Quality Checklist - ROI

DEED CODEROIQC1Has the correct deed code been used?

Does the Deed Type entered into ROI match that of the deed? (Please note, this should be compared with the Deed Type narrated in the body of the deed where possible (but if unsure take from covering letter but not all deeds have a covering letter (Court Deeds)).
Deed Codes and Types - ROI
The Deed type is incorrect and should be amended to reflect the deed.Send to ROI for Amendment
DEBTORS NAMEROIQC2Has the correct Debtors name been entered?

• Have the Debtors who require to be included been entered on (ROI)?   (Please see - Indexing Guidelines)

• Have the Debtors been entered in full using the correct spelling? (Please note, if the correct debtors have been included and spelled correctly but have not been indexed correctly, (e.g. all names (Forename and Surname) in the Forename field)) this would be a PASS for Debtors and a FAIL for Indexing).

The Debtors name entered on the ROI system does not reflect the deed.Send to ROI for Amendment

Has the correct Debtors designation been entered (if required)?

Have the debtors who require to be designed been designed fully and have their designations been spelled correctly? (Please note, if the correct designations have been included and spelled correctly but have not been indexed correctly this would be a PASS for Debtors and a FAIL for Indexing).

 • Individuals and LLPs require to be designed.
 • Companies do not require to be designed unless being Pursued.

The Debtor to the deed has not been designed on the ROI system.

The Debtors designation is spelled incorrectly and should be amended to reflect the deed.
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PURSUERS NAMEROIQC4Has the correct Pursuers name been entered (if required)?

If Required (The check should be the same as the Debtors)

• Not all deeds require a Pursuer.

• The skeleton minute will alert you if a Pursuer is missing by symbols inserted into the space on the minute.

The Pursuers name entered on the ROI system does not reflect the deed.Send to ROI for Amendment
PURSUERS DESIGNATIONROIQC5Has the correct Pursuers designation been entered (if required)?

If Required (The Check should be the same as the Debtors)

The Pursuer to the deed has not been designed on the ROI system.

The Pursuers designation is spelled incorrectly and should be amended to reflect the deed.
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FAS NUMBERROIQC6Has the correct FAS number been used?

• Does the agent's address on ROI match that of the covering letter? (Please note, it is not necessary for the FAS numbers to match as the (person entering) may have taken the correct one from the FAS-directory rather than the letter. Refer to FAS directory for appropriate FAS number).
• Is the FAS number used on ROI for a non-E payment account?
• AIB deeds have the FAS Number – 0224
• If the FAS Number on the covering letter is an E-Payment account (which is incorrect) ROI staff should check for the correct FAS Number and write the correct FAS Number on the covering letter.

The FAS number used is incorrect - E payment accounts are not acceptable to ROI.Send to ROI for Amendment
AGENTS REFERENCEROIQC7Has the correct Agent's reference been used?

Does the Agent's Reference match the covering letter or the reference on the Court Deed?
• The system can only contain 15 characters. (Only use Alphanumeric characters for Agents Reference)
• Court deed reference start with SQ (Number)? Year. This reference links back and remains with original minute/deed.

• Agent's reference entered should contain the first 15 alphanumeric digits, omitting any symbols or obliques.

Agent's reference is incorrect and should be amended to reflect the covering letter/court deed.Send to ROI for Amendment
ADD DETAILS BOX (DATES)ROIQC8Have the correct dates been entered (if required)?

Have the correct date/dates been entered into the ROI?
• The date of inhibition / notice / warrant / award etc. requires dates to be entered.
• Some deeds require a date to be inserted but the system will alert you by the deed detail box.
• Some deeds require 2 dates to be inserted into the system. (Warrant to Cite and others)

The date/s of inhibition / notice / warrant / award etc entered does not reflect the deed.Send to ROI for Amendment

Have the relevant deeds been executed/signed appropriately?

The Deed is not signed/executed correctly.
Deed is not probative - witness/signatory has not been designed/ designed fully.
Deed is not probative - witness/signatory's name/designation is illegible.
Deed is not probative - not all required parties have signed the deed.
Inform ROI
Have the Debtors & Pursuers and their designations (where applicable) been indexed correctly and do they comply with the SSA Indexing guidelines?

• If the deed has a formerly designation all designations should be entered.
• If Debtors have otherwise known as Forename/Surnames all names should be entered.
• No Postcode is to be entered unless town is missing.
• Use suffix box for “#aka” also known as.

CAJR Indexing GuidelinesHave the Debtor & Pursuers and their designations (where applicable) been indexed correctly and do they comply with the SSA Indexing guidelines? Send to ROI for Amendment

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