Using the GPC for low value ad hoc business purchases which are NOT covered by existing contracts (advice can be sought from the Procurement Department), can realise significant savings in the administrative costs associated with such purchases compared to conventional methods, if the GPC is used properly and in accordance with the instructions set out in this Guide.
Every Cardholder must use the Card in accordance with these instructions (and any additional instructions issued by their Card Officer, the Card Controller or the Card Executive) and within their transaction limit and monthly credit limit. The use of Cards outside these limits is strictly forbidden. Cards must not be loaned or borrowed, even between Cardholders, and all purchases must be for office use only.
- Any goods or services currently purchased by RoS under contracts or Frameworks ;
- Any item for IT, peripherals, hardware, software, etc; unless being purchased by Cardholder who is a designated IT Services team member. See Cardholders ordering and payment procedures for further information.
- Any Training courses, Seminars, Conferences or Corporate Memberships (however as per Cardholders ordering and payment procedures these can be booked by designated HR/Training team members when the correct procedures are followed).
- The purchase of alcohol is forbidden unless authorised by manager in advance.