Sample Property Section Styles - Non Tenement Property
- Editor9
- RPT Admin (Unlicensed)
Owned by Editor9
Apr 16, 2020
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For more examples of property section styles for particular property types (for example, garages, plots of ground, gas governor sites, etc), please see the Indexing Guidelines section.
1. Red edging used to reflect the precise extent of the cadastral unit
Example 1.1 | Prefix | Address | Suffix |
| Subjects cadastral unit DMF98765 | 71 HIGH STREET, DUMFRIES, DG1 2BN | edged red on the cadastral map |
Example 1.2 | Prefix | Address | Suffix |
| Subjects cadastral unit ELN111555 | FORTH VIEW, COPE LANE, PORT SEATON, PRESTONPANS, EH32 0DP | edged red on the cadastral map |
Example 1.3 | Prefix | Address | Suffix |
| Subjects cadastral unit DMB88884 being the lock-up garage at | KILDRUM ROAD, CLYDEBANK | edged red on the cadastral map |
Example 1.4Â | Prefix | Address | Suffix |
| Subjects cadastral unit LAN234987 on the east side of | HIGH STREET, BIGGAR | edged red on the cadastral map |
Example 1.5 | Prefix | Address 1 | link text | Address 2 | Suffix |
| Subjects cadastral unit ABN468024 lying to the north of the road from | ELLON | to | STRICHEN, FRASERBURGH | edged red on the cadastral map being 5.12 hectares in measurement on the Ordnance Map |
Example 1.6 | Prefix | Address | Suffix |
| Subjects cadastral unit REN23456 being the site of the electricity sub-station on the west side of | CARTSBURN ROAD, GREENOCK | edged red on the cadastral map |
Example 1.7 | Prefix | Address 1 | Suffix |
| Subjects cadastral unit REN75643 | PLOT 66, VIEWFORTH ESTATE, RENFREW ROAD, INCHINNAN, RENFREW | edged red on the cadastral map |
2. Tinting used to reflect the precise extent of the cadastral unit when red edging is not appropriate
Example 2.1 | Prefix | Address | Suffix |
| Subjects cadastral unit AYR908673 | 77 HAYDOCKS ROAD, STEVENSTON, KA20 4DQ | tinted pink on the cadastral map |
Example 2.2 | Prefix | Address | Suffix |
| Subjects cadastral unit ROX75319 | CHURCH VIEW, MAIN STREET, KIRK YETHOLM, KELSO, TD5 8PF | tinted pink on the cadastral map with the garden ground tinted blue on the cadastral map |
Example 2.3 | Prefix | Address | Suffix |
| Subjects cadastral unit WLN118844 | 18 CATHERINE GROVE, BO'NESS, EH51 9AU | tinted pink and blue on the cadastral map with the garden ground and bin store tinted yellow and mauve respectively on the cadastral map |
Example 2.4 | Prefix | Address | Suffix |
| Subjects cadastral unit REN23456 being the site of the electricity sub-station on the west side of | CARTSBURN ROAD, GREENOCK | tinted pink on the cadastral map |
Example 2.5 | Prefix | Address 1 | Suffix |
| Subjects cadastral unit REN75643 | PLOT 66, VIEWFORTH ESTATE, RENFREW ROAD, INCHINNAN, RENFREW | tinted pink on the cadastral map |
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