Converting a Shared Plot Title Sheet into an Ordinary Title Sheet - Plans Settle

The following process should be used when i) a shared plot is no longer owned in common, ii) the ownership of a share in a shared plot is being transferred but is not being linked to a registered plot as a pertinent to that plot.


1.1 Complete an application record search for each of the sharing plots and identify if there are any pending applications.

1.1.1 If there are no pending applications create a TU for each of the sharing plot titles.

1.1.2 If there are any pending applications consider whether the applications must be completed before proceeding or whether the applications can be used in the following process.

1.2 Complete an application record search for the shared plot title and identify if there are any pending applications.

1.2.1 If there are any pending applications with a date of registration prior to the deed undergoing registration ensure the applications are completed before proceeding.

1.2.2 Identify if there is a pending application that can be used in the following process or create a TU for the shared plot title.

 An application over each title must be created before proceeding otherwise an error message will prevent completion.

1.3 Open the application for the shared plot title on LRS.

1.4 In the title workdesk open the Relationships tab and select the sharing/shared plot relationship and click on 'Rel. Remove'.

1.5 In the pop up box select the application for the applicable sharing plot title and ok.

1.6 Repeat for each sharing/shared plot relationship.

1.6.1 The applications for the sharing plot titles and the shared plot title will all be linked.

1.7 When all the relationships have been removed from the shared plot title click on 'Make Standalone' and ok.

1.7.1 The shared plot title has now been converted to an ordinary plot title and the title type has been converted from SP to 12.

1.8 Complete any updates on DMS, if applicable, in respect of the deed undergoing registration.

1.9 Open the sharing plot application from the DMS selectlist and update the shared plot note in the DMS casenotes.

1.10 Repeat for each sharing plot.

1.11 Open the shared plot application from the DMS selectlist and update the sharing plot note in the DMS casenotes. 

1.12 CLOSE & AUTHORISE all the applications on DMS. 

1.13 Add the relevant information for each title on the LRS title workdesk. 

1.14 Complete the case and release the lead application on LRS to LEGAL SETTLE. 

1.14.1 As the applications are all linked this will also release the application for each sharing plot title.

End of Process

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