Steps

7.1 Add any relevant notes to the application workdesk (e.g. original deed sent to Books of C&S).

7.2 Place the flysheet and documents in the appropriate casebag with the documentation for scan in one folder and the remaining documents in another folder.

7.3 Complete "tie in" card where there is a prior application still in RoS (if applicable).

7.4 If there is a DW application accompanying the lead application, take on this application at "Intake Con", in the same way as for the lead application.

7.4.1 If the DW has the same title number as the lead application, attach the DW to the lead application on LRS.

 Attach an application

To attach an application on the LRS:

A.1 Open the DW application.

A.2 Click "Attach".

A.3 A list of possible applications to attach to will be listed. Highlight the lead application (usually the FR).

A.4 3 message boxes will appear - click "OK" to each one.

A.5 The DW application will disappear - this means that it is now attached to the lead application.

A.6 To check that the DW has attached correctly, open the lead application and check that the DW application is listed under the "Attached/Rel Apps (0/0)" tab.

7.4.2 If the DW has a different title number from the lead application, release to Plans Midpoint Scan or HHO Midpoint Scan, as appropriate.

7.5 Release application to Plans Midpoint Scan or HH Midpoint Scan, as appropriate.

7.6 Check pocket of casebag contains a white route card with the correct title number.

7.7 Place case on appropriate shelf for Centralised Support to have documentation added to scan.

Prepare cheques for Finance

7.8 Ensure that on completion of work on eFin at the end of the day the batch is posted and any cheques are prepared for Finance. 

Additional Information

Process Ends

Registers of Scotland (RoS) seeks to ensure that the information published in the 2012 Act Registration Manual is up to date and accurate but it may be amended from time to time.
The Manual is an internal document intended for RoS staff only. The information in the Manual does not constitute legal or professional advice and RoS cannot accept any liability for actions arising from its use.
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