
Approved Hospitality can be arranged and paid with using the RoS GPC Card by staff who are authorised to provide Corporate Hospitality. Guidance on the use of Corporate Hospitality is covered in the Staff Handbook and any additional guidance will be circulated to Cardholders by the Communications Directorate.

Staff using the GPC Card for hospitality should ensure their card is always in sight when transactions are being processed e.g. settling the bill in restaurants.

Where the Cardholder wishes to purchase alcohol as part of providing Corporate Hospitality they should follow the policy and guidance set out in the Staff Handbook.

It is the responsibly of the Cardholder to ensure all transactions are legitimate. Failure to comply may lead to RoS seeking full reimbursement.

All transactions should appear on the SDG2 statement and all MasterCard Vouchers/VAT receipts kept and forwarded to the Card Controller within 5 working days of receipt of statement.