S7.2.4 Preservation and Execution

S7.2.4 Preservation and Execution

A deed which is registered for execution is also automatically registered for preservation, although the reverse is not the case. A deed which is recorded for publication in the Register of Sasines can be registered simultaneously for preservation/preservation and execution in the Books of Council and Session if the relevant boxes (8 and 9) have been checked on the SAF (and consent to execution appears in the deed, if appropriate). Recording for preservation and execution as well as for publication cannot be accepted unless there is consent to registration for execution in gremio (in the body) of the writ (as per Section 138 and Form No. 1 to Schedule B of the Titles to Land Consolidation (Scotland) Act 1868).

Where a writ is recorded for preservation/preservation and execution, PRES. or PRES./EX. is minuted after the price and before PLAN (or on equivalent line if those are not applicable.)


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