CAJR Indexing Guidelines

CAJR Indexing Guidelines

The CAJR indexing guidance is under review. Please see the CAJR Team Leaders if you have any questions on indexing.

The indexing information provided here is specific to CAJR. It may vary from the general RoS Indexing Guidelines in certain places due to the requirements of CAJR and their IT systems.

Deed CodeDeed TypeIssueIndexing Guidance or Parties Entered
 Allindexing @SIPP

No definitive answer, as deeds usually differ; however, the general rule is to record @SIPP (Pension Trustees) Limited and @SIPP Limited, including the individuals name, only if it clearly forms part of the pension name - i.e. as trustees of @SIPP re Joe Bloggs. Then index as @SIPP re (Individuals name).

See the section on Personal Pension Plans/SIPPs in the 2012 Act Manual Persons Indexing Guidelines.

13Affidavitwho is indexed?First name (person swearing) or deceased person
39Agreementwho is indexed?All parties / trust name / deceased person (receivers, consent of, administrators of - not required)
12Assignationwho is indexed?Assignor and assignee only
88e(Assignation and) Variationwho is indexed?Assignor, assignee and Landlord (or consentor)
5Assumptionwho is indexed?Deceased or name of trust
6Assumption & Conveyancewho is indexed?Deceased or name of trust
6mAssumption, Conveyance & Resignationwho is indexed?Deceased or name of trust and person resigning
60Bondwho is indexed?Borrower
61Personal Bondwho is indexed?Borrower
76fRoad Bondwho is indexed?Guarantor 
12dCertificate of Indebtednesswho is indexed?Debtor
20fCertificate of Indebtedness & Indemnitywho is indexed?Debtor
4gCertificate of Confirmation & Docquetwho is indexed?Deceased
98mChange of Namewhat is indexed?

Old name and new name

In the case of a child changing their name the mother also gets indexed.

14Consentwho is indexed?Person consenting
21hContribution Agreementwho is indexed?First name (debtor)
72aContribution Orderwho is indexed?First name (debtor)
42fDeclinaturewho is indexed?Deceased
64Declarationwho is indexed?Person declaring
51Declaration of Trustwho is indexed?Person(s) setting up trust or name of trust
59Deed of Appointmentwho is indexed?Deceased or name of trust
17cDeed of Dissolutionwho is indexed?Partnership name
5aDeed of Family Arrangementwho is indexed?Deceased
47cDeed of Designation & Authoritywho is indexed?Partnership name (name SP)
31aDeed of Giftwho is indexed?Person making gift
7fDeed of Resignationwho is indexed?Deceased or person resigning
31Deed of Trustwho is indexed?Person(s) setting up trust or name of trust
52Deed of Variation (re person's estate)who is indexed?Deceased
8eDeposit Agreementwho is indexed?Landlord and tenant(s)
84Dischargewho is indexed?Deceased person or name of trust or person discharging
29Discharge of Guaranteewho is indexed?Person discharging
98aDiscretionary Trustwho is indexed?Person(s) setting up trust or name of trust
24Dispositionwho is indexed?Person disponing
23cEIK to Confirmationwho is indexed?Deceased
65Extension & Variation of Leasewho is indexed?Landlord and tenant(s)
20bEvacuation of Special Destinationwho is indexed?Both parties
90iExclusive Occupancy Agreementwho is indexed?Landlord and tenant(s)
51cExtension of Licencewho is indexed?Landlord and tenant(s)
10cFitting Out Licencewho is indexed?Licensor & licencee (trust name, if applicable)
70iFamily Protection Trust & Statement of Wisheswho is indexed?Person(s) setting up trust or name of trust
49Guaranteewho is indexed?Guarantor(s) only
67hPersonal Guaranteewho is indexed?Guarantor(s)
66eGeneral Mortgage Conditionswho is indexed?Bank or building society
18cGeneral Settlementwho is indexed?Deceased
40iIndemnity & Certificate of Indebtednesswho is indexed?Debtor
24mIndemnity & Guaranteewho is indexed?Guarantor or debtor
86bInformal Writingwho is indexed?Deceased
10sJoint Loan Agreementwho is indexed?Borrower(s) and lender(s)
10Lease   who is indexed?Landlord / tenant (guarantor or consentor is not indexed)
92cLicence to Occupywho is indexed?Licensor and licencee (trust name, if applicable)
92cLicence to OccupyBoyd & CoLandlord and tenant
34Licence for Works Agreementwho is indexed?Landlord(s) and tenant(s)
22dLiferent Trustwho is indexed?Landlord / tenant / trust name
39dLetter of Abandonmentwho is indexed?Debtor (person who the trust was taken out on)
17eLimited Duration Tenancywho is indexed?Landlord(s) and tenant(s)
89cLetter of Declinaturewho is indexed?Deceased or name of trust
35Loan Agreementwho is indexed?

Person borrowing / lender (index borrower first, when indexing credit unions)

Index the borrower first in the case of credit unions.

56mMatrimonial Homes Declarationwho is indexed?Person declaring
9Minute of Agreementwho is indexed?

All parties / trust name / deceased person (receivers, consent of, administrators of - not required)

If it’s the executors of someone, type their name - e.g. "John Brown's Executry".

74Minute of Extension of Leasewho is indexed?Landlord and tenant
30Minute of Variation of Leasewho is indexed?Landlord and tenant
22aMemorandumwho is indexed?Landlord and tenant
16Missiveswho is indexed?Landlord and tenant
15a Mortgage Conditionswho is indexed?Name of bank or building society
44cOccupancy Agreementwho is indexed?Landlord and tenant
48eOffer to Letwho is indexed?Landlord and tenant
33Offer to Loanwho is indexed?Borrower(s) and lender(s)
76aParental Rights Agreementwho is indexed?

Mother and father

Must always get two extracts.

37Partnership Agreementwho is indexed?All parties
24ePension Sharing Agreementwho is indexed?Both parties
56aPost Diploma Training Contractwho is indexed?

Trainee solicitor and employer (solicitor or company)

Index the trainee first.

47nPost Nuptial Agreementwho is indexed?Both parties
58cPost Nuptial Contractwho is indexed?Both parties
57fPre Nuptial Agreementwho is indexed?Both parties
57bPromissary Notewho is indexed?Debtor
42cRanking Agreementwho is indexed?Bank and landlord and tenant (in order of ranking)
15Renunciationwho is indexed?Landlord and tenant or deceased person or person renouncing or in favour of
7Resignationwho is indexed?Person resigning
75Rent Review Memorandumwho is indexed?Landlord and tenant(s) 
38aRevocationwho is indexed?Deceased person  
2Settlementwho is indexed?Deceased
69Short Assured Tenancy Agreementwho is indexed?Landlord and tenant
23Standard Securitywho is indexed?Person setting up standard security / bank or building society (or individual)
13nStandard Training Contractwho is indexed?

Trainee solicitor and employer (solicitor or company)

Index the trainee first.

13nStandard Training Contractindexing agent reference

Enter the trainee's name, as the agent reference

19Separation Agreementwho is indexed?Both parties
05pTrustees Minutewho is indexed?Name of trust or person setting up trust if no trust name is narrated
17Trust Deedwho is indexed?Debtor (or person setting up trust)
58Trust Deed for Creditorswho is indexed?Debtor (first name appearing)
3Trust Disposition and Settlementwho is indexed?Deceased person
47eTenancy Agreementwho is indexed?Landlord and tenant
04cTestamentary Settlementwho is indexed?Deceased person
1Willwho is indexed?Deceased person
 AllTrust with single trusteeTrust name only is acceptable
 Allwhere do you take the Trust Name from?Use trust name when quoted in deed; if not, index individuals
 AllNominees (inc. depository)Fund name only acceptable
 Allwhere should you take deed type from?Deed type should be taken from deed itself
 AllFormerly or Previously namesIncluded, as separate entry, with the second entry indexing 'formerly' in the prefix
 AllTrading as nameAs with formerly or previously names, included, as separate entry, with 'Trading as' entered into the prefix of the second entry.
 All 'OR' womenSame entry 
 All 'Aka' womenSeparate entry for each name 
 All 'Nee' womenSeparate entry for each name
 Alldescriptive text - 'trustees for', 'in liquidation', 'registered number' etc.Not indexed
 AllCharity NumberNot indexed
 Allname includes word 'The'

'The' should not be indexed in the prefix field (the exception is 'The Church of Scotland')

See the sections on Inclusion of "the" and The Church of Scotland in the 2012 Act Manual Persons Indexing Guidelines.

 Alltypo in partiesCheck body of deed to confirm spelling; if still unclear, refer for advice on how to proceed 
 AllSpelling issues - can you check the testing clause for clarification?No information is to be taken from the testing clause, as it isn't a legal part of the deed
 Allhow do you record the party town?

The party town is to be indexed e.g. "Bearsden, Glasgow" will be input into town

CAJR prefers apha caps followed by lower-case. Quality will accept any format.

 Allfull stops, commas, ampersands etc. appear in party namesReflect the deed
 Allparty town is in another countryReflect the deed
 All 'parties described 'as individuals'All parties described as individuals should be indexed
 AllAgent's reference - do we use obliques etc?If the reference is 16 characters or more, omit to maximize information
 Allsigning capacity of Signatories unclearIf there is a witness then there is no requirement for capacity of signatories; the exception would be a signatory on behalf of a company/trust. In this instance, their capacity must be narrated
 Allacronyms to be typed in full (e.g. Ltd indexed as Limited)Reflect the deed
 AllParty orderParty order indexed to reflect deed; exceptions would be Loan Agreements and Training Contracts, where debtor or trainee is indexed first
 Allshould we contact agent if testing clause refers to the preceding 8 pages with schedule and plan, when there are only 3 pages and no schedule or planNo need to contact agent, as we are only interested with the Requirements of Writing
 Family Protection Trustindividual or trust name?Trust name, if given
 All 'Messrs'Goes into prefix
 AllSARL, S.A.R.L etcReflect the deed
 AllSnr, JnrEnter into suffix
 VariousMr, MrsEnter into prefix, if it forms part of a Trust name, or if there is only an initial, so as to define gender
 Missiveswho is indexed?All parties 
 Variousdeed type has a Lease boxRent, Duration and a Description should be entered. If details are incomplete, enter what is given. If rent is monthly, enter into the free text.
 Nobilitywho is indexed?

Names that contain a full name and a family title should be double indexed. This procedure applies to e.g. Dukes, Duchesses, Marquises, Marchionesses, Earls, Countesses, Viscounts and Viscountesses. If the deed is signed, with reference only to an area, e.g. 'Montrose' then index 'Duke of Montrose'. if it has been signed with individual's full name then index full name and the title.

Remember to tick the Nobility box.

See the section on Nobility in the 2012 Act Manual Persons Indexing Guidelines.

Useful links

Indexing Guidelines (2012 Act Manual)

Persons Indexing Guidelines (2012 Act Manual)

Localities and Post Towns in Scotland (2012 Act Manual)

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Registers of Scotland (RoS) seeks to ensure that the information published in the CAJR Manual is up to date and accurate but it may be amended from time to time.
The Manual is an internal document intended for RoS staff only. The information in the Manual does not constitute legal or professional advice and RoS cannot accept any liability for actions arising from its use.
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