ROI Invoice for Courts and AiB

Process Steps

Additional Information

RO2 Sheriff Court

1.1 Go to CAJR ROI:

1.1.1 Select the button that looks like a printer and is named Register of Inhibitions Reports. 

1.1.2 Tick box for Sheriff Court Statistics and select OK.

1.1.3 Then put in start date for month wanting stats for and end date.

1.1.4 Select OK.

1.2 Once printed, check that only court deeds appear on the list and check deed code numbers at top of stats.

1.2.1 Scan copy of court report and save to folder in CAJR Fileshare for the correct month and year.

1.2.2 Total number of deeds - Fee is number of deeds multiplied by £15.

1.3 Raise an eFinancials invoice for FAS 7261. The Sheriff Court reference should be quoted. If necessary see the CAJR Team Leader for the name of the Sheriff Court reference.

1.3.1 See Raising an Invoice on eFinancials.

1.4 Enter details into the Cashbook which is located in the CAJR Fileshare and place copy in FWA folder.

1.5 Complete covering letter. A template for the covering letter for Sheriff Court monthly invoices is available in the CAJR Fileshare.

1.6 Save copy of letter, invoice and statistics to the appropriate file in the CAJR Fileshare.

RO2 AiB Invoices

2.1 IT will send an email to the CAJR Inbox with the monthly report on the 1st of the month for previous month.

2.2 Identify the total of deeds from report and ensure this corresponds with total cost. Also ensure that only AiB deeds appear on the report. (i.e. 56, 57 or 47 deed codes).

2.3 Raise an eFinancials invoice for FAS 0224. The AiB reference should be quoted. If necessary see the CAJR Team Leader for the name of the AiB reference. Put N/A in Granter field.

2.3.1 See Raising an Invoice on eFinancials.

2.4 Enter details into the Cashbook which is located in the CAJR Fileshare and place copy in FWA folder.

2.5 Email the report from IT to the finance email address at the AiB. If necessary see the CAJR Team Leader for the finance email address at the AiB.

The email to the AiB should be sent encrypted. (If necessary see the CAJR Team Leader for instructions on sending encrypted emails).

2.6 Move the IT report to the completed folder in the CAJR Inbox.

CAJR Fileshare - O:\Registration\Public\CAJR

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