Amending Book and Folio Numbers

Amending Book and Folio Numbers

If you wish to amend the book and folio numbers that appear on a computerised search sheet that you have created, complete the following steps:

1.1 Login to CSR,using the relevant user IDs and passwords

1.2 Highlight "CSS Enquiry".

1.3 Press <F5> to select.

1.4 Enter details of the county and search sheet you wish to amend.

1.5 Press the <Enter> key. This will display the search sheet you wish to amend.

1.6 Press the <F9> key. Ensure that the option "From information" is highlighted.

1.7 Press <return> key.The system will display details of the book and folio numbers. Make the necessary amendments.

1.8 Press <F10> until the connection is terminated.

Registers of Scotland (RoS) seeks to ensure that the information published in the 2012 Act Registration Manual is up to date and accurate but it may be amended from time to time.
The Manual is an internal document intended for RoS staff only. The information in the Manual does not constitute legal or professional advice and RoS cannot accept any liability for actions arising from its use.
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