Term | Description |
Business Area | an operational unit within one of the organisations involved in the Government Procurement Card scheme |
Card | A Government Procurement Card issued under the terms of the Scottish Government Departmental GPC Agreement with Royal Bank of Scotland |
Card Executive | an Officer, at Director level or above who is responsible for approving new cardholders |
Card Controller | an individual within Procurement who is responsible for monitoring and reporting on the use of the RoS GPC & Corporate Card and reporting to the Crad Executive and Audit. |
Card Officer | an individual within each Business Area who is responsible for verifying cardholder transactions and authorising the cardholders spend |
Cardholder | a person who has been nominated for this purpose by their organisation and to whom a card is issued |
Credit Limit | the maximum VAT-exclusive expenditure by an individual cardholder over a 4 week period. |
GPC | Government Procurement Card |
SDG2 | SmartDataGeneration2 |
SDG2 System | online reconciliation tool to view all GPC transactions |
Statement | details monthly transactions made by the cardholder which requires payment in full within 14 days, otherwise known as the invoice |
Summary Statement | received by the Card Controller and details all Cardholders total spend, to be processed for payment within 5 working days |
Transaction Limit | the maximum permitted expenditure on a single Card transaction - currently £600 including VAT |