S15.2 The Principal County

S15.2 The Principal County

The deed will be drafted in the usual way, with the minute including only the subjects applicable to that county. The phrase “inter alia” (meaning amongst other things) is inserted before the subjects in the minute, unless a composite description is given of subjects that straddle county boundaries e.g. “partly in County of X and partly in County of Y”. The subjects are given the same numbering in the minute as they have in the writ.

At the end of the minute, after the execution date, is added the name of the other counties in which the writ is being recorded by memorandum, e.g. (see MIDLOTHIAN and PEEBLES)

Drafters should add a ?Note detailing the Search Sheet numbers of the subjects in the subsidiary counties (or, where there is more than one set of subjects in a county, only the first);

e.g. ?Note - (see MIDLOTHIAN CSS 226547 and PEEBLES CSS 5671)?z

Use the full name of the county and the initials “CSS” (for Computerised Search Sheet) to distinguish them from Land Register Title Numbers. (The latter should be shown as:

“?l- (and see REN1234)” – on all Sasine counties - as per Joint Recording instructions, if the deed also happens to be a Joint Recording.)


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