PV 16 - How do I zoom to a title feature in a Plan Creator-mapped title?

When you are viewing a title sheet for a Plan Creator-mapped title in the PV, you can zoom to a title feature selected from the Title details list:

By clicking on the classification text on the right hand panel (under Title Information) the map canvas will centre on the selected feature and zoom to maximum zoom level.

This function is particularly useful in large or complex titles with multiple references as it helps the user find the relevant reference much more quickly than manually panning around the title.

Each feature classification in the list of title references is clickable.

By clicking on the green burden reference in the list, the view on the main map panel will centre on that reference and zoom in.

Please note this function will only work with draft plans and titles that have been migrated to or completed in Plan Creator. Zoom to feature will not work for DMS titles.

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