Gift Transmission

Gift Transmission

The Gifts processes are currently under review. Please refer to CAJR Team Leader.

Process Steps

1.1 Once the record Volume reaches 250 pages the deeds can be transmitted to NRS.

1.2 Take the box of Royal Warrants and check that all warrants are there.

1.3 Stamp the top of the first page of each warrant with the Cachet Seal.

1.3.1 The Cachet Seal is a seal of the Queen’s signature.

Additional Information

1.4 Put the Royal Warrants into a new deed box and write on the side of the box:-

Registers of Scotland

HM Chancery

Quarter Seal

Record Volume No.

Royal Warrants 1 to …..

1.5 Take the Record Volume and check the pages to ensure that there are no missing/duplicated pages.

1.6 Put the completed Record Volume in a buff folder/box file and write on the front/side:-

Registers of Scotland

HM Chancery

Quarter Seal

Record Volume No.

1.7 Prepare the Index by accessing the Gift Record Volume in the CAJR fileshare.

1.8 Click on the folder for the appropriate Record Volume and open the excel spreadsheet.

1.9 Copy and paste the data onto the word document located in the folder. This will create the Index for NRS. Save the word document.

1.9.1 Check that all information is there and adjust the line spacing where necessary.

1.10 Print the Index onto Chancery Paper. (double sided)

CAJR fileshare - O:\Registration\Public\CAJR

1.11 Place the Index in a buff folder and write on the outside:-

Registers of Scotland

HM Chancery

Quarter Seal

Record Volume No.


1.12 Fill out the Chancery Transmission book (noting what you are transmitting).


1.13 Put both folders in a new box and write on the box:-

Registers of Scotland

HM Chancery

Quarter Seal

Record Volume No.


1.14 Inform the RO2 Odd jobs that there are Chancery Deeds to be included in the weekly transmission.

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