SO2 Duties

Process Steps

Additional Information

1.0 Calculating

1.1 Cut up preambles which will be in the yellow basket on SO2 work area.

1.2 Take deeds out of the secure cupboard.

1.3 Check preamble against front of deed and registration requirements of deed to make sure the correct docquet is added (D for Preservation) (D/E for Preservation and Execution). 

1.4 Glue preamble to left hand side of backing sheet. A backing sheet should be attached to all deeds.

1.5 Indicate on right hand bottom corner how may extracts are required (if only one is required this does not need to be marked).

1.6 Separate plans and LBTT forms, remembering to check the correct deed number and date are written on the post-it note on the plans and in pencil on LBTT's.

1.7 Make up into bundles of approx 70 pages depending on amount of extracts required and put in a plastic bag.

1.8 Complete a waybill, ensuring running number is correct. The white copy stays in CAJR and is put aside in yellow basket until the deeds are returned from copy services for assembly. The yellow copy travels with the deeds in the bags and a number to correspond with the number on the waybill should be visible on the front of the bag.

1.9 Put plans in plans folder which is located on the SO2 back desk remembering to take note of deed numbers and how many copies are recorded on the sheet provided until assembly. These should run in numerical order.

1.10 Put LBTT forms in folder to be attached to invoices making sure to add a post it note with date of deeds on it also in numerical order.

1.11 Make sure pages are numbered up correctly.

Table of Contents

2.0 Assembly

2.1 Collect fly sheets (any plans for this date should be put amongst the fly sheets in front of corresponding number) from box file on SO2 back desk. Open up plastic bags, separate original deeds from extract copies.

2.2 Paperclip each extract together with fly sheet checking all relevant information is correct e.g.: name spelling, deed type, correct parties added and duplicate plans inserted.

2.3 Make sure pages are numbered up correctly.

2.4 Make any necessary changes to the database and print off amended fly sheet.

2.5 Make up into sizeable bundles. 

2.6 Attach a completed slip with preamble date, and total number of deeds and extracts.

2.7 Put slip with corresponding invoices in a plastic wallet and attach to the completed bundle of extracts. 

2.8 It is now ready for binding and sealing. Corresponding spreadsheets (turnaround times and posting out) must be updated with totals after each bundle is completed. 

3.0 Pinning up

3.1 When the original deeds come back from copy services make sure all the pages have been returned and attach each deed back together with a gold paper clip. On the side of each box write with a black marker pen the first and last running numbers and their preamble dates.

3.2 These boxes are then stored in the secure cupboard until the next transmission to the National Archives of Scotland (NAS).

4.0 Scanning

4.1 All ROI and C&S deeds are submitted with a covering letter. The covering letters should be scanned on a daily basis. To do this you:

4.1.1 Take date at a time of letters for ROI or C&S.

4.1.2 Make sure the numbers run in order.

4.1.3 Remove any staples.

4.1.4 Place letters in the top tray of the MFD printer.

4.1.5 Swipe card to login.

4.1.6 Select 'scan to me'.

4.1.7 Scan all letters.

4.2 When letters are all scanned, they will automatically be sent via email to your inbox. Each C&S file should be saved in the appropriate folder within the CAJR Fileshare.






CAJR Fileshare - O:\Registration\Public\CAJR

5.0 Judgements

5.1 Take the judgments out of the secure cupboard.

5.2 Check the details against the fly sheet and glue preamble to backing sheet (always for execution). Judgments should always have a covering letter and the appropriate county court seal on the front.

5.3 Check pages, making sure pages that are not required are crossed off.

5.4 Enter details into judgment folder on the database and send judgments to copy services for bond and extract copies to be made up making sure that the letters, flysheets and deeds are put into separate bundles and pinned together with paper clips. 

5.5 These 3 bundles should then be sent to copy services in a judgement folder.

6.0 On return

6.1 Separate the bond and extract copies match up with fly sheet, re-attach preamble back to the backing sheet on front of judgment and attach letter.

6.2 Bind and seal judgments and put with letters on RO2 back desk for signing and posting out.

6.3 Stamp up bond copies and put in judgment box (SO2 back desk) remembering to enter return date on spreadsheet. The bond copies are collected in a bundle made into record volumes.

6.4 Each judgment page is separated by a folio page and stamped in the top right hand corner starting with the number 2 up to number 280 pages (do not split a date).

6.5 Bundles are then left on RO2 back desk.

7.0 Reprint / requests

7.1 Reprints could include incorrect preamble/docquet, missing pages, rescan, and additional extracts required (e.g.: larger deeds which can't be copied by the CAJR department and changes to be recorded on the CAJR Archive Viewer. 

7.2 Completed request slips will be in box file marked Requests found in SO2 yellow basket.

7.2.1 Place request in secure bag together with white and yellow copies of waybill and send to copy services.

7.2.2 Pink copy to be retained until request has been dealt with.

7.2.3 Enter information into requests folder on database. 

7.2.4 When returned by copy services the copy waybills can be discarded and return date should be entered onto spreadsheet.

8.0 LBTT forms

8.1 Match up LBTT forms with invoices.

9.0 PLP (Preceding Last Page)

9.1 This is when the original agent has requested that the first page of the deed be incorporated into the extract copy and should therefore be numbered as page number 1.

10.0 Codicils

10.1 If more than 1 codicil has accompanied a will then the document should be numbered up with the earliest dated codicil first.

11.0 Will certificate

11.1 The signature should be on each page of a will, if not a will certificate is required. If not already supplied, this can be obtained from an RO2. The will cert should be docqueted but not numbered. 

12.0 Confirmation docquet

12.1 (2 pages) last page will be page with signatures.

13.0 Spreadsheets

13.1 Spreadsheets used by the SO2's can be found in the CAJR Fileshare.

14.0 ROI Posting out

14.1 Register of Inhibition (ROI) deeds are entered on the system by RO2s. When they are ready to be returned to the Agent, they are placed in the tray on the SO2 backdesk along with the corresponding invoices. When posting out ROI you should:

14.1.1 Remove bundle of ROI deeds and corresponding invoices from the SO2 backdesk.

14.1.2 Check the daily number on the invoice against the number on the deed. Some ROI deeds have more than one page so care must be taken to ensure all pages are posted together. The daily number will be on the bottom right-hand corner of the deed and the last page is indicated by a cross.

14.1.3 Fill in ROI posting out spreadsheet which can be found in the CAJR fileshare.


The following is a list of agents requesting this service:

  • Brodies
  • Punch Taverns
  • Iona Pub Partnership
  • Russell & Aitken (Falkirk)
  • Carrington Dean

If in doubt, check with the CAJR TL1 that this list is accurate and up to date. (Last updated September 2016.)

15.0 C & S Posting out book

15.1 The amount of deeds and extracts copies required are entered daily onto the database by the person on assembly duties. 

15.2 The workbook is divided into spreadsheets for each month. 

15.3 The current running numbers and totals are entered. 

15.4 The amount of extracts and the despatched on time percentage figure are both calculated automatically.

15.5 When the deeds have been sent out details of the date sent and who sent them out should be retrieved from the posting out slip and entered by the person doing assembly. 

16.0 Weekly C & S Extract turnaround times. Business Management Summary (BMS)

16.1 Remember to change week number when starting a new week.

16.2 Enter preamble date; amount of deeds required and amount of extract copies required. 

16.3 When the deeds have been sent out details of the date sent and who sent them out should be retrieved from the posting out slip. These figures are entered by the person on assembly. Remembering to convert the date sent out into turnaround time in days i.e. 3 or 4 etc.

16.4 The total of these figures are used for the BMS report and are transferred automatically. 4 weeks equate to a period and the totals are transferred to the yearly running totals. (Period and Year to Date) which can be found at the start of the weekly summary report.

16.5 At the end of each monthly period the (BMS) figures are entered onto the database by entering the details in the Business Planning folder of the RoS fileshare.

16.6 Enter total amount of extract copies and percentage figure in C & S extracts part of the spreadsheet.





See CAJR Team Leader for further details.

Registers of Scotland (RoS) seeks to ensure that the information published in the CAJR Manual is up to date and accurate but it may be amended from time to time.
The Manual is an internal document intended for RoS staff only. The information in the Manual does not constitute legal or professional advice and RoS cannot accept any liability for actions arising from its use.
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