If an LRS application has been created in error, the application must be cancelled.
- In CMS, follow the Remove Application process to remove the relevant LRS application from the case.
- Ensure this is done prior to cancelling the application in LRS as the CMS case can be broken if the process is not followed correctly.
- In LRS, delete all information on the Application Workdesk - deeds, applicants/granters, email addresses etc.
- If UID numbers have been created, send an email to Finance Direct Debits notifying them that the UID should be cancelled since it was created in error.
- Click Apply, then Confirm.
- Take a note of the application number before releasing to Intake Cancel.
- Release the application to Intake Cancel.
- Take on the application at Intake Cancel.
- In the open workdesk, type 'application created in error' in the additional information field.
- If there are Move Notes then leave these untouched.
- Delete any Deed line information.
- Delete all information in the A section and click Apply.
- Change category to Cl.
- Click Cancel.
- The application should disappear and has now been cancelled.
- Continue to process the CMS case as appropriate.