S17.38 Servitudes

S17.38 Servitudes

LAN 00681 (No.3) 22 Jul. 2009
DEED OF SERVITUDE containing DISP. by SOUTH LANARKSHIRE COUNCIL, Proprietors of subjects in Disp. to Lanark County Council, recorded 13 Feb. 1942 -TO Trustees for CHURCH OF SCOTLAND WEST CHURCH EAST KILBRIDE, Proprietors of subjects in Disp. to The Church of Scotland West Church, East Kilbride, recorded 10 Dec. 1937, - of servitude rights of access &c., over area shaded blue on plan annexed, as thereinmentioned. Dated 26 Nov. and 1 Dec. 2008. 
- part of access road to car park at KITTOCH STREET, EAST KILBRIDE.
- no consideration, PLAN. (to CSS 20821).

LAN 00598 (No.4) 14 Jul. 2010
DEED OF SERVITUDE containing GRANT by SOUTH LANARKSHIRE COUNCIL, Proprietor of 2.485 hectares outlined red on plan (burdened property), part of (First.) areas of land comprehending inter alia possessions known as HAMILTON LOW PARKS, BARMICHAEL PLANTATION, NORTH HAUGH and policies and gardens of HAMILTON PALACE extending to 738.743 acres, referred to in Disp. to Magistrates &c. of Hamilton, recorded 16 May 1924, (Second.) 21.642 acres part of LOW PARKS OF HAMILTON, referred to in Feu Disp. to Magistrates &c. of Hamilton, recorded 5 Aug. 1926, and (Third.) subjects forming part of PALACE GROUNDS HAMILTON, registered in Land Register under Title Number LAN115240 - TO SCOTTISH WATER, - of servitude right of access to Servitude area meaning strip of ground 65.4 metres in length and 8.9 metres wide coloured blue on plan to maintain, repair and renew general sewerage pipe &c. as thereinmentioned. Dated 24 Jun. 2010.
- diversion of existing main sewer.
- see LAN115240.

PTH 00784 (No.6) 14 May. 2010
DISCH. of Servitude Right by THELMA RAY GORRIE, 38 Northfield Road, Guildtown, Proprietor of 38 NORTHFIELD ROAD, GUILDTOWN, referred to in Feu Disp. to Thelma Ray Gorrie, recorded 15 Aug. 1997, - RENOUNCING and DISCHARGING servitude right of pedestrian access, referred to in Feu Disp. to said granter, recorded 15 Aug. 1997, over subjects 40 NORTHFIELD ROAD, GUILDTOWN, part of subjects I and II referred to in Disp. to Perth County Council, recorded 27 Mar. 1953, as thereinmentioned. Dated 9 Dec. 2009; with Application on behalf of PERTH AND KINROSS COUNCIL.
- £2000.

MID 04412 (No.32) 27 Jul. 2010
DEED OF VARIATION OF SERVITUDE RIGHTS containing (1.) Disp. by CITY OF EDINBURGH COUNCIL, Proprietor of access roadway situated at BROOMHOUSE ROAD and MEADOW PLACE, EDINBURGH, green on plan, part of 17.7 acres referred to in Disp. to Corporation of The City of Edinburgh, recorded 29 Dec. 1966 (under exception of areas feued or disponed by said granters or their predecessors in title), with consent, TO - SARAH JANE SMALL OR THOMSON, 204 Broomhouse Road, Edinburgh, Proprietor of subjects registered in Land Register Title Number MID58128 - of servitude right of pedestrian and vehicular access over route coloured green on plan and (2.) RELINQUISHMENT by said SARAH JANE SMALL OR THOMSON, with a consent and with consent of THE ROYAL BANK OF SCOTLAND PLC, as heritable creditors of Standard Security granted by said Sarah Jane Small or Thomson - of servitude right of access over route coloured orange referred to in Feu Disp. to Robert Amos Sneddon and another, dated 24 Feb. 2004 as thereinmentioned. Dated 23 Jun. and 2 and 8 Jul. 2010.
- Plan.
- See Title Number MID58128.


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