1. Initial notification - letters patent
An email notification will be sent from the office of the Presiding Officer of the Scottish Parliament that a bill (or Letters Patent) will be going to Buckingham palace* for signing by the monarch. This email will go to:
the CAJR inbox
Chancery lead officers
RoS secretariat
Preservation team at National Records of Scotland (NRS)
*Please note that letters patent always go to Buckingham palace initially, even if the monarch is residing at Holyrood or another official residence.
When the email notification arrives, double-check that RoS Secretariat and NRS have been informed. If they, or any of the team leaders has not been included then the email should be forwarded to ensure they have been notified of a letters patent is expected in the near future.
Then inform RoS Estates and Security (link emails?) to expect a visitor from the Scottish Parliament within the next 2 to 10 days, and that you will confirm the exact day closer to the date.
Is there a template for this we could add to the page?
Create an entry for the letters patent in the Miro board.
You can access Miro by following the link and logging in with your work email
If you do not have edit access to the Miro board, speak to your TL
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