SO1 Odd Jobs

Process Steps

Additional Information

1.1 First thing in the morning, the daily ROI (doof doof) which can found in the fire proof cupboard at the front of the room, should be stamped up with the running number and date on the centre top of the page. All the stamps required for these duties can be found on the table beside the pigeon holes, (the date will be the previous day's date). Remember to fill in the spreadsheet found in the "O" drive: these deeds should then be put in a buff folder. On the front cover of the folder, put a sticky label with the date, the running numbers, and how many ROI there are in the bundle. Put a blue plastic cover on the front of the folder and put in the "IN" tray at copy services to be copied.

1.2 When the second post arrives, the messenger will leave it in the CAJR "IN" tray at the back of the room beside the pigeon holes. This is the odd job persons responsibility (keep an eye out for this arriving). Separate C&S from ROI, put ROI in the pigeon hole marked ROI Intake. This mail should be counted and added to the book in the tray. The first & second post totals should be added together & marked on the white totals board at the back of the room. This mail should then be passed to the RO2s for checking after it has been backed up.

1.3 Any Judgments will be put in the Judgment Intake pigeon hole: keep an eye on this throughout the day as they must go on that day. 

1.4 At some point in the day, copy services will put ROI in their OUT tray to be prepared for posting out (keep an eye out for this). There will be copies of the deeds (bond copies) and the original deeds in 2 separate bundles: these should be compared to check that all the pages that should be copied, have been. The bond copy should be stamped on the top right hand corner with the running number, a new bundle should start at number 2 (a date cannot be split but different dates can be added together until 450 pages are reached) (minimum pages are 250). The original deeds should be stamped with the stamp which is in the box where the deeds will be signed (see right). The deeds for signing should be put in the ROI posting out tray which is on the table beside the support staff. The bond copies go in the fire proof cupboard until ready for transmission to the Archives.


1.5 There may be post arrives that is not for CAJR: this should be put in the elsewhere post pigeon hole. When all the post is in for the day, send this post to the relevant sections.

1.6 Any post which comes in from agents to be amended or wrong invoices will be put in the Back Desk pigeon hole. This is not a priority to be done each day, but if you have time this should be kept on top of.

Registers of Scotland (RoS) seeks to ensure that the information published in the CAJR Manual is up to date and accurate but it may be amended from time to time.
The Manual is an internal document intended for RoS staff only. The information in the Manual does not constitute legal or professional advice and RoS cannot accept any liability for actions arising from its use.
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