This is the registration manual for 1979 casework.
Do not under any circumstances use the information here when settling 2012 casework. This resource has been archived and is no longer being updated. As such, it contains many broken links. Much of the information contained here is obsolete or superseded.
P14.2 User Tips
Occasionally it is necessary to change the Parent Title number of a Transfer of Part i.e. the agent has quoted the wrong number or perhaps the original number quoted has now been amalgamated with an earlier application
The application record on the LRS will be updated to reflect this change.
If the Transfer has been sent to the DMS for any reason (i.e. auto P.I., manual P.I., map, etc.) an entry will have been created in the DMS for that application, therefore any changes made to the Parent Title on the LRS will not be reflected on the DMS.
If this happens the following procedure must be followed in order that the Parent Title can be updated on the DMS.
Contact IT Services either via helpmate or the helpline quoting the current application number of the case and the new Parent Title number. (IT Services will update the Parent Title number at database level to the new one.)
Once the Parent Title number has been updated (IT Services will inform the user accordingly) the case will now be able to proceed as normal.
Please note if the Parent Title plan has been selected as a current case prior to changing the parent title number a copy of the last authorised version of that Parent Title will have been created in extent. Obviously this should happen very rarely as the user should not be accessing the Parent Title extent until the TP has been mapped as per current guidelines. If this has happened to rectify, close down the Parent Title extent on the drawing tool and using the "Create Duplicate Title" function on the forms, in order to correct the Parent Title number to reflect the correct Parent Title extent.
Sometimes the Title Plan will require numerous overlapping references. In order that the Title Plan is clear various coloured edgings may have to be utilised. This could mean that there could be as many as three different colour edgings following a feature but it is obviously apparent that one of the edgings cannot abut the feature itself. Therefore how do you proceed to complete the application so that it is quite clear what the limits to each reference are? Answer: see below.
Title Plan | How this was done. 1. Add red edged polygon as normal. 2. Add blue edge polygon as normal and flip sides marked 1, 2 and 3 on diagram. 3. Complete yellow polygon using a thin edge, where the yellow edge sits on top of the red edge, the red edge will appear to be a thin red edge 4. Create small red polygons (ensure that the outer edge colour is yellow not black) from the red edge over the yellow edge to the O.S. feature (or plotted line) that the red edge follows - see 4 on diagram. In other words bar the red edge to the feature. Common sense should prevail on how many barring polys are used normally only one is require along each feature, however if the feature is long, for instance, a large field more may be required. If more edges are required they can be added using the various edge thickness appropriately. |
14.2.4 Re-identing a Title or an Index
Occasionally either through Auto PI or Manual PI the wrong map will be associated with a Title/Index. The RePI button allows the user to reallocate the Title/Index with another map.
1. The Title/Index should be open on the Drawing Tool
2. Click on the RePI button on the Drawing Tool.
3. The RePI functionality will not work if there are any drawing objects present in the Title /Index. If there are any drawing objects the following dialogue box will appear.
The user must first DELETE all drawing objects from the extent, and SAVE the extent to the database and click on the RePI button on the Drawing Tool again
4. A dialogue box will appear prompting the user for confirmation to proceed.
5. By clicking on YES, the system will delete all existing PI information for the current case, and a manual PI dialogue will be displayed. This dialogue will continue in the same way as for normal manual PI.
It should be noted that the RePI function will not operate when a title is being edited as the parent of a TP or TA case.
14.2.5 Adding Road Names to a title plan
Road name is shown on the Ordnance Survey Map, however, as a result of the position of the road name in relation to your subjects, it does not appear on Title Plan.
If possible the Title Plan should be re-centred to include the road name, without creating more pages to the Title Plan. In order to do this the user should place a white line, using the drawing element, as near to the road name as possible (do not set extent on this object). By placing this line it will re-centre the plan so as to accommodate the appropriate road name.
Where the Title Plan cannot be re-centred to include the road name i.e. more pages would be added to the Title Plan. Then the road name must be added to the Title Plan using the text functionality in black.
Road name is not shown on the Ordnance Survey Map, but can be ascertained from evidence in the application.
As the road name has not be confirmed by the Ordnance Survey the road name must be added to the Title Plan using the text functionality in blue.
Consideration should be given to completing a P98 see Section 18.8 - Form P98 Requisitions.
Note: In new developments a P32 requisition will pick up the road name as a matter of course.
When the Ordnance Survey have confirmed the road name the Title will be updated by Mapbase Maintenance to reflect the road name in black.
14.2.6 Adding House Names to a title plan
House name in documentation but not shown on OS map
The house name should be added to the Title Plan in blue. Do not send a P98 requisition (see section 18.8 - Form P98 Requisitions) which is used to report possible errors, ambiguities, queries and to add data (road names only) within Land-Line specification. In this instance no house name is shown therefore no Land-Line data to query.
Note 1: OS policy on the inclusion of house names in Land-Line states that house names are shown in lieu of house numbers where visual evidence from nameboards exists.
Note 2: It is recommended that if you still have any reason to doubt the accuracy/likelihood of the description given in the documents, then the application should be placed in standover pending confirmation from the OS.
House name in documentation differs from house name on OS map
If conflict exists between the house name supplied in the deeds and that shown on the OS map every effort should be taken to ascertain the correct version from the Agent.
Note: If the house name shown on the OS map is obviously a previous name, in that the deeds clearly relate the situation (e.g. "formerly 'The Cottage', now known as 'Apple Cottage' ") no confirmation from the Agent is required and the following procedure should be adopted.
Where evidence exists that the OS map is incorrect the house name should be crossed through in blue on the OS map and the new house name added in blue. A P98 should be completed and submitted to Mapbase Maintenance. See Section 18.8 - Form P98 Requisitions.
When the Ordnance Survey have confirmed the house name the Title will be updated by Mapbase Maintenance to reflect the new house name in black.
Note: it is recommended that if you still have any reason to doubt the accuracy/likelihood of the description given in the documents, then the application should be placed in standover pending confirmation from the OS.
Spelling of House name differs between documentation and OS map
If conflict exists between the house name supplied in the deeds and that shown on the OS map every effort should be taken to ascertain the correct spelling through the Agent.
If Agent confirms that the OS map is incorrect then the house name should be crossed through in blue on the OS map and the correct spelling of the house name added in blue. A P98 should be completed and submitted to Mapbase Maintenance. See Section 18.8 - Form P98 Requisitions.
When the Ordnance Survey have confirmed the correct spelling the Title will be updated by Mapbase Maintenance to reflect the correct spelling in black.
Note: it is recommended that if you still have any reason to doubt the accuracy/likelihood of the description given in the documents, then the application should be placed in standover pending confirmation from the OS.
14.2.7 When to add road "from and to"Where the subjects either abut or are near to a roadway but the roadway is not named.
The description will be related to the nearest towns or villages to which the road, in each direction links e.g.
Subjects on the north east side of the road leading from KILMACOLM to BRIDGE OF WEIR, edged red on the Title Plan.
The labels "From KILMACOLM " and "To BRIDGE OF WEIR " must be added in blue to the Title Plan. See example below: -
Note 1:The deed plan and/or description may offer guidance with regard to the nearest towns.
Note 2: At no time should a Ministry of Transport road Classification (e.g. A74) be used as part of the description. Although large-scale re-classification is unlikely, it does happen in small sections of road, such as the construction of a by-pass. The by-pass will take on the road classification of the main route and the old stretch of road will be re-classified. E.g., the stretch of road that goes through Tranent and Musselburgh was part of the A1 trunk road, and was re-classified as the A199 on completion of the by-pass which in turn now forms the new route of the A1. In that example, in the event of any registered properties that had been described in relation to the old road classification, they would therefore be incorrect.
Note 3: For clarification where the property can be identified by a house name locality/post town and postcode there is no need to relate the subjects to a roadway, where the roadway is not named.
Where subjects are a plot of ground remote from any public roadways.
In the instance where your subjects are too remote from any public roadways and using the above method ('from and to') would result in a multi-page extract being created
refer to TL/RO1 for advice. Coloured pecked lines
When creating a polygon the line defining the polygon should always be a black pecked line.
Points to Note -
If the polygon has been bordered in the wrong colour you cannot simply select the polygon and click on the correct colour in the palette, as this will only change the colour of the pecked line.
For clarification, the following procedures should be adopted: -
To change Border colour, once "Poly" is bordered.
- Select bordered polygon and unborder
- Click on the done button - nothing should be selected.
- Click on the required colour in the edge palette.
- Select the polygon and click on medium in border menu (or other appropriate line thickness).
- The result should be pecked line in black and border in chosen colour.
To change Pecked line to black once "Poly" is bordered.
- Select bordered polygon.
- Click on the black colour in the edge palette, the pecked line should now be black.
- The result should be pecked line in black and bordered in chosen colour.
To change a solid line to a pecked line once "Poly" is bordered.
If you try and change the line style from a solid line to a pecked line once the "poly" has been bordered it will result in the border having a black pecked line around the various segments of the border
- With no objects selected, click on border colour in edge palette
- Select bordered polygon and unborder
- Click on the pecked line style.
- Click on medium in border menu (or other appropriate line thickness).
- The result should be pecked line in black and bordered in chosen colour.
14.2.8 Multiple Polygons for the same area
During quality checks it is often found that polygons have been duplicated several times within a Title. This is also encountered a great deal by Mapbase Maintenance staff when updating maptiles.
How are Multiple Polygons created?
1. Using the Copy and Paste Functions - Multiple polygons can easily be pasted into a Title as the user inadvertently clicks on the PASTE button more than once. It will not be apparent that the user has pasted in a second polygon as it is placed directly on top of the first and therefore when looking at the DMS there will be no apparent change to the user.
2. Using the Duplicate Title Function - The user duplicates a Title that already contains multiple polygons and therefore duplicates this error into their current title
3. Using the Intersect Polygon Function - Many Titles when mapped have multiple polygons that were created either by a lack of awareness of the functionality (See Example 1 and 3 below) or by copying from a Title that already held multiple polygons (See Example 2 below).
When using the Intersect Polygon functionality users should be aware that this functionality will transfer ALL polygons DISPLAYED on the Index Layer as far as they affect the polygon selected in the current application. This functionality was widely used for copying from the Index layer prior to the development of the SNAP window, which enables the user to select items from the Index layer to COPY and PASTE.
Bringing through a right in common from prior Titles. - Example 1
Note :- as a result of upgrades to the DMS functionality the SNAP window should now be used to copy items from the Index Map.
Bringing through a right in common from prior Titles. - Example 2
Note: - as a result of upgrades to the DMS functionality the SNAP window should now be used to copy items from the Index Map.
Transferring tints etc from R.A. to the user Current Title - Example 3
Note :- This is still the recommended functionality to bring forward references from the R/A when they only partly affect the users current title.
How do I check if Multiple Polygons exist?
Click ALL on the drawing tool and check the number of items selected against those that you should have. If the number selected is higher then you probably have multiple polygons.
How do I rectify a Multiple Polygon?
If you discover a prior title with multiple polygons an MU application form must be submitted to Mapbase Maintenance for the prior titles in order that the extra polygons can be deleted.
If multiple polygons have erroneously been copied through to the current title this can be rectified by deleting them.
14.2.9 Showing Labels (Arrows) on the Index Map
Occasionally there is a need to show a label on the Index Map layer on the DMS.
For example - to show individual trees on a TPO
- to show a coal/bin cellar that is too small to tint.
In order that the label can be shown on the Index Map the label must be ungrouped (UNGRP) and with both items selected click on the SET EXT button.
14.2.10 Deselecting Drawing Objects
Having selected a number of drawing objects on the DMS you can deselect a drawing object by holding down the SHIFT key whilst clicking on the drawing object you want to deselect.
Multiple drawing objects can be de-selected in this manner as long as the SHIFT key is held.
14.2.11 Displaying a large area of the Mapbase
When selecting a map to view in "Miscellaneous Prints from the Mapbase" you can set the area, which will be displayed, to any value you wish. When you have entered the map reference and the "Eastings" and "Northings" fields show values the cursor will be active in the size field. You may type any value you like here. When you click the View button on the tool panel the drawing tool will open the mapbase with the tile you selected in the middle. The Ordnance Map is not visible at these low levels of zoom but you will be able to search the index map for the displayed tiles.
Warning - carrying out an index map search on large areas can be very time consuming and should only be carried out when absolutely necessary. Bear in mind that there is no way to abandon a lengthy search.
14.2.12 Working with Large Polygons
It is sometimes the case that large polygons are to be created i.e. for a large farm or estate. To create the polygon in one sitting may not be possible i.e. timing constraints, tiring on eyes etc. In this instance the JOIN facility should be utilised.
This button is used to join two polygons into a single polygon. To join two polygons you must start drawing the second polygon from the end point of the first polygon. Select both polygons and click the JOIN button. The two polygons then become one polygon
For Example: - To create a polygon for the area coloured yellow in the diagram in two stages
1. Click on POLY and FOLLOW.
2. Starting at point A on diagram create the polyline ABC.
3. Click the DONE button thrice
4. Click SAVE - this is the completion of stage one
5. On return to complete polygon i.e. stage two
6. Click on POLY and FOLLOW.
7. Snap on to (using middle mouse button) the last point of polyline ABC at point C.
8. Continue creating polyline to point D
9. Click the DONE button twice
10. Ensure both polylines are selected
11. Click on JOIN - you will now have one polyline ABCD and only one item in select list
12. Click on CLOSE to close polygon between points D and A
13. You will now have one complete polygon that can be treated in the same manner as if you had completed it in one stage.
NOTE: -JOIN will only connect two polylines at any one time therefore if you wish to create a polygon in more than two stages you would have to JOIN the polylines at the end of each stage so that there are only ever two polylines, i.e. With reference to the above diagram create polyline AB in stage one ,create polyline BC in stage two and JOIN to have polyline ABC. In third stage create poly line CD and JOIN with polyline ABC etc.
Note: Any polygon that has more than 5,100 points cannot be edged as this will cause the drawing tool to crash instead the polygon will have to have a tint or hatch reference. Polygons liable to incur this number of points tend to be those following coastal waters, foreshore etc.
- What does the term seed point mean?
- Where should a seed point be positioned?
- Who is responsible for checking that seed points have been correctly positioned?
- How do I move a seed point?
- What if prior applications, indexes, or reports exist and their seed points have not been placed on to the building seed point?
- Property forms part of a developing title/new estate (i.e. no building seed exists yet)?
- Why are there sometimes two building seed points within the same block?
- If the mapping style allows me to provide a reference for the solum of the flat, should I move the seed point to this reference?
- What do I do if the seed point for my title/index has been associated with the wrong map?
- Building seeds are in close proximity on the OS Map
What does the term seed point mean?
A seed point is created through the Auto PI and Manual PI process and can be recognised by a blue dot on the DMS. Through the Auto PI process the blue dot is automatically matched with the building seed point and the system automatically stacks all applications/registrations/indexes/reports together. Seed points create markers within the Index Map search facility on the DMS.
building seed on the DMS | seed point on the DMS |
marker on the DMS |
Where should a seed point be positioned?
Individual Properties
As part of the Auto PI process seed points will always be positioned on to the building seed point.
For properties being processed through the Manual PI process the seed point should always be positioned on to the building seed point. Use the middle mouse button to ensure seed point "snaps" to building seed point.
Where the Ordnance Survey have placed neighbouring building seeds in close proximity on the OS map and the seed points for the Auto PI and Manual PI process are associated with these building seeds, this may result in markers being obscured within the index map search functionality. It may be necessary to move the Auto PI or Manual PI seed points away from the building seed under these circumstances. Please see example under heading "Building seeds in close proximity on the OS Map".
Tenement Properties
As part of the Auto PI process seed points will always be positioned on to the building seed point. All tenement applications should be processed through the Auto PI process (with the possible exception of new build, errors within quick address and insufficient address information). The Tenement Template functionality within the DMS is reliant on tenement properties being processed through the Auto PI process and is inoperative if a tenement property has been processed through Manual PI. If large volumes of tenement properties are being processed through Manual PI then this problem should be addressed immediately in your local area.
For tenement properties being processed through the Manual PI process the seed point should be positioned on to the building seed point. All registrations within a tenement should be stacked to the building seed.
Where the Ordnance Survey have placed neighbouring building seeds in close proximity on the OS map and the seed points for the Auto PI and Manual PI process are associated with these building seeds, this may result in markers being obscured within the index map search functionality. It may be necessary to move the Auto PI or Manual PI seed points away from the building seed under these circumstances. Please see example under heading "Building seeds in close proximity on the OS Map".
Plot or area of ground with no building seed
For applications, which have no building seed, the seed point should be positioned in an appropriate position within the extent to be registered or if a prior entry exists then the seed point should be stacked against this.
Who is responsible for checking that seed points have been correctly positioned?
Initially, Plans personnel or Staff administering the Manual PI process should ensure that the seed point is positioned on to the building seed point. Further responsibility lies with the Plans Settler who should also check that any existing seed points for prior entries (i.e. PRC) and registrations are positioned on to the building seed point.
You can only move a seed point for applications open in the drawing tool. Click on "set seed", position cursor over building seed and click with middle mouse button to ensure seed point snaps to building seed point.
What if prior applications, indexes, or reports exist and their seed points have not been placed on to the building seed point?
Prior Applications
For prior applications action required will be dependent upon whether the application is at a location prior to Archive.
If the application is in a location prior to Archive then this application should be retrieved/recalled on to your select list and opened in the drawing tool. This will allow you to re-position the seed point. Once opened in the drawing tool to move seed point click on "set seed", position cursor over building seed and click with middle mouse button to ensure seed point snaps to building seed point.
If the application is at Archive or has been despatched then a Map Update (MU) application form should be completed and passed to Mapbase Maintenance who will re-position the seed point. See Section 8.12.4 and Section 18.8 of the Plans Manual.
Prior Indexes
Place index on to your select list by using re-open an authorised index option on your menu forms, open in the drawing tool, click on "set seed", position cursor over building seed and click with middle mouse button to ensure seed point snaps to building seed point.
No action required.
Property forms part of a Developing Title/New estate (i.e. no building seed exists yet)?
At Manual PI stage seed point should be placed in an appropriate position. If a property forms part of a developing title/new estate and has been idented prior to receipt of new OS detail please ensure that your seed point is moved to the appropriate building seed point.
Why are there sometimes two building seed points within the same block?
This is indicative of a property, which straddles two maptiles. Reports/applications and indexes should be idented against one of the building seed points only.
If the Mapping style allows me to provide a reference for the solum of the flat, should I move the seed point to this reference?
Where the subjects have been mapped using site plan method then the answer is no, the seed point must remain on the building seed point
Where the subjects have been mapped using tinting method and the seed point falls outwith any polygons on the Title then the seed point must be moved so that it falls within the flat extent. However care should be taken to ensure that the relocation of the seed point agrees with any other registrations in the same position but on different floor levels.
What do I do if the seed point for my title/index has been associated with the wrong map?
See instructions in Section 14.2.4
Building seeds are in close proximity on the OS Map
The following illustration highlights the problem that can be created when associating Auto PI and Manual PI seed points to building seeds that are in close proximity on the OS Map.
14.2.14 Text, Label and Stamp Scales
The default size of any Text, Label or Stamp added to a title, index or report is pre-determined by the current print scale on the Drawing Tool
When a title, index or report is first opened on the DMS the print scale will default to the base scale of the underlying map on which the subjects are idented. This means that any text label or stamp added to the map will be added at a pre-determined size suitable for that print scale when the title etc is printed.
If once the title etc has been completed the user then decides to change the print scale then the user must remember that any text, labels or stamps will also required to be amended. Changing the Text Label and Stamp Size
1. Select the drawing element(s) that require to be resized.
2. Click on the print scale to be utilised for printing in the Print Scale panel on the Drawing Tool.
All items selected should now default to the size appropriate for chosen print scale.
14.2.15 Rotating and Sizing Text and Labels above the 82,000,000 line on the DMS
Text and Labels cannot be resized or rotated above the 82,000,000 line as errors will occur in the Title/Index/Report/ Premap. What is the 82,000,000 line?
82,000,000 refers to 82,000,000 cm above OS origin.
The following counties are affected:
County is wholly above line | County is split by line |
Therefore all maptiles on OS Grids NA, NB, NC and ND are affected and all maptiles on OS Grids NF, NG, NH, NJ and NK where: -
1:1250 maps, taking the format
NF/NG/NH/NJ/NK XX YY SE/SW/NE/NW where YY > 19 i.e. NJ3020SW
1:2500 maps, taking the format
NF/NG/NH/NJ/NK XX YY where YY > 19 i.e. NF3245
1:10000 maps, taking the format
NF/NG/NH/NJ/NK X Y SE/SW/NE/NW where Y >= 2 i.e. NH23 NW Procedures Sizing
See Section 14.2.14 Text, Label and Stamp scales. Text should not be sized above that set for the 1:10 000 default. Rotate
The Rotate functionality cannot be used, therefore the following procedures should be used.
When the Label "See Enlargement" is added to the Title Plan it should be completed as follows
1. Click on Label and add the arrow to map.
2. When the dialogue box appears leave blank and click OK.
3. Click on Text and click on the map at the centre point of where text is to be added. When dialogue box appears enter text "See Enlargement" and click OK
Road Names in Built up areas
Try re-centring the Title Plan - See section 14.2.5 Adding Road Names to a title plan. Where road runs east to west add road name in normal fashion using the Text functionality but do not rotate. When this is not appropriate the road name should be left off the Title Plan.
House names
House name should be added as per Section 14.2.6 Adding House Names to a title plan. However it must not be rotated when added but left in the horizontal plane.
Road name "from and to"
Guidelines should be followed as laid down in Section 14.2.7 - When to add road "from and to" However when adding the detail to the map it should be added as follows
1. Click on Label and add the arrow to map in the centre of the roadway as normal.
2. When the dialogue box appears leave blank and click OK.
3. Where the road runs east to west click on Text and click on the map at the centre point of where text is to be added. When dialogue box appears enter text and click OK
4. Where road does not run east to west text information will have to be added at an appropriate spot to the side of the arrow in a clear part of the map. See diagram below. Add the text using the Text functionality in the normal fashion What happens if I inadvertently forget and resize/rotate label/text above the 82,000,000 line?
When this happens it will not be apparent until you either click on SAVE or PRINT. Once clicked the label or text will appear to disappear from the map. However it is still in fact there but has relocated itself on the map many miles north of your property and therefore out of view.
If using the PRINT functionality for a Title Plan you will notice in the Print Preview window that your Title Plan probably has hundreds of pages. It goes without saying: DO NOT PRINT.
To rectify:-
1. Select all drawing elements from the map to be included in the Title/Index/Report/Premap by either clicking on each object or use the select by rectangle button. Do not use the select all button.
2. COPY selected items into the clipboard
3. Click on the select all button - this will select the rogue text/labels as well as the items you can still see.
4. Click on DELETE
5. Click on PASTE to add items held in clipboard
6. Now add text or labels as per instructions in Section Procedures above.
Related content
This is the registration manual for 1979 casework.
Do not under any circumstances use the information here when settling 2012 casework. This resource has been archived and is no longer being updated. As such, it contains many broken links. Much of the information contained here is obsolete or superseded.
The Manual is an internal document intended for RoS staff only. The information in the Manual does not constitute legal or professional advice and RoS cannot accept any liability for actions arising from its use.
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