Create Advance Notice on DMS/Ops Tool

Create Advance Notice on DMS/Ops Tool

Process Steps

Additional Information

 Creating and Mapping AN on DMS

Create Advance Notice on DMS

1.1 Complete an index map and title search on DMS to ensure the AN can be mapped.

1.2 Check/change default printer settings on DMS to anpdf before creating AN.

1.3 Go to NAP and Create AN Entry.

1.4 Add Assigned User - your CPF number.

1.5 Input County Reference followed by the AN number.

1.6 Go to Modify Index Entry, type in deed type, the parties and the address/description of the plot affected by the AN.  

1.7 F3 to confirm.

1.7.1 The index entry created is automatically added to DMS select list.

Ident Subjects on DMS

1.8 Select AN case on DMS and ident using PT number.

1.9 Identify plot, zoom in and set seed point.

Map on DMS

1.10 Map plot extent and references from AN using a mauve hatch. It will be for the enquirer to check the AN in the archive record for for full details.

1.10.1 If the plan or property description in the AN makes reference to the additional references on the plan all the identified references should be mapped.

1.10.2 If the plan or property description in the AN does not make reference to the additional references on the plan the AN reference mapped should be restricted to the primary plot if clearly identifiable.

1.11 If instructed by referral officer map the plot using the digitiser.

1.12 Select print - this will generate a pdf version of the plan.

1.12.1 DMS print settings should be set to "anpdf".

1.12.2 Use ad hoc to generate print - select base scale if possible.

1.12.3 Press print to generate pdf.

1.13 Close and authorise advance notice on the DMS.

1.13.1 The pdf is automatically saved to the folder "an_pdf".


 Creating and Mapping AN on Ops Tool

Create Advance Notice on Ops Tool

1.1 Sign into ops tool.

1.2 Open syntegra menu

1.3 Set user's default county to ORKNEY/ZETLAND.

1.4 Complete an index map and title search on ops tool to ensure the AN can be mapped.

1.5 Check/change default printer settings on ops tool to anpdf before creating AN.

1.6 Go to NAP and Create AN Entry.

1.7 Add Assigned User - your CPF number.

1.8 Input County Reference followed by the AN number.

1.9 Go to Modify Index Entry, type in deed type, the parties and the address/description of the plot affected by the AN.  

1.10 F3 to confirm.

1.10.1 The index entry created is automatically added to ops tool select list.

Ident Subjects on Ops Tool

1.11 Select AN case on ops tool and ident using maptile or post code.

1.12 Identify plot, zoom in and set seed point.

Map on Ops Tool

1.13 Map plot extent and references from AN using a mauve hatch. It will be for the enquirer to check the AN in the archive record for for full details.

1.13.1 If the plan or property description in the AN makes reference to the additional references on the plan all the identified references should be mapped.

1.13.2 If the plan or property description in the AN does not make reference to the additional references on the plan the AN reference mapped should be restricted to the primary plot if clearly identifiable.

1.14 In the worktab select Print. Select the printer name 'Advance Notice Printer'.

1.15 Ensure the 'Print to file box' is ticked and 'ok'.

1.16 In the pop up box save the file under 'anpdf'.

1.16.1 The file name should be saved under the Advance Notice reference.

1.17 Close and authorise advance notice on the ops tool.

1.18 On the desktop click on the "Create AN PDF" icon. This will turn the print file saved above into a PDF version with the name of the AN (AN number) inserted at the top.

1.19 Retrieve the AN pdf from the file windows(c)/andpdf.

1.20 Drag the AN pdf onto the desktop and delete the version in the c drive.

1.21 The pdf can now be uploaded into the AN handler.

1.22 If necessary revert the county back to the default users choice.




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