Process Steps

Prepare application for Despatch

11.1 When the LRS application has been settled, release it to Despatch Complete. 

11.2 On the CMS Settle Registration Review Screen, select the option Case is Ready for QA Selection and click Submit.

11.2.1 When you submit the 'Ready for QA' screen, CMS will do a check on your application in LRS to confirm that the interest field has been updated to be 2012 Act compliant (Ownership/Tenancy). If this has not been updated then an error message will display at the top of the screen stopping you from submitting. Fix the error in LRS and then in CMS, click Submit on the 'Ready for QA' screen.

11.2.2 If the case is a Transfer of Title, CMS will check that any Keeper Induced Registration (KIR) notes have been deleted from the A section. If the note exists then an error message will display. Fix the error in LRS and then in CMS, click Submit on the 'Ready for QA' screen.

11.2.3 If the application should contain a standard security but CMS reads the C section as empty (for example) then an additional warning screen will show after the QA screen. If the C section is correct then you must confirm this on the CMS screen. Click Yes and then Submit. If the C section is missing a security or if the date of registration has been entered incorrectly then you will need to fix this on LRS and confirm the change on CMS. In LRS, fix the C section. In CMS, click No and then select the 'I have updated title with Standard Security in LRS'  box. Click Submit.

11.2.4 If CMS detects that the country field for the proprietor's address does not match the prescribed list then at this stage CMS will show a warning. In LRS, right click on the country field in the B section and pick the correct option from the list. Apply the change. Refresh the CMS screen and click Submit.

11.2.5 If the details of the LRS application do not match the details in the CMS case (e.g the title number has changed since it was created or the UID number has been changed) then an error message will display. Select the Synchronise with LRS action from the actions menu. Select the relevant UID for each APF from the dropdown lists. Click Submit. Select the option 'Case is Ready for QA' Selection and click Submit.

11.2.6 If the LRS category does not match the CMS category then an error message will display. Select the Change Category action from the Actions menu. Select the relevant option from the dropdown list. If the option that you need does not show, use the Change product type action to change the product type of the case. This will change the options in the Category dropdown list. Type a reason why the category has changed into the Case note. Click Submit. Select the option 'Case is Ready for QA' Selection and click Submit.

11.3 If your case has been selected for QA then you will see a message stating this at this stage.

11.3.1 The case will move to the QA workbasket so it will no longer be in your My Assignments.

11.4 Close all the document windows relating to this case.

11.5 Check the date of creation for this case.

11.5.1 If it was created more that 1 day ago then continue to despatch the case and complete registration

11.5.2 If it was created today then wait overnight for the exception report before proceeding further with this case.

11.6 Click Next Assignment to take on another case.

11.7 If you will not be working on the following day, ensure that your Team Leader is aware so that they can arrange for your cases to be despatched. 

Prepare cheques for Finance 

12.1 Ensure that on completion of work on eFin at the end of the day the batch is posted the batch report form completed. Pass these documents to your TL so that they are able to identify and transfer the cheques to Finance.

End of Day One