
This is the registration manual for 1979 casework.
Do not under any circumstances use the information here when settling 2012 casework. This resource has been archived and is no longer being updated. As such, it contains many broken links. Much of the information contained here is obsolete or superseded.


13.6.1 Starting the Drawing Tool

The Drawing Tool is a mouse-driven graphical editor, which will quickly create, edit, file, recall and modify graphical models.

Invoke the drawing tool by clicking the right mouse button in an empty area of the screen and selecting the Drawing Tool option in the menu box.


13.6.2 Mouse Buttons

There are three buttons on the Mouse: -

  • The left button is the most commonly used button. It is used for clicking on buttons, clicking polygon points, construction lines etc. It 'drops' a point at the point on the map where the cursor is.
  • The middle button 'finds' the nearest OS feature point in the underlying map and is used for example with the 'follow' function to snap to a map line.
  • The right button performs the same function as the 'Done' button to finish the current operation.


13.6.3 General Facilities

Instructions are shown at the top of the screen when using drawing tool facilities, you should look at this to see what the next step is and if you want to go back a step press the right mouse button, pressing the right mouse button at the first step will end the chosen facility.

The Dismiss button in the top right of the option windows will close the option window.

The Redraw button in the top right of the main Drawing Tool window will refresh the screen, drawing in all features (as sometimes an option window may erase part of the map).

The following sections describe the facilities of the Drawing Tool Button panel and associated panels/sub-windows.


13.6.4 Viewing Facilities

This section describes buttons which have viewing facilities.

The case type and number of the case you are working on are displayed at the top of the Button Panel.

Case Take-On
his button allows you to open a case into the drawing tool for editing. Only cases which are booked to you on the LRS or cases which you have created yourself using the forms (i.e. indexes and reports) can be opened using this button.

This button exits the Drawing Tool without saving the changes made since the last save. A message will appear, asking you to confirm whether you do wish to exit.

Clicking this button will save the changes you have made to the drawing area.

In order to close down the current case, but not the Drawing Tool, click this button. Your current case is automatically saved.

This closes your current case without saving any changes since your last 'Save'. The Drawing Tool is not closed. A message will appear asking you whether you wish to quit without saving.

Clicking on this button displays the Map Features panel. Click on any of the feature buttons in this panel to turn on/off various map features e.g. roads, centre lines, railways etc. Click on the Reset button to switch the display of all default features back on.

Grid (100m and 1km)
This overlays (or removes) a grid of the indicated size on the display. The grid is based upon the standard OS grid.


Table of Contents

13.6.5 Viewing Options

Clicking on this button will show the Viewing Options panel. This panel allows you to change how you view the model. There are five options to change:

This refers to the scale for viewing the map. There are scales given - 1250 or 2500, or you can click on the 'Manual' button. When the scale is set to Manual, you can use the 'Zoom' facility, but when the scale is set to a fixed scale, 'Zoom' may not be used.

Note – currently, the 1250 and 2500 buttons do not give an accurate scale and they should not be used.

All measurements appear in the co-ordinates boxes. Click on the appropriate buttons to set the type of measurement: -

  • OS shows the Ordnance Survey grid reference in centimetres in the co-ordinates boxes.
  • X/Y gives the X/Y co-ordinates from the last point on the map to be 'clicked'.
  • Distance shows the distance 'as the crow flies' from the last point to be clicked on the map.

In addition the units of measurement may be set as metres, feet or yards.

Tile Visibility
This facility allows you to 'turn on or off' elements of the drawing. Clicking on 'Constr.' will toggle the visibility of construction lines (when the button is red the construction lines are visible). When the 'Details' button is switched from red to blue it removes those features which will not appear on the Index Map (i.e. those polygons upon which the ‘Clr Ext’ button has been operated and any other drawing elements upon which the ‘Set Ext’ button has not been operated). When 'Details' and 'Constr.' are both red, all that remains is the drawing that will be displayed on the Index Map.

Underlay Visibility
Underlay Data
turns off (or on) all underlay data e.g. any objects being displayed by using the Index Map button will disappear if the Underlay Data button is clicked.

13.6.6 Index Map button

Clicking on the Index Map button displays a panel with options to search and display markers and extents for any Index entries.

The panel starts up with the Titles, Index and Reports buttons selected.

Clicking on Search searches the map area in view for all titles, indexes and reports which have extents set within this map area.

If any point of a polygon is covered by this area, it will be shown.

All items found are then listed in the upper set of fields.

Click on List All to display labelled markers in the map area for each of the items found together with their extents. Each coloured quadrant of the marker represents a Report, Notes, Index or Title as shown on the Index Map panel. The name of each item is shown in the panel together with its' type and tenure (if it is a title).

Clicking on Display with no markers selected in the bottom left hand field of the Index Map panel will clear the map display of all the markers.

Click on individual numbered items in the bottom left hand field of the Index Map panel to highlight the marker number and then click on Display to display just the selected items on the map view.

You can display all of the listed items pressing Display All.

The groups of items to be searched for can be altered by deselecting/selecting the Titles, Index, Reports and Att. Text buttons.

Att. Text

Clicking on this button on the right hand side of the Index Map panel displays the Attached Text panel. You can use this to attach text to any point of the map in view.

Click in the text window of this panel and enter text terminated by the <return> key. Then click on Set Seed within the Attached Text panel and move the mouse cursor to the desired point on the map and click. Return to the Attached Text panel and click Save and then Dismiss.

If you then do a Search with Att. Text selected these text markers will be found and listed. Click List All to display the markers.

To see the full text at each of the markers you do the following; assume you have a list of text markers displayed after the search. Click on the Att. Text button on the right hand side of the Index Map panel to view the Attached Text panel. If you then double click on each of the marker numbers in the bottom left hand field of the Index Map panel, the attached text for each marker will be displayed in the Attached Text panel.

13.6.7 Copying From The Index Layer

The Drawing Tool allows users to copy from the index layer if the index map is displayed.

The user can only copy from a single layer at once. The Snap dialogue defines the current layer if the Index Map dialogue is displayed. If not, only elements on the TITLE level can be selected and copied. The Snap dialogue is displayed when the Index Map dialogue is displayed.

To select from the index layer the user must :

  • Have the Index Map dialogue displayed
  • Have one or more items from the Index Map displayed in the main Drawing window
  • Have the INDEX MAP button highlighted on the Snap dialogue

The user can then select from the index layer by clicking on the items they wish to copy. This will put a dashed line around the object selected and show an extra object selected in the "Select:" display on the control panel.

Once items from the index layer are selected, the user can press COPY to copy them to the clipboard. PASTE will then copy the items on the currently selected clipboard onto the title layer.

If COPY is pressed when the INDEX level button is highlighted, the items will be copied to the clipboard and then deselected. The INDEX level will remain highlighted to facilitate further selections from the index layer. To change back to selecting from the title layer, press the TITLE button on the Snap dialogue or the DISMISS button on the Index Map dialogue.

The banded select button (looks like a speech bubble) and the All button in the General Controls section on the main control panel will not work with the index layer select. Pressing either button will deselect any items currently selected from the index layer and reselect the title layer as the current snap level.

Changing the snap level will deselect any currently selected items.

Closing the Index Map dialogue will set the copy level back to the title layer and cancel any selection from the index layer. If items from the title layer are selected prior to closing the Index Map dialogue, these will not be affected.

The author's personal preference is to close the Index Map (or undisplay the copied indexes) prior to pasting any items copied from the index layer. This helps to show more clearly which items are on which layer.

13.6.8 Display Buttons

The system will display the map reference and scale.

Set Seed
This button will set the seed point of the Index, Title or Report currently being edited. After pressing the button you must click on the map where you want the seed point to be placed.

This button generates a small window listing the addresses in the gazetteer which fall within the polygons with the extent flag set. The window provides options to search, display, display all or print all. This facility is only available if you are editing an index.

This button will allow you to zoom in on a section of map of your choice. Click on this button, then draw a rectangle around the section of map you require. To do this hold the left mouse button down and drag the mouse to define the zoom area. Release the left mouse button. Reclick the left mouse button and the area will now be redrawn at the next level of zoom. To zoom quickly in to the highest level of magnification, click on the Zoom button and then doubleclick on the area of the map you want to zoom in to.

To see a section of the drawing in close-up, click In. To get a more distant view of the drawing, click Out. The closest level of Zoom goes down to 10 metres of map; the furthest level is 1.4km of map.

This facility allows you to view a title, report or index on the mapbase without having to open a case. You can also simply view a section of the mapbase. You must first have specified the title, report, index, map area or map version to view in the relevant form first.

Click on this button to pan the drawing. The point where you then click on the drawing becomes the centre point of the screen display.

This function sets the default view of the map for your current case. Once you have set the map, you can return to this position from any subsequent point you have reached by using the Reset button.

This will revert you back to the Set position, wherever you are on the map.

Pan (directions)
At corners and at the bottom of the drawing window, North, South, East and West etc buttons exist which allow you to pan half of a screen at once. These will not reset measuring distances.

Title, Enlarge 1 and Enlarge 2
These buttons at the top of the drawing window are only operational when your current case is a Title. They are also operational when the Drawing Tool is in View mode and a title is being viewed.

These buttons allow you to create 3 separate drawings. With the Title button selected, the drawing created is stored as the main title. You can select Enlarge1 or Enlarge2 to create separate drawings attached to the original title for producing enlargements of areas of interest on the main title drawing.

To create an attached enlargement click on Enlarge1 or Enlarge2. The same area of map is displayed as in the main title but without any drawings. You can then zoom into a particular area of interest and create a separate drawing. Click the Set button to save this zoomed in view; the enlargement drawing will be saved when you do the normal Save operation for the Title. See section 8.2.22 on the Print and Title Plan buttons within the drawing tool for further information on printing Titles and associated Enlargements.

13.6.9 Scaled Enlargements

Occasions arise where, although the main subjects being registered can fit into one A4 print, various extensive references required for access roads or pipe-lines mean that a large multi-flap Title Plan needs to be prepared. Up until now, the logical solution to avoid this was, for instance, to prepare a plan at 10,000 scale and provide an insert from the 2500 or 1250 base-scale showing the main subjects. This was considered unsatisfactory because the insert could not be scaled and the type of bar-scale that we are able to create is of limited use. Whilst the ideal solution would be an enhancement to the DMS, the cost is fairly prohibitive considering the comparative rarity of the situation arising. The alternative had to involve finding a way to use the available facilities, and this has now been achieved.

The following formula has been devised to facilitate scaled enlargements:

W= 80•5 x scale



‘W’ is the width in metres to which the enlargement must be set;


80•5 is the width in millimetres of the enlargement box on the Title Plan;


‘scale’ is the scale of the enlargement;


‘1000’ is the millimetre to metre conversion.



Use the normal procedure for enlargements but, additionally,

  1. In VIEW OPTS select X/Y as co-ordinates* and metres as units.
  2. When sizing the enlargement, the ZOOM box should be adjusted until the ‘X’ (left-hand) co-ordinate in the measurements box is the same as ‘W’ produced by the formula. The Y co-ordinate should be less than the X co-ordinate.
  3. If the enlargement area needs to be adjusted, PAN to the centre of the required area, do not ZOOM in or out.

* For the avoidance of doubt, the ‘X’ co-ordinate refers to the horizontal measurement and the ‘Y’ co-ordinate to the vertical.

Syntegra have given an assurance that the enlargements are always the same size (805 millimetres) when switched on with SHOW

Points to Note.

  1. In most cases, the value for 'W' will require to be adjusted to one decimal place, and common sense will be the best guide. However, it is not likely that (for example) rounding 40o25 up to 40o3 or down to 40o2 will make any appreciable difference considering the size of the enlarged area involved.
  2. In the main, this procedure is to be used in order to cut down on unnecessary multi-flap extracts by providing (i) a 1:2500 or 1:1250 scale enlargement on a 1:10,000 scale Title Plan or (ii) a 1:1250 scale enlargement on a 1:2500 scale Title Plan. Enlargements used for clarification purposes, i.e. for referencing small areas, should be created under the normal enlargement practice unless special circumstances dictate otherwise. However, the use of same-scaled floor-level plans for floor levels is an acceptable procedure and may even further reduce the need for supplementary plans in some instances. If in doubt, refer.
  3. If the enlargement box needs to be moved, do so with the cursor placed in the middle of the box so that the scale is not altered. Do not attempt to re-size the box by dragging the corners as this will distort the information within the enlargement box. The box can be re-sized by dragging the edges without affecting the scale.
  4. If the Enlargement does not fit onto the page without obscuring the Title Plan detail, create a Title Plan with two pages and place the Enlargement on the second page.

13.6.10 Scaled Prints

Another mathematical formula provides a facility to produce prints at any scale from the DMS. The main benefit is perceived to be the ability to match the scale of deed plans in order to help with consideration of casework. This is achieved as follows:

  1. In VIEW OPTS select X/Y as co-ordinates* and metres as units.
  2. From the Print menu, select manual.
  3. Select ‘ad-hoc’.
  4. With the measurement facility displayed, position the cursor at the intended lower left corner of the print rectangle and drag the cursor east as normal and, viewing the measurement box, ‘accept’ when the correct measurement is reached in the ‘X’ (left-hand) display - see table below for some examples.

* You may need to have the map displayed on a fairly high zoom to enable display of the precise measurement.

* Please note that when producing a scaled print in landscape format, the measurement to be accepted is the ‘Y’ co-ordinate figure in the right-hand display, and the cursor should be dragged upward on the left side of the print box.


The following examples relate to both 1/1250 and 1/2500 base-scales (10,000 scale enlargements would be limited in their usefulness).

scale required:




width of ad-hoc box:




The formula is: 239 × the desired scale.


(239 relates to the width of the ‘frame’ that encloses the map detail on the print as measured between the inside edges.).

** For the mathematically minded, the formula to create a print at, say, 1/500 scale from a 1/1250 base-scale is 239 ÷ 1250 × 500 whereas from a 1/2500 base-scale the formula is 478 (the width of the inside of the frame on a 1/2500 print) ÷ 2500 × 500. As, in both instances, the answer is 95.6m, the first quoted formula is sufficient in all cases.

The figures in the above table relate to three scales, but the formula can be applied to any scale. If not already quoted as a ratio, convert your scale, then use it in the formula. For instance, a scale of one-sixteenth of an inch to one foot is a ratio of 1:192. Therefore use 192 in the formula.

13.6.11 PRINT Button

Use this button to print the view in the current window. The Print Settings panel will be displayed. Set the printer to Mono or Colour, set the number of copies, paper size, orientation and scale prior to printing. Then click the Ad Hoc button and define the rectangular view to print in the map view by clicking in the map view at the bottom left hand corner followed by the top right hand corner (an 'elastic' rectangle will appear after the first click). Following the click at the top right hand corner the Print Preview viewer will be displayed; click Print to print the defined map view. The 'elastic' rectangle is displayed provided you have the scale set as Manual on the Print Settings panel.

If you set the scale to something other than Manual, i.e. 1250, 2500 or 10000 and then click the Ad Hoc button and then move the map cursor into the map view, a fixed size rectangle will appear showing the area of map that will be printed at the selected scale. You can move the rectangle to the desired area of map and click at the selected position. The Print Preview panel is then displayed; click Print to print the defined map view.

Title Plan button
You can also click the Title Plan button on the Print Settings panel to invoke the Print Preview panel to produce a title plan print and use this Print Preview panel to format enlargements and stamps on the Title Plan. This button is only operational when you are editing or viewing a Title.

13.6.12 Print Preview Control Panel

If this panel has been invoked by pressing the Title Plan button on the Print Settings panel you can then format enlargements and stamps on the Title Plan and display/print different pages of the Title Plan. The following set of buttons is provided for each enlargement: -

You can click on this button to show either enlargement 1 or 2 or both in the print preview window overlaid on the Title Plan.

Click this button to show/conceal the underlying map for the enlargement.

Click this button to show/conceal the scale bar for the enlargement.

The enlargement drawing appears at a pre-set position on the title print preview. You can move it by clicking inside the enlargement and dragging it to a new position whilst holding the mouse left button down.

Release the mouse left button to 'release' the enlargement at the new position.

You can reduce/enlarge the size of the enlargement rectangle by clicking just inside any corner of the rectangle and moving the mouse cursor in or out of the rectangle.

You can also alter the dimensions of the rectangle by clicking just inside any edge of the rectangle and moving the mouse cursor in or out of the rectangle.

Title plans can be large requiring several sheets of A4 to print. The system automatically splits the print into separate sheets. The Print Preview Control panel shows you which page is currently being previewed e.g. "Displaying page (1,1) out of (2,1)" means the title plan occupies 2 sheets of A4 going horizontally and the first sheet going horizontally is currently being previewed. An example of sheet number is shown below for a 2 x 3 print i.e. 2 sheets along by 3 down: -















The Title header is displayed only on the top right-hand page of a multi-sheet print e.g. on page 2,1 of the example above.

You can use the arrow buttons to traverse the print.

The enlargements can be placed on any page of the print.

Click this to display the Stamps panel. To place a stamp on the Title plan, select a stamp by clicking anywhere in the desired stamp. You can then click in either the Print Preview panel or in the main drawing area to place the stamp.

Print All
Click this to print all pages of the Title.

Click this to print the current page of the Title being previewed.

Click this to display a rectangle in the drawing area outlining the area currently being previewed.

13.6.13 Multi-Part Title Plan Printing

Occasionally an application is made which contains several subjects which are remote from each other and if the Title Plan is printed in the conventional manner it would produce a large extract. Therefore consideration should be given to splitting the Title Plan into various smaller Title Plans when printed; this is more commonly referred to as "Title Plan in more than one part."

When the user presses the TITLE PLAN button on the print settings window the system will first check whether the number of pages required to display the extent of the Title at the print scale is six or more.

If there are six or more pages in the title extent, but to-date the Title Plan has not been subdivided then the normal Print Preview Control window will be displayed. The user will then be able to use the MULTI CONFIG button on the Print Preview control window to display the Multiple Part Title Plan Print Preview (see below) which will allow the user to sub divide the existing Title Plan into various parts.


Where the Title has already had the various parts defined the user will be taken directly to the Multiple Part Title Plan Print Preview when selecting TITLE PLAN on the print settings window.

If there are less than six pages in the Title extent then the following dialogue box will be displayed and the Title Plan cannot be sub divided and should be printed as normal.


The print scale must be set prior to the definition of the first title part, and prior to opening the Multiple Part Title Plan Print Preview window. To change scale the user must delete all title parts, save the configuration, close the Multiple Part Title Plan Print Preview window and then set the new print scale and start again.

Please note that the various parts can only be defined at a single scale and that multiple parts functionality only works when A4 Portrait prints is selected on the print settings window Steps to Creating a Multi- Part Print

    1. Click on the PRINT button on the on Drawing Tool.
    2. Select appropriate print settings for your application and click on TITLE PLAN. The normal; Print preview control window will appear.
    3. Click on MULTI CONFIG and the Multiple part Title Plan Print Preview window will appear.
    4. Click on the CREATE button
    5. Click and hold down the mouse at the bottom left corner of the title part. The cursor will change to a heavy cross and become linked to a moving box anchored in the bottom left hand corner (at the position the click occurred). The cursor should be moved to the top right of the Title part and released
      Once released, the system will work out how many pages in each direction are required, at the same time, compensating for the title header stamp and the multi-flap printing mechanism. The top right corner page will be full size with successive pages getting smaller as they go left and down.
      Once a title part has been defined, the position of the edge of each page will be defined by a black rectangle. The title number and part number will be displayed where the header stamp will appear on the print (top right page).
    6. To select an existing title part - The current title part can be identified due to having a red outline rather than the normal black. Internal lines will remain black. To change the current title part, either press the up spinner button to move up a title part or the down spinner button to move down a title part. Setting the current title part will cause the display to the right of the spinner buttons to reflect the change. The display will show "Title Part n" (n being the current title part number) when one or more parts are defined, or "No Parts Defined" when there are no parts.
      If the up spinner is pressed when the last title part is selected, there will be no change in the selection. Likewise when the first title part is selected and the down spinner is pressed.
      Alternatively a quick way of changing the current title part is to click on a title part - this part will become current.
    7. To reposition a Title Part once the title part has been created it may be that you wish to move it slightly i.e. to include a road name etc Title parts can be moved by dragging and dropping them in a new location.
      To move a title part, move the mouse over it, click and hold down the left mouse button. When the mouse is moved, a rectangle displaying the extent of the title part will be displayed. The mouse should be moved until the rectangle is in the desired position. Then the mouse button should be released. The title part will be moved to the new position.
      If there are multiple title parts overlapping and the user wishes to move one of them, a part of the title which does not overlap any other part should be clicked on to invoke the move. If an overlapping section of a title part is clicked on to invoke the move, the lowest numbered title part occupying the point under the cursor will be selected.
    8. To delete Title Parts - In normal operation, pressing the DELETE button will bring up a confirmation dialogue asking the user whether they wish to delete the current title part. If the user presses YES, the title part will be deleted. If the user presses NO, the title part will remain.
      When a title part is deleted, the other title parts are renumbered accordingly. If no title parts remain when a part is deleted, the "No Parts Defined" message will be displayed.
      If enlargements are displayed on the deleted title part, they will no longer be displayed and their respective SHOW buttons will be switched off.
      If the create operation is in process when the user presses DELETE, a message will be displayed warning that it is unable to delete whilst the CREATE operation is in process.
      If the DELETE button is pressed when no parts exist, the operation will be ignored.
    9. To add stamps - then click on the STAMPS button. This will activate the stamps window which is used in the same manner as on the normal print preview.
    10. To add enlargements - Enlargements are displayed and manipulated in the same way as those on the normal print settings . However the following should also be noted
      • When pressing SHOW the enlargement will be displayed on the right hand page of the part of the title plan current selected on screen
      • Enlargements can be moved within a title part by dragging and dropping in the new position. Each enlargement is restricted to the title part it starts on. If an enlargement is dragged off the title part it started on, the relevant SHOW button will be switched off and the enlargement will no longer be displayed.
        To display an enlargement on a different title part, click the SHOW button so that the enlargement is no longer displayed, select the desired title part, and press the SHOW button again. The enlargement can then be moved around this title part.
      • Where a title part is moved any enlargements on the moved title part will also be moved so that they occupy the same place on the page as they did before the move.
    1. Click on SAVE CONFIG this saves the details of each defined title part. Any previous saves will be over written.
      It should be noted that The extent of the Multiple Part Title Plan Print Preview window is not saved so any subsequent modifications to the title extent will result in the print preview view changing. Also the enlargement view is not saved (i.e. the enlargement positions are saved but not the contents). This is displayed from the view on the ENLARGE1/2 pane (or database in VIEW mode). To obtain the exact same print preview in future, one of the SAVE/CLOSE/CLOSE&AUTH buttons on the main control panel should be pressed following a SAVE CONFIG operation.
    2. To create next title part repeat steps 4 to 11 Title Parts can be overlapped if required. However it should be noted that if the user wishes to move one of them, a part of the title which does not overlap any other part should be clicked on to invoke the move. If an overlapping section of a title part is clicked on to invoke the move, the lowest numbered title part occupying the point under the cursor will be selected. Print Title Part (PRINT Button)

The PRINT button will cause all pages from the current title part to be printed. This is the equivalent of PRINT ALL on the Print Preview Control dialogue.

If there are no title parts defined, a dialogue will be displayed to warn the user that there is nothing to print.

As each page is printed, it will be displayed in the normal Print Preview window. However do not Press PRINT in the Print Preview window as the prints are being queued to the printer defined in the Print Settings dialogue. Print All Title Parts (PRINT ALL Button)

The PRINT ALL button will cause all pages for each title part to be printed. This is the same as cycling through each title part and pressing PRINT each time.

If there are no title parts defined, a dialogue will be displayed to warn the user that there is nothing to print.

As each page is printed, it will be displayed in the normal Print Preview window However do not Press PRINT in the Print Preview window as the prints are being queued to the printer defined in the Print Settings dialogue. Batch Print Tool Modifications

When a Title is printed using the Batch Print process, a check will be made to see if title parts exist. If they do all parts will be printed as they have been defined and saved in the Multiple Part Title Plan Print Preview. If no parts are defined, the normal print process will be used.


13.6.14 Multiple Part Title Plan Print Preview Dialogue

No longer in use. 


13.6.15 General Controls

Clicking on this button will erase the very last piece of drawing done only, and not an entire object. E.g. the last point drawn of a polygon.

This button will un-delete the last delete of an object(s) provided the Undo button is the next button pressed after the Delete button.


Click on this button to select all objects in the drawing.

Select List
Once you have selected an item, or items, the number on the select list is incremented by that number of items. Then everything on the select list can be deleted, moved or copied.

NOTE: – holding down the Shift key on your keyboard at the same time as clicking on a selected item will cause that item to be de-selected.

Selecting Tool
The button showing this symbol: o can be used to select an object by drawing a square around it. Alternatively, clicking on the object will have the same effect.

This button completes the editing action you have just used.

Eq. (Equal)

Un (Unequal)

These controls are used in conjunction with the Scale command (obtained from the Props button) on the Drawing Controls panel. You can scale objects either evenly, using the Equal option, or unevenly, using the Unequal option.

When this symbol is selected, any object that is moved, may only be moved along a horizontal plane.

When this symbol is selected, any object that is moved, may only be moved along a vertical plane.

Drawing Elements
The Drawing Elements panel displays the different types of objects which you can create. When you do this, the object is added to the current drawing.


To invoke an object to be drawn, click the button. The button remains highlighted until you click Done, or another button. Buttons representing closed objects, such as rectangles, can create filled objects. The function of these buttons is changed by first clicking the rectangle button, then clicking Fill in the Drawing Controls Panel. The button now creates filled objects.

Click on the button showing the object you require.

Poly (Polyline)
this adds many-edged objects to the model. Click on the model where you require the first point to be, then click for all other points.

Click on the model to create the first point, then click the position required for the second point. The tool automatically connects the two points to form a line. Where the MOVPT, ADDPT, or DELPT functionality is used on a line this action will convert the line into a polyline and therefore must be closed accordingly.


Rect (Rectangle)
To create a rectangle, pick opposing corners. A rectangle will appear between the two.

To add an arrowed label, click this button. Choose the point where you wish the head of the arrow to appear, and click. Then click where you wish to place the end of the arrow. A box will then appear to allow you to add text to the label. Labels are scaled automatically to the right size for the base scale of the map (unlike text - see below).

This function adds a single point to the model. Click the Point button. Choose the position where you wish the point to appear. Backup will unpick the last point created.

Add text by clicking this button. Choose the point where you wish to add text, then type in the text. Pressing <return> or clicking on OK will end text input.

Note – when adding text at a scale other than 1:1250 you may have to scale the text to an appropriate size using the Scale button in the Miscellaneous controls box. An alternative to this is to use the label function to place the text and then ungroup the label (by using the Ungroup button in the Miscellaneous Controls box) and then delete the arrow to leave the text at the required size (see Label above).

When you then click on Close, the tool automatically connects the last point to the first, closing a polygon. This is a toggle button and the close function only happens when the the button changes from blue to red. When it changes from red to blue the polygon is "un-closed".

Will fill a solid closed shape with the selected colour.

 This button will broken line fill the selected polygon in the chosen colour.

 This button will hatch-fill the selected polygon in the chosen colour.


 This button sets the line style to solid.

 This button sets the line style to pecked.


13.6.16 - Intentionally blank


13.6.17 Construction Elements

Opts (Options)
This function allows you to change the construction style of the lines available. You can set the line style to marked, then the spacing and number of points. If you require a measured line, select one of the options here. Any of the following construction elements will be drawn in the style that you choose here, where relevant. A smaller separate window is generated by choosing this option.

Para (Parallel lines)
To create parallel lines, click on this button, then draw the first line on the map. When you draw the second, it will appear in parallel with the first.

Perp (Perpendicular)
This button will create perpendicular lines from a selected section of straight line.

This function allows you to draw an extension to an existing straight line on the map. Select the section of line from which you wish to draw the extension. Clicking at any distance from that section draws the extension.

Tip – if you click on one edge of a previously drawn polygon and then click Para, Perp or Ray the construction element will take the edge of the polygon as it’s starting point (you don’t have to select the construction element first and you don’t have to draw a line from it to work from).

This turns a selected point or points into marks, a mark being a construction element.

This turns a selected mark or marks into points, a point being a detail.

13.6.18 Drawing Controls

Some of the general control buttons may be used in conjunction with buttons from the general controls area, for example to restrict horizontal or vertical movement. The Addpt, Movpt and Delpt buttons require a polygon to have been previously selected before they can be used.

After selecting an object, or objects, this button will erase it.


Movpt (Move Point)
This button will allow you to drag a single point on a previously selected polygon to a new location.

Addpt (Add Point)
To add a point to a previously selected polygon, click this button. Then click separately on 2 adjacent points on the polygon; then click where you want the new point to appear. You can also extend a previously selected polygon by double clicking on the end point of the polygon and then clicking where you want to extend to; you can continue clicking further points indefinitely.

Delpt (Delete Point)
This command will delete a selected point from a polygon.

Clr Ext (Clear Extent)
This button stops selected items appearing on the index map.

Set Ext (Set Extent)
This function will set the extent of selected items on the index map. (Extent is automatically set on all polygons).

This function allows you to draw a lasso around a section of the map, which will then snap to the nearest acceptable map lines.

This function will allow you to draw a line or polygon by following an existing line on the map. The drawing tool will 'snap to' the nearest straight line.

Select this button. If you then click on the map inside a closed polygon or polygons then the system will search outwards from the point of click to find the first polygon enclosing the point of click. Please note that there are some limits imposed on the search to prevent the system conducting an ever growing search area which may not terminate and this area is indicated by a rectangle attached to the cursor.

This button refers to Proportionals. It allows you the facility to convert measurements from one scale to another and to draw sides of polygons whose length can be entered numerically; it is intended to be used when you have Supplementary Plan measurements that you wish to check or draw on your current case. Clicking this button displays the Supplementary Plan Measurement panel. In this panel, the Set Scale button is automatically selected. You can then enter a value in the Paper Distance field by clicking in this field and typing a distance in metres e.g. 0.2 (20cms) of some feature on a Supplementary Plan. You then enter the actual distance this represents in the Plan Value field e.g. 63 (metres); on entering this and pressing <return> a scale value is automatically displayed calculated from the Paper Distance and Plan Value you have just entered. You can then enter further values in either the Paper Distance or Plan Value fields and one will be converted to the other using the currently displayed Scale value.

If you subsequently wish to change the scale value, click the Set Scale button and enter new Paper Distance and Plan Value data as described above.

The Set Length button is used to draw a side of a polygon equal to a numeric value that you enter in the Plan Value field as follows; draw a polygon and click an end point in the direction you wish the correct length line to appear. Then type the desired length of this line in the Plan Value field (in metres) and click the Set Length button; the last point created of the polygon will then move in the direction of the line just drawn to create a scaled length representing the distance in metres in the Plan Value field.

This button is used to split a single polygon into two separate polygons. Select a polygon and click on SPLIT. A red cross is then displayed at each corner of the polygon. Click on one of the crosses and the polygon will be split at this point.

This button is used to join two polygons into a single polygon. To join two polygons you must start drawing the second polygon from the end point of the first polygon. Select both polygons and click the JOIN button. The two polygons then become one polygon


13.6.19 MISC button

Selecting this button provides access to a further set of facilities via a small window which is generated upon selection. The additional provided facilities are described below: -

Select the required object, then click this button to make a copy of the object.

This button allows you to change the size of the object, making it larger or smaller. Click on the object, click Scale and drag the shape until it is the required size. The Un/Equal option can be chosen from the General Controls panel so that objects can be distorted as they are scaled.

To move a selected object, click this button. When you have reached the required point for the object, click the drawing to complete the move.

If two or more objects are drawn overlapping, the tool will always show the last object on top. Selecting an object, then clicking on this button, will bring that object to the top.

This function reverses the above.

Selecting several objects, then clicking this button, defines them as a single group. Any subsequent functions will be carried out on the entire group of objects.

This function reverses the above.

Select an object, then click on this button to rotate the object.

13.6.20 Palettes Panel

This panel contains the following buttons: -


This function changes the colour of the outline border to the colour you specify: available colours: White, Ultramarine violet, Light yellow, Forest green, Deep ochre, Scarlet, Ultramarine Deep.

This function will fill the object, if you have drawn a closed object, with the colour you specify from the following: White, Violet, Lemon yellow, Green, Ochre, Pastel Rose, Pastel blue.

This function changes the colour of the text being entered when the LABEL button is in use.

This function changes the colour of the text being entered when the TEXT button is in use.

A variety of border thicknesses are available. To create a border around a polygon, select the polygon and click the appropriate border button. The colour of the border is determined by the selected edge colour.

You can flip the border to the outside by clicking on FLIP ALL or you can flip selected parts of the border by clicking on FLIP ONE and clicking on the part of the border you wish to flip.

Selecting another edge colour will not change the border colour but will change the colour of the line used to draw the polygon. To change the colour of the border you need to select the colour of edge you want and press the appropriate border button again. Then choose the black edge colour to return the line to black.

The UNBORDER button wil remove the border and leave the polygon.

This is used to select the colour that will be used when a polygon is hatch-filled.

13.6.21 Intersect

Three 'Intersect' options are provided:

Line which indicates the points at which 2 selected polygons intersect.

Polygon is used in conjunction with the index map and it draws one or more filled polygons arising from the intersection between selected polygons in the active case and any polygons being displayed from the index map. If more than one polygon is generated then they are generated as distinct objects, each selectable in their own right. This can be used to bring forward references from Research Areas etc as follows: -

  • Open the Index Map and display any required information.
  • Select a polygon in your current case.
  • Use the Polygon button.

This will create polygons for the relevant overlapping polygons on the underlay, including any tints.

Circles which indicates the points at which 2 selected circles intersect.

A button on the Drawing Tool displays a 100m2 grid over the mapping, title and index layers of the main drawing window.

The 1km2 grid button is next to the 100m2 grid button.

Both buttons display blue grids that are independent of each other.

The grid is displayed for the current screen area. If the user pans or changes the zoom level, they should also click the grid button off and then back on again. This will redisplay the grid for the new screen area.


13.6.22 - Intentionally Blank


13.6.23 WIN SAVE Button

This button is available on the control panel to all users and access levels. When pressed, it saves the position and size of all open windows. It does not remove saved window positions for windows not currently open - these are still retained.

Prior to pressing the WIN SAVE button, the user should size and position the windows as required.

Positions of windows are not stored automatically! The user must press WINSAVE when they wish to retain window positions.

13.6.24 Multiple Clipboard Functionality

The three clipboard buttons (COPY, PASTE, DISPLAY) allow users to work with four clipboards.

COPY Button
The COPY button will copy the selected items to the next available clipboard. The next available clipboard can be defined as the current clipboard if it is empty, or the next clipboard if the current clipboard is not empty. This facilitates a 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, and so on cycle through the clipboard.

The newly selected clipboard will be the clipboard that has been copied into.

If nothing is selected when the COPY button is pressed, an error message will be displayed.

PASTE Button
The PASTE button will paste from the currently selected clipboard to the title layer.

If there is nothing on the current clipboard when the PASTE button is pressed, an error message will be displayed.

The DISPLAY button will display the Clipboard dialogue. This will display the contents of each of the four clipboards.

Clipboard Dialogue
The Clipboard dialogue will appear when the DISPLAY button is pressed on the main control panel. It can be used to determine which clipboard is selected.

Above each clipboard is a button that can be used to select a different clipboard. The currently highlighted button denotes which clipboard is current. This is set to Clipboard 1 initially.

Before pressing PASTE, the user should click on the clipboard they wish to paste from.


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