The case characteristic “Add To – PI Shares” relates to the situation where an additional ownership interest is being added to a registered title. For example:
Important: the application type will be FA or VA in all examples. |
The deed will generally convey the subjects in two parts. These can be described in various ways, but they are often numbered (FIRST) and (SECOND) or (IN THE FIRST PLACE) and (IN THE SECOND PLACE).
You may notice other characteristics in the application – for example TCA1, minerals, or Title Number in Burdens. These points will all have been considered in full when the original PI share was registered, so there’s no need to add those characteristics again at this stage.
Not every disposition which mentions pro-indiviso shares is an FA. Sometimes the whole of a property might be bought or sold in pro-indiviso shares. One example of this might be where a married couple have contributed differing amounts to the purchase of their home. For example:
This is not an “Add To” application so there is no need to record the PI shares as a case characteristic.