Splitting Documents on the CMS

Splitting Documents on the CMS

Only the application form and live deed should be archived as such on CMS. Where a supporting document has been included as part of  the APF or live deed, the document should be split into the separate deeds and the documents arranged correctly using the Reclassify function. See also - Merging Documents

Supporting documents should not be archived under APFs or live deeds. 

The whole of the application form should be archived as a single document

The whole of the live deed should be archived as a single document. 


  1. Open the document which you need to split.
  2. Save it to your desktop, or to your files, as a PDF.
  3. Open ABBYY FineReader
    1. If you don't have a shortcut for ABBYY FineReader, you can find it using the Windows Search Function.
    2. Within ABBYY FineReader, click Open PDF Document
  4. Open your saved PDF from the same location where you saved it. 
  5. Using the panel on the left, delete the pages that are not required. 
  6. When all unnecessary pages have been deleted, save the updated document with a new name
    1. Do not delete the original document yet, because you will need it for the next stage. 
  7. Attach the new document to the CMS as a supporting document. 
    1. Use the Reclassify function to change the new document to Live Deed or APF.
  8. Using the original saved document, use ABBYY FineReader again to save the part of the document which needs to be saved as a supporting document. 
  9. Attach the new supporting document to the CMS case. 
  10. Delete the original document and any copies from your files. 

The information on this page relates to the Original CMS FR platform. For guidance relating to the LR CMS, see CMS Resources

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