EEO - Annex 3. RCS 62.40(5)

ANNEX 3 - Style of certificate under RCS 62.40(5) (EC Regulation 44/2001 court settlements)

Certificate in terms of Articles 54 and 58 of the Council Regulation (EC) 44/2001 of 22 December 2000 on court settlements

1. Member State of origin


2. Court or competent authority issuing the certificate


2.1. Name

2.2. Address


2.3. Tel./fax/e-mail

 3. Court which approved the court settlement

3.1. Type of court


3.2. Place of court

4. Court settlement

4.1. Date

4.2. Reference number

4.3. The parties to the court settlement

4.3.1. Name(s) of plaintiff(s)

4.3.2. Name(s) of defendant(s)

4.3.3. Name(s) of other party(ies), if any


4.4. Date of service of the document instituting the proceedings where judgment was given in default of appearance

4.5. Text of the court settlement as annexed to this certificate


5. Names of parties to whom legal aid has been granted

The court settlement is enforceable in the Member State of origin (Articles 38 and 58 of the Regulation) against:

Name:  [                                       ]

Done at



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