Abbreviations Used on Ordnance Maps

Abbreviations Used on Ordnance Maps

The restrictions imposed by lack of space on maps, as well as the requirement for them to appear uncluttered, means that many abbreviations are used to describe features on maps. Ordnance Survey (OS) use a range of symbols and abbreviations on their maps; some are only used on the large scale maps (for example, Mastermap), others on small scale maps (for example, Landranger Maps).

This is just a short list of some very common OS map feature abbreviations. The National Library of Scotland maintains a much more comprehensive list

Allot GdnsAllotment Gardens
Amb StaAmbulance Station
BGBurial Ground
BMBench Mark
BSBoundary Stone
CHClub House
Dismtd RlyDismantled Railway
El Sub StaElectricity Sub Station
F StaFire Station
FBFoot Bridge
FCForestry Commission
FE StaFire Engine Station
Ferry V or FFerries - Vehicular, Foot
FPFoot Path
Gas GovGas Governor
GHGreen House
L HoLighthouse
LCLevel Crossing
MH & MLWSMean High and Mean Low Water Springs
MPMile Post
MSMile Stone
NTLNormal Tidal Limit
NTSNational Trust for Scotland
PCPublic Convenience
POPost Office
PWPlace of Worship
SMSloping Masonry
YHYouth Hostel

Registers of Scotland (RoS) seeks to ensure that the information published in the 2012 Act Registration Manual is up to date and accurate but it may be amended from time to time.
The Manual is an internal document intended for RoS staff only. The information in the Manual does not constitute legal or professional advice and RoS cannot accept any liability for actions arising from its use.
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