Refunds - eFin

Refunds - eFin

Occasionally, agents make an overpayment of registration dues and a refund requires to be issued. The following procedure should be used to ensure that Finance receive the correct details of the refund to be issued.

Refunds over £200 require authorisation. Once the batch report has been printed, pass it to a Referral Point or Team Leader.


Process Steps

Additional Information

Overpayment identified prior to processing on eFinancials


8.1 On the Cash on Account screen, add the first six digits of the cheque number to the Our Reference field.


8.2 In the Pre-Payment (Case) screen, add the amount of the overpayment into the Refund Amount field.


8.3 Amend the fee box on the application form to reflect the correct fee for the application and take a photocopy of the front page of the application form to which the refund applies. This copy should then be secured to the cheque against which the refund has been processed.


8.4 If refund is being processed with SAF, all pages must be copied.




Overpayment identified by eFinancials


8.5 If eFinancials calculates an over payment, the cheque amount entered on the Cash on Account screen and the fees entered on the pre-payment screen will not match. A warning message will appear. Click OK to clear the message.


8.6 In the Pre-Payment (Case) screen, add the amount of the overpayment into the Refund Amount field.


8.7 Click the Notepad button at the bottom of the screen.


8.8 Click OK to close this screen and to return to the Cash on Account screen.


8.9 Enter the first six digits of the cheque number In the Their Reference field and click the Confirm button.


8.10 Amend the fee box on the application form to reflect the correct fee for the application and take a photocopy of the front page of the application form to which the refund applies. This copy should then be secured to the cheque against which the refund has been processed.


8.11 If refund is being processed with SAF, all pages must be copied.




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