Remove LRS Applications from CMS Case

Remove LRS Applications from CMS Case

There may be occasions where you are required to remove LRS applications from your case on CMS. This may be required where additional LRS applications have been created and are later cancelled on LRS because they are not required. 

For example: A land title and minerals title, fishing title or Sea title has been created but it is discovered later that the additional title is not required.

The LRS titles should be cancelled in the usual way and you should then update the CMS case to remove the additional LRS applications.

Nothing will be archived on the CMS for the cancelled title. If anything does require to be archived to explain why the additional title has been cancelled, please either add this to the archive or business record for the title using BOPS, or make sure the LRS notes on the cancelled title indicate that the relevant information is archived in CMS under the continuing title. See Land Register Archive for further details. 

The information on this page relates to the Original CMS FR platform. For guidance relating to the LR CMS, see CMS Resources

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