This is the registration manual for 1979 casework.
Do not under any circumstances use the information here when settling 2012 casework. This resource has been archived and is no longer being updated. As such, it contains many broken links. Much of the information contained here is obsolete or superseded.
P15.5 Abbreviations used on Ordnance Survey Maps
The restrictions imposed by lack of space on maps, coupled with the requirement for them to appear uncluttered and visually appealing, has resulted in many abbreviations being used on maps. Some are only applicable to large or small scale maps whereas others remain constant across the scales. Others have disappeared from use or been introduced as map specifications have changed.
A | Alley, Approach, Arcade, Avenue |
A | Area |
A | AA Telephone Box (small scales) |
A/D | Asphalt Disc |
AA | AA Telephone Box |
AAT | Analytical Aerial Triangulation |
ABUT | Abutment |
Acad | Academy |
Ad Co | Administrative County |
Adj | Adjacent |
Admin Co | Administrative County |
AGL | Above Ground Level |
AL | Alley |
ALB | Air Light Beacon |
Allot Gdns | Allotment Gardens |
Alt | Altitude |
Alts | Alterations |
Amb Sta | Ambulance Station |
ANG | Angle |
Angle | Anglesey |
AOD | Above Ordnance Datum |
AP | Air Point |
AP, APP | Approach |
AR, ARC | Arcade |
AUX | Auxiliary |
Av or Ave | Avenue |
B | Baulk, Bank, Base, Basin, Bridge, Broad |
B | Boiler |
B | Boulevard, Broadway, Brow |
B | Break in house numbers on SUSI/SIM Products |
B Md | Boundary Mound |
B Mk | Boundary Mark |
B Rod | Brass Rod |
B-P | By-pass |
Bapt | Baptist |
BATT | Battlement |
Battery | Bty |
BB | Base of Bank |
BB | Buried Block |
BC | Borough Constituency, Burgh Constituency |
BD | Boulevard |
Bdy | Boundary |
BDY | Broadway |
Bdy M | Boundary Mark or Mound |
BG | Burial Ground |
BH | Beer House |
Bk | Bank |
BK | Bank (building) |
BK H | Bake House |
Bks | Barracks |
BLDG(S) | Building(s) |
Bldgs | Buildings |
Blg | Building |
BM | Bench Mark |
BN | Barn |
Bn | Broken (hedge or bank) on SUSI®/SIM®/SuperplanTM Products |
Bo | Boulders |
BOH | Boiler House |
Bol | Bollard |
Boro | Borough |
Boro Const | Borough Constituency |
BP | Boundary Post or Plate |
BR | Brass Rivet |
Br | Bridge |
BR | Bridge |
BR | Bridle Road |
BR | Brow |
BR H | Brew House |
Br P | Braced Post |
Brac/RG | Bracken and Rough grassland on SUSI/SIM/Superplan Products |
BS | Boundary Stone |
Bucks | Buckinghamshire |
Burgh Const | Burgh Constituency |
Burial Gd | Burial Ground |
Bus | Omnibus |
BUTT | Buttress |
BS | Bus Stop |
BL | Basement Light |
BVD | Boulevard |
BY | Broadway |
BY-PS | By-pass |
C | Cam, Canal, Causeway, Centre of, Channel, Cut |
C | Carriage, Creek, Cross |
C | Causeway, Chase, Circle, Circus, Close |
C | Cliff, Conduit, Cop, Course of, Covered, Culvert |
C | Cock |
C | Community (Wales) |
C | Coniferous (SUSI/SIM/Superplan Products) |
C | Court, Crescent, Croft, Cross, Cut, Corner |
C | Crane |
C in W | Church in Wales |
C of E | Church of England |
C of S | Church of Scotland |
(C) | Close (SUSI/SIM/Superplan Products) |
Calv | Calvinist |
Car Pk | Car Park (SUSI/SIM/Superplan Products) |
Cas | Castle |
Cas | Castle |
CATH | Cathederal |
Cath | Cathedral |
Cathl | Cathedral |
CB | Call Box |
CB | Centre of Bank, Basin, Baulk, Broad |
CB | Coal Bin, Bunker |
CB | County Borough |
CC | Centre of Canal |
CC | Chisel Cut (Mark) |
CC | Coal Cover |
CC | County Constituency |
CC | County Council |
CCLW | Centre of Channel at Low Water |
CCS | Centre of Covered Stream |
CD | Centre Drain |
CD | Centre of Drain |
CDK | Centre Drain at Kerb |
CDS | Cul de sac (Station) |
Cemy | Cemetery |
Cen | Centre (Social, etc) |
CF, CFT | Croft |
CG | Cattle Grid (SUSI/SIM/Superplan Products) |
CG Lookout | Coastguard Lookout |
CG Sta | Coastguard Station |
CH, CHA | Chase |
Ch | Church |
CH | Club House |
CH | Coach House |
CH | Coal House |
Ch Yd | Church Yard |
Chap | Chapel |
Chr Sc Ch | Christian Science Church; Church of Christ Scientist |
Chy | Chimney |
Cin | Cinema |
CIR, CIRC | Circle, Circus |
Cis | Cistern |
CL | Close |
CL | Close [density] (SUSI/SIM/Superplan Products) |
Cl | Close [place] |
Cl H | Coal House |
CLB | Coal Bin |
CLUB HO | Club House |
CM | Chalk/Crayon Mark |
Cn | Capstan |
CN | Cistern |
Cnl | Council (not in conjunction with county) |
CNR | Corner |
Cnr | Corner (SUSI/SIM Products) |
Co Cnl | County Council |
Co Const | County Constituency |
Co of City | County of City |
Co-ed | Co-educational |
Co-ord(s) | Co-ordinate(s) |
COCS | Centre of old course of stream |
CoH | Cow House |
Col | Collects (SUSI/SIM Products) |
Coll | College |
Colly | Colliery |
Comm Centre | Community Centre |
Comps | Computations |
Conc | Concrete |
Congl | Congregational |
Conv Home | Convalescent Home |
Cop | Coppice/Osiers (SUSI/SIM Products) |
Corpn | Corporation |
Corpn Yd | Corporation Yard |
Cott | Cottage |
CP | Centre Punched (Mark) |
CP | Cess Pool |
CP | Civil Parish |
CPA | Comparator Point (Air) |
CPG | Comparator Point (Ground) |
Cr | Centre [of stone marking trig pt] |
CR | Centre of Railway, River, Road |
CR | Continuous Revison |
Cr, Cres | Crescent |
CR, Cres | Crescent |
cr | Crosses (SUSI/SIM Products) |
Crem | Crematorium |
CS | Centre of Stream |
CS | Cess Pool |
CS | Cross |
Cse | Course |
CSWY | Causeway |
CT | Cart Track |
Ct | Court |
CT | Court |
CT H | Cart House |
CT S | Cart Shed |
CU | Cut |
Cul | Culvert (SUSI/SIM Products) |
Cvt | Convent |
CW | Causeway |
CW | Centre of Wall |
D | Dale, Drive, Drove |
D | Dam, Ditch, Dock, Double, Down, Drain |
D Fn | Drinking Fountain |
D Slip | Double slip (SUSI/SIM Products) |
D Well | Draw Well |
DB | Dust Bin |
DD | Double Ditch or Drain (SUSI/SIM Products) |
Def | Defaced |
Dept | Department |
Det | Detached |
Det Ring | Detector Ring |
DF | Double Fence (SUSI/SIM Products) |
DF | Drain Frame |
DF | Drinking Fountain |
DG | Double Gate (level crossing) (SUSI/SIM Products) |
DG | Drying Ground |
Dial | Sun Dial |
DIS | Disused |
Dismtd Rly | Dismantled Railway |
Dist | District |
Div | Division |
Dk | Dock |
DL | Dale |
DOR | Date of Revision |
DOS | Date of Survey |
DP | Dung Pit |
Dr | Drive |
DR | Drive |
DRO | Drove |
DS | Double Stream (SUSI/SIM Products) |
DV | Drove |
DW | Double Wall [LS drafting guide only] |
DW | Draw Well |
E | Edge of, Eyot |
E | Embankment, Esplanade |
E | End (SUSI/SIM Products) |
ED | Electoral Division |
ED | European Datum |
EK | Edge of Kerb |
El | Electric or Electricity |
El Gen Sta | Electricity Generating Station |
El P | Electricity Pillar or Electricity Pole |
El Sub Sta | Electricity Sub Station |
El Tfmr | Electricity Transformer |
El Tfmr Sta | Electricity Transformer Station |
El Wks | Electricity Works |
ELB | Electric Light Bracket |
ELS | Electric Light Standard |
EM | Embankment |
EM | End of Motorway (SUSI/SIM Products) |
EMB | Embankment |
Emp | Employment |
Emp Ex | Employment Exchange |
Eng Wks | Engineering Works |
ENT | Entrance |
EP | Electricity Pole, Pylon |
ES | End of Straight (railway) (SUSI/SIM Products) |
ESP, ESPL | Esplanade |
ETB | ? |
ETL | Electricity Transmission Line |
Euro Const | European Assemby Constituency |
Ex | Exchange |
F | Face of, Fence, Fleet, Foot, Freeboard |
F | Flyover, Folly |
F | Furrow |
F Br | Foot Bridge |
F Ch | Free Church |
F Sta | Fire Station |
FA | Fire Alarm |
Fall | Waterfall |
FAP | Fire Alarm Pillar |
FB | Filter Bed |
FB | Foot Bridge |
FBM | Fundamental Bench Mark |
FC | Forestry Commission |
FC, FCh | Free Church |
FD | Foundations (SUSI/SIM Products) |
FE Sta | Fire Engine Station |
Ferry V or F | Ferries - Vehicular, Foot |
FF | Face of Fence |
FH | Fire Hydrant |
FL | Face Left |
FL BR | Flush bracket |
Fl Sk | Flare Stack |
FL-O | Fly-over |
Fm | Farm |
Fn | Fountain |
FN/W | Felt Nail and Washer |
FO | Folly |
FP | Face of Paling |
FP | Fire Plug |
FP | Foot Path |
FR | Face Right |
FR | Flat Rock (SUSI/SIM Products) |
FS | Flagstaff |
Ft | Feet |
FW | Face of Wall |
G | Gap, Gardens, Gate, Green, Grove |
G | Gate, Grass [mereings] |
G | Gully or Kerb Outlet |
G Yd | Grave Yard |
Gas Gov | Gas Governor |
GC | Gas Column |
GD | Gardens |
Gd | Ground |
Gdns | Gardens |
Gen Sta | Generating Station |
Geo | Geodetic |
GH | Green House |
Gl | Glass (SUSI/SIM Products) |
GN | Green |
Govt | Government |
GP | Gas Plug |
GP | Guide Post (signpost) |
GPO | General Post Office |
Gr | Grove |
GS | Gantry Support (SUSI/SIM Products) |
GSL | Ground Surface Level (SUSI/SIM Products) |
GT, Gt | Gate |
GT P | Gate post |
GV | Gas Valve |
GVC | Gas Valve Compound |
H | Harbour, Hedge |
H | Heights, Hill, Hollow |
H | High, Hole, House, Hydrant, Hydraulic |
H | Hydrant |
H | Hydraulic |
ha | Hectares |
Hd | Head |
HL | Hill |
HNT | House Number Trace |
Ho | House |
HOL | Hollow |
Hospl | Hospital |
HP to which MTs flow | Highest Point to which Medium Tides flow |
HP to which OSTs flow} | Spring Tides flow |
HP to which OTs flow | Highest Point to which Ordinary Tides flow |
HPO | Head Post Office |
HQ | Headquarters |
HR | Hedge Row |
HT, HTS | Heights |
HW | Hollow |
HW | Hollow Way; High Water |
HWM | High Water Mark |
HWM(S) | High Water Mark (Springs) |
HWMMT | High Water Mark of Medium Tides |
HWMOST | High Water Mark of Ordinary Spring Tides |
HWMOT | High Water Mark of Ordinary Tides |
H Ram | Hydraulic Ram |
H | Heliports |
Hyd | Hydrant |
I | Information Centre (tourist symbol) |
I | Island, Isle |
IH | Inspection Hole |
Indpt | Independent |
Indt | Independent |
Infmy | Infirmary |
Inft | Infant |
ins | Inches |
Inst | Institute |
Instn | Institution |
Int | Intersection/Intersected |
IP | Iron Pipe |
IR | Iron Rod |
IRB Sta | Inshore Rescue Boat Station |
Isoln Hospl | Isolation Hospital |
Iss | Issues [MSD only] |
J, JN | Junction |
JMI | Junior Mixed and Infants |
Junc | Junction |
K | Kerb |
km | Kilometres |
Km P | Kilometre Post |
KN | Kiln |
KS | Kitchin Sink |
L | Lade, Lake, Lead, Loch, Lockspit, Tides |
L | Lake |
L | Lane, Lawn, Lea |
L | Lane, Leat, Lock, Lamp |
L | Loch |
L | Lochan |
L | Lock |
L Ho | Lighthouse |
L Twr | Lighting Tower |
La | Lane |
Lat | Latitude |
Lav | Lavatory |
LB | Letter Box |
LB | London Borough |
LB Ho | Lifeboat House |
LB Sta | Lifeboat Station |
LC | Level Crossing |
LDP | Long Distance Path |
LE | Lea |
LG | Loading Gauge |
LH | Lamp House |
Liby | Library |
LK | Lime Kiln |
LKN | Lime Kiln |
LN | Lawn |
Lo | Lodge |
Loco Shed | Locomotive Shed |
Long | Longitude |
LP | Lamp Post |
LPTB | London Passenger Transport Board |
LPTA | London Passenger Transport Area |
Lr | Lower |
LRO | Local Reference Object |
LT | London Transport |
LTA | London Traffic Area |
LWL | Low Water Level |
LWM | Low Water Mark |
LWM(S) | Low Water Mark (Springs) |
LWMMT | Low Water Mark of Medium Tides |
LWMOST | Low Water Mark of Ordinary Spring Tides |
LWMOT | Low Water Mark of Ordinary Tides |
LWN | Lawn |
LWR | Last Walk Round |
M | Mark, Mile, Mooring, Mound |
M | Marsh, Mere, Moat |
M | Masonry |
M | Mead, Mews, Mound, Mount |
m | Metres |
M | Metres |
M | Miles |
m | Medium (SUSI/SIM Products) |
Mag Var | Magnetic Variation |
MB | Municipl Borough |
MC | Minor Control |
MCPA | Minor Control Point Album |
MCTS | Minor Control Traverse Station |
MD | Mound |
Me | Mead |
Meml | Memorial |
met | Metalled (SUSI/SIM Products) |
Met | Metropolitan |
Met Sta | Meteorological Station |
Meth | Methodist |
Mg P | Mooring Post |
MH | Malt House |
MH | Man Hole |
MH & MLW | Mean High and Mean Low Water |
MH & MLWS | Mean High and Mean Low Water Springs |
MHW | Mean High Water |
MHWS | Mean High Water Springs |
Min Tech | Ministry of Technology |
Misn | Mission |
Misn Ch | Mission Church |
Mix | Mixed, Mixture(woods class.) |
Mkt | Market |
Mkt Ho | Market House |
MLW | Mean Low Water |
MLWS | Mean Low Water Springs |
MO | Matter of opinion (SUSI/SIM Products) |
Mod | Module |
Mon | Monument |
Mortuary | Mort |
MP | Mile Post Mooring Post |
MPU | Mail Pick-up |
Mr | Manor |
MR | Mooring Ring |
MS | Mews |
MS | Mile Stone |
MSD | Master Survey Drawing |
MSL | Mean Sea Level |
MT | Mount |
Mt | Mountain |
MT, MTs | Medium Tide(s) |
Mtl Hospl | Mental Hospital |
Multi Car Park | Multistory Car Park |
Munl | Municipal |
Mus | Museum |
N | No name or number (SUSI/SIM Products) |
N Bd | Notice Board (SUSI/SIM Products) |
N Sq | Not Square (SUSI/SIM Products) |
NBM | New Bench Mark |
NC | Non-coniferous (SUSI/SIM Products) |
NCB | National Coal Board |
ND | No division (SUSI/SIM Products) |
NG | National Grid |
No | Number |
Noncon | Nonconformist |
Notts | Nottinghamshire |
NS | Not square (SUSI/SIM Products) |
NT | National Trust |
NTL | Normal Tidal Limit |
NTS | National Trust for Scotland |
O | Office |
O | Old |
O | Orchard |
o | Open (SUSI/SIM Products) |
Obsy | Observatory |
Oct | Octagonal (SUSI/SIM Products) |
OE | Orignal Error |
OG | Ornamental Ground |
ON | Oven |
OPP | Opposite |
OR | Orchard |
OR | Outcropping Rock (SUSI/SIM Products) |
Orch | Orchard (SUSI/SIM/Superplan Products) |
OS | Out Stipple (SUSI/SIM Products) |
OSBM | Ordnance Survey Bench Mark |
OSGB | Ordnance Survey Great Britain |
OST, OSTs | Ordinary Spring Tide(s) |
OT, OTs | Ordinary Tide(s) |
P | Paling, Passage, Pavement, Pillar |
P | Parade, Pass, Passage, Path, Place, Passenger |
P | Parking (tourist symbol) |
P | Passage, Path, Plate, Pond, Post |
P | Pillar |
P | Plug, Pool, Pump |
P | Pole |
P | Post |
P | Post Office (small scales) |
P | Promenade, Precinct |
P | Pump |
P | Pylon |
PA | Path |
PAB | Published Abstract Bolt |
Paint M | Paint Mark |
Pal | Palace |
PAR | Parade |
PARA | Parapet |
Parly | Parliamentary |
PASS | Passage |
Pav | Pavilion |
PC | Pedestrian Crossing |
PC | Public Convenience |
PCB | Police Call Box |
PD | Detail Point (Point of Detail) |
Pd | Pond (SUSI/SIM Products) |
PE | Photogrammically enlarged |
Per Cur | Perpetual Curacy |
PG | Passage |
Ph | Parish |
PH | Public House |
Pillar (OS) | Triangulation pillar |
Pks | Pecks (SUSI/SIM Products) |
Pkt | Picket |
PL | Pipe Line [MSD only-pub. in full] |
Pl | Place |
Plantn | Plantation |
PLB | Pillar Letter Box |
PN | Pipe Nail |
PN/W | Pipe Nail and Washer |
PO | Post Office (large scales) |
POD | Detail Point (Point of Detail) |
Pol ho | Police House |
Pol Sta | Police Station |
PP | Primary Point |
Pp | Pump |
Pp Ho | Pump House |
Ppg Sta | Pumping Station |
PR | Periodic Revision |
PR | Promenade |
PRE | Precinct |
Presb | Presbyterian |
Presby | Presbytery |
Prim Meth | Primitive Methodist |
PRODN | Production |
PROM | Promenade |
PS | Pass |
PSH | Parish |
Pt | Point |
PT | Precinct |
Pte | Private |
PTP | Police Telephone Pillar or Post |
PTS | Permanent Traverse Station |
Pub | Public |
PW | Place of Worship |
PY | Piggery |
Py | Privy |
Q | Quay |
R | Race, Railway, Ride, River, Road, Root of |
R | Ridge, Rise, Road, Row |
R | River |
R | Rocks [mereing] |
R | RAC Telephone Box (small scales) |
RAC | RAC Telephone Box |
RAC | Royal Automobile Club |
Range | Rifle Range |
RB | Rural Borough |
RC | Roman Catholic |
Rd | Road |
RD | Rural District |
RDG | Ridge |
Rec | Rectory |
Recn | Recreation |
Recn Gd | Recreation Ground |
Rems of | Remains of |
Resr | Reservoir |
RG | Bracken/rough grassland (SUSI/SIM Products) |
RG | Ridge |
RH | Road House |
RH | Root of Hedge |
RL | Roof Line |
Rly | Railway |
Rly Sta | Railway Station |
RO | Reference/Referring Object |
RO | Retain Original |
rp | Revision Point |
RS | Rain Spout |
RW | Row |
Ry | Railway |
S | Scar, Sewer, Side of, Slope, Sluice, Stone, Stream |
S | Side, Spur, Square, Stairs, Steps, Strand |
S | Sink; Sink Stones |
S | Service Area on Motorways (Small Scale Products) |
S | Stile |
S | Stone |
S | Street |
S | Street (mereing) |
S Br | Signal Bridge |
S Gantry | Signal Gantry |
S Sta | Signal Station |
SA | Salvation Army |
Sanatm | Sanatorium |
SAND | Sub-Areas Name Diagram |
SB | Signal Box |
Sc | Scrub (SUSI/SIM/Superplan Products) |
SC | Stop Cock |
Scat | Scattered (density) (SUSI/SIM /Superplan Products) |
Sch | School |
SD | Side |
SD | Single Drain or Ditch (SUSI/SIM Products) |
Sd | Sound |
SD | Strand |
SD | Sun Dial |
Sec | Secondary |
SF | Side of Fence, Furrow, etc |
SG | Sewer Grate |
SH | Summer House |
Sh Fd | Sheep Fold (SUSI/SIM Products) |
Sk | Sketched (SUSI/SIM Products) |
Sks | Sinks (SUSI/SIM Products) |
SL | Signal Lamp |
SL | Signal Light |
Sl | Sluice |
SM | Sloping Masonry (SUSI/SIM Products) |
Smy | Smithy |
SN | Scientific Network |
SP | Sewer Pipe |
SP | Signal Post |
Sp | Spire |
Sp | Spreads (SUSI/SIM Products) |
SP | Spur |
Spr | Spring |
Sq | Square |
SQ | Square |
SR | Side of River |
SRS | Stairs |
SS | Saints |
SS | Single Stream (SUSI/SIM Products) |
SSlip | Single Slip (SUSI/SIM Products) |
St | Saint |
ST | Spring Tides |
ST | Stable |
St | Stone |
St | Street |
Staffs | Staffordshire [post-1974] |
Std | Standard |
Stn | Station |
STPS | Steps |
STRS | Stairs |
STS | Steps |
Sts | Steps (SUSI/SIM Products) |
Suff | Suffolk |
Sun Sch | Sunday School |
Sur | Surface |
Sur B | Surface Block |
SV | Sewer Vent? |
SV | Spirit Vaults |
SW | Sloping Wall (SUSI/SIM Products) |
Sw | Switch |
T | Tank, Tap, Tides |
T | Telephone Box (small scales) |
T | Terrace, Track |
T | Top of |
T | Trough |
TA Centre | Territorial and Army Volunteer Reserve Centre |
TA Centre | Territorial Army Reserve Centre |
Tachy | Tacheometer/Tacheometry |
TAD | Trig Availability Diagram |
TB | Top of Bank |
TC | Travelling Crane |
TCB | Telephone Call Box |
TCP | Telephone Call Post or Pillar |
TCP | Temporary Control Point |
TE | Terrace |
Tech Coll | Technical College |
Tel Ex | Telephone Exchange |
Tel Line | Telephone Line |
Tel P | Telephone Pole |
Ter | Terminus |
Ter | Terrace |
Terr | Terrace |
Tert | Tertiary |
TG | Toll Gate |
TH | Tool House |
TH | Town Hall |
Tk | Tank |
Tk | Track |
Tk F | Track of Fence |
Tk H | Track of Hedge |
Tk S | Track of Stream |
TLH | Tool House ? |
Toll | Toll Bridge or Gate |
TP | Telegraph Pole |
TP | Turnpike |
Tr | Trough |
TR | Trough |
Trav | Traverse |
Trav C | Travelling Crane |
Trig Sta | Trigonometrical Station |
ts | Permanent Traverse Station, Traverse Station |
TS | Traffic Signal |
TV Sta | Television Station |
TWL | Top Water Level (SUSI/SIM Products) |
Twr | Tower |
U Ref Ch | United Reformed Church |
UD | Urban District |
UF | United Free |
UL | Upper Level of Communication |
ULC | Upper Level of through Communication |
um | Unmade |
Und | Undefined |
Undenom | Undenominational |
Under Constn | Under Construction |
Unit | Unitarian |
Univ | University |
UP | United Presbyterian |
Upr | Upper |
UTM | Universal Transverse Mercator |
V | Vale, View, Villas |
V | Valve |
V | Ventilator |
V Ho | Valve House |
VA | Vale |
VA | Vertical Angle |
VA | Voluntary Assisted |
VC | Valve Cover |
VC | Voluntary Controlled |
VDP | Vehicle Detector Pad |
VI | Vertical Interval |
VI | Villas |
Vic | Vicarage |
VIL | Villas |
VP | Vent Pipe |
Vr | Ventilator |
VT | Vault |
VW | View |
W | Walk, Way, Wharf |
W | Wall, Weir, Well |
W | Water, Wood |
W | Watershed |
W | Well |
W Meth | Wesleyan Methodist |
W Post | Wooden Post |
War Meml | War Memorial |
WB | Weighbridge |
WB | Weighing Machine |
WC | Water Closet |
WC | Water Column |
Wd El Gen | Wind Electricity Generator |
Wd Pp | Wind Pump |
Wes | Wesleyan |
Wes Meth | Wesleyan Methodist |
WF | Wharf |
WF | Wharf |
WH | Wash House, Water House |
WK, WLK | Walk |
Wks | Works |
WLK | Walk |
WM | Water Main |
WM | Weighing Machine |
WM | Witness Mark |
WMP | Warning & Monitoring Post (Royal Observer Corps) |
WN | Wire Nail |
WP | Water Plug |
WP | Wooden Peg |
Wr Bd | Water Board |
Wr Pt | Water Point |
Wr T | Water Tap |
Wr Twr | Water Tower |
Wr Wks | Water Works |
WS | Work Shop |
WT | Water Tap |
WT | Water Tap (Public) |
WT Sta | Wireless Station |
WV | Water Valve |
WWL | Winter Water Level |
WY | Way |
X | Roofed Structure Seed! (Superplan Products) |
XC | Cross Cut |
Y | Yard |
Y | Youth Hostel |
Yd | Yard |
YH | Youth Hostel (SUSI/SIM Products) |
YMCA | Young Men's Christian Association |
YWCA | Young Women's Christian Association |
Ordnance Survey, Britain's national mapping agency
All content Crown Copyright © 1999
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This is the registration manual for 1979 casework.
Do not under any circumstances use the information here when settling 2012 casework. This resource has been archived and is no longer being updated. As such, it contains many broken links. Much of the information contained here is obsolete or superseded.
The Manual is an internal document intended for RoS staff only. The information in the Manual does not constitute legal or professional advice and RoS cannot accept any liability for actions arising from its use.
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