Changing the Cadastral Unit Number on the LRS

Changing the Cadastral Unit Number on the LRS

In those applications for flatted properties where the flat is being described as forming part of a tenement steading cadastral unit that is not the same number as the flat's title number, there is a Cadastral Unit field in the A property section workdesk of the LRS that needs to be changed manually.


This change will also be required in the title sheets for leases when the cadastral unit number referred to is that given to the landlord's title.



  1. Tenement steading cadastral unit MID148000 has previously been set up on the cadastral map when the first flat in the block (MID148000) was registered.

  2. The current application is for the 2nd flat in the block - MID159296. This will be described in the property section as forming part of cadastral unit MID148000.

  3. The cadastral unit shown by default in the Cadastral Unit field of the A Property Section workdesk will be the same number as the title number of the flat - MID159296. This needs to be manually changed to the cadastral unit number of the tenement steading (in this example, MID148000).

  4. Open the A property section workdesk. The Cadastral Unit field should be white and you can manually type in the cadastral unit number of the tenement steading cadastral unit.

  5. Once changed, close the workdesk and apply the changes.



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