4.2 Authorised Officer

4.2 Authorised Officer

The Head of Business Unit shall appoint one or more individuals from within the Unit to act as the Budget Account's 'authorised officer'. These appointments carry with them explicit responsibilities as detailed here and in the relevant section of the Finance Manual and if appropriate, it is expected that the incumbent will represent the Business Unit's procurement interests at RoS level.

Each Business Unit should have a single main point of contact where requests for goods or services are processed and issued. Under e-Procurement (PECOS) there will also be a ‘back up’ contact who will act as a substitute for the main contact. These arrangements will assist Heads of Business Units to control and monitor their expenditure and allow the e-Procurement System Administrator to effectively manage system security.

In order that an effective flow of all procurement information is maintained, the Business Unit must also advise the Procurement Department (e-Procurement System Administrator) as to whom such information should be sent. Further, the Procurement Department (e-Procurement System Administrator) must be advised immediately of any subsequent changes to, names of individuals, location etc.