S9.11 Acts of Parliament

S9.11 Acts of Parliament

Deductions of title for public bodies (e.g. City of Edinburgh Council) or persons (e.g. Secretary of State for Scotland) in right of subjects by specified Acts of Parliament are minuted as, e.g. – “acquired right by Act(s) and Order(s)”.

Example Minute:

MID 05576 (No.17) 16 Sep. 2010                                                     
DISP. by SCOTTISH MINISTERS - TO ELIZABETH CATHERINE GALLOWAY HONYWILL, 77 Deanburn, Penicuik, - of ground, pink on plan, comprising Garage Plot 4 ANNE STREET, PENICUIK, part of 93.358 acres [part of Farm and Lands of CUIKEN], referred to in Disp. to Scottish Special Housing Association Limited, recorded 13 Jun. 1950; which subjects were last vested in SCOTTISH SPECIAL HOUSING ASSOCIATION LIMITED, from whom said Granters acquired right by Acts and Order. Dated 2 Sep. 2010.
- near 77 DEANBURN, PENICUIK.                                                 
- Impl. of Will. PLAN.


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