S4.6 External Information
You should aim to minute the best possible description of the subjects conveyed and may use information appearing outwith the body of the deed (e.g. on the backing) to enable you to do so. Any information which has been taken from outwith the deed is not shown in the body of the Minute, but is minuted and coded on the first line below the Minute. If any external information is used, it will always appear immediately below the minute.
(No.8) 31 Jan. 1998
FEU DISP. by ACORN HOUSING SPECIALISTS - TO ANDREW JOHN REILLY, 23 Comely Bank Drive, Edinburgh, - of 0.25 acre, part of 1 acre, at LIVINGSTON, referred to in Disp. to said Granter, recorded 12 Jul. 1972. Dated 27 Jan. 1998.
?l- £75,000, PLAN.
The line below any external information is used for Value Information.
Information from external sources can be used if it helps to amplify the description of the subjects contained in the body of the deed. When compiling a minute, the over-riding principle is to give the best possible, or most precise, description of the subjects conveyed (usually the postal address).
Should the deed, backing, plan and letter all contain the same information then it would appear in the Minute proper only.
External Information can be taken from:
1. The backing of the deed.
2. The SAF with the deed.
3. The plan - provided the information is clearly relevant to the ground being disponed.
4. Information which has previously been shown on the Search Sheet (this includes backing information).
Often the information on the backing may amplify the description in the writ:- e.g. Writ: Backing Minute |
Sometimes the writ will give very little specific information about the subjects conveyed, whilst the backing gives a postal description:- e.g. Writ: Backing Minute As the postal address of the subjects appears on the backing, the Minute will contain minimal information. |
Additional or more specific information may also be available in an accompanying deed, e.g. a Standard Security. If the backing of the Disp. contains information identical to that contained in the Standard Security, the following practise should be used:- Disposition: Backing: “ipm” Standard Security: Minute as follows: Standard Security: |
Links in Breakaways If information is required to be inserted into the Minute to maintain a link with the major area but the deed does not display the authority for “squaring in” the link, then the information relating to the major area may be shown underneath the Minute proper. This information will always be shown after information relating to the subjects being disponed - e.g. 0.25 acre, in MUSSELBURGH, part of subjects referred to in Disp. to said Granter, recorded 10 May 1987. Dated.... ?l- ?q?nCLAYKNOWES WAY?z, MUSSELBURGH, part of farm and lands of ?q?nSTONEYBANK?z. Both pieces of information can be shown on the same line (or a continuation thereof). Information about price, plan &c. is always on a separate line. |
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