S6.6 Execution of Attested Writings (Post 1995)

S6.6 Execution of Attested Writings (Post 1995)


1. The granter subscribes the deed.

2. A witness is to hand. Only one witness is required. The same witness may evidence the signatures of a number of granters and, in that case, need only sign once.

3. The witness must not be another granter.

4. The witness:
(a) must be 16 years or over,
(b) must be capax, and
(c) must know the granter (or have been introduced to the granter by a third party).

5. The witness either:
(a) sees the granter subscribe, OR
(b) the granter acknowledges his or her signature to the witness.

6. The witness signs immediately.

7. The witness is designed by NAME and ADDRESS.

This must be a continuous process. Once a granter subscribes a deed, the deed is immediately valid. The granter could then keep the deed in a cupboard for 20 years, before acknowledging his subscription to a witness. Once the acknowledgement has taken place, the witness must sign at once.


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