This is the registration manual for 1979 casework.
Do not under any circumstances use the information here when settling 2012 casework. This resource has been archived and is no longer being updated. As such, it contains many broken links. Much of the information contained here is obsolete or superseded.
P17.2 Updating the CDI
17.2.1 Creating a new Common Deed
If the CDI search draws a blank for the date you have entered the following message will appear:
1. Click on OK to clear the screen.
2. In the Deed Search screen click on arrow next to the field marked Reg with the left-hand mouse button this will activate a picklist. Click on the register in which your deed is from i.e. GRS BR, PR etc. (the system will not let you progress any further unless this field is filled in) and the Daily Number (if known) for your deed and click on New Deed.
3. In the Deed Create/Amend screen:
- Use the drop-down picklists to select the Deed Type.
- The field marked Class must not be changed by the Plans Officer but left as the default D
- Mark that the deed is a common deed by using the drop down picklist and selecting Y
- Check the Preservation box if applicable by clicking it with the left hand mouse button (Where a deed is stated to be recorded in the Books of Council Session (See Plans Glossary - Books of Council and Session) the deed is known as a preservation deed and The National Archives of Scotland hold the original deed and the check box marked "preservation" should be checked.)
- Check the Duplicate box if applicable by clicking it with the left hand mouse button (If the deed has duplicate plan stamped on the front or is referred to in the abridgements or the search sheet as a duplicate plan. An authenticated copy of the original plan is held by The National Archives of Scotland which was presented for safe keeping in the Books of Council and Session (See Plans Glossary - Books of Council and Session) at the same time as the deed was recorded in the Sasine Register and the check box marked "duplicate" should be checked.)
4. Type in the Grantee/Grantor/Book/Folio and Subject details in the appropriate fields.
5. Complete the Element field. You can type the information straight in or make use of the picklist (access by a right hand mouse-click in the element field) or use a combination of picklist and type. All abstracting notes and information relevant to a Plans Settler should be entered in this field.)
17.2.2 CDI search reveals list of deeds, none of which correspond to your deed
If the system brings forward deeds recorded on the date you have entered but none correspond with the burden deed you are using, you should then fill in the Register details e.g. GRS/PRS etc and the Daily Number (if known) and click on New Deed.
Then follow instructions at Creating a new Common Deed.
17.2.3 CDI search reveals list of deeds one of which corresponds to your deed
1. Select the appropriate deed by clicking on it with the left hand mouse button it will be high lighted in blue and then click on Amend.
Update the Element field to include your information. You can type the information straight in or make use of the picklist (access by a right hand mouse-click in the element field) or use a combination of picklist and type. All abstracting notes and information relevant to a Plans Settler should be entered in this field.
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This is the registration manual for 1979 casework.
Do not under any circumstances use the information here when settling 2012 casework. This resource has been archived and is no longer being updated. As such, it contains many broken links. Much of the information contained here is obsolete or superseded.
The Manual is an internal document intended for RoS staff only. The information in the Manual does not constitute legal or professional advice and RoS cannot accept any liability for actions arising from its use.
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