Request for physical documents

As of April 2020, RoS has only been accepting digital versions of applications therefore there will be no paper documents to view. Follow your usual process for contacting agents if the digital documents from recent cases are unclear.

Sometimes it is necessary to view the paper documents. However, a request to Centralised Support to see a physical document should be made only when there is no other alternative.

All documents for Standard Dealings will be returned to the agents after 24 hours of receipt, with the exception of DWs with SAF or C&S forms/requests, therefore a request can ONLY be raised on the day the documents were actually received.

How to request the physical documents for CMS cases

  • Check the date of receipt of the document on CMS.
  • Create a Document Request Email and send to Centralised Support.
    • Address the email to the 'Centralised Support' mailbox.
    • The subject field should be 'URGENT Physical Document Request' plus the CMS case ID and Batch Number - this will ensure that Centralised Support can identify which task needs to be completed and will help them prioritise their work.
    • Complete the details as per the template below so that Centralised Support can locate the documents (if they are still with RoS).
    • Add a Reason for the document request.
      • In some instances the issue can be resolved without the need for the physical document. 
  • Centralised Support will retrieve the case and deliver the documents to you.
    • Note: Centralised Support will deliver all the case documents rather than a single document to ensure they are kept together.
  • When you are finished with the documents email Centralised Support to notify them that you want the documents collected.
    • Note: Centralised Support will come and collect the documents and will return them to store or despatch as appropriate.

Example template email


Batch ID
Case ID
Title No.
App. No. (if applicable)

The information on this page relates to the LR CMS For guidance relating to the original CMS platform, see CMS Quick Reference.  

Registers of Scotland (RoS) seeks to ensure that the information published in the 2012 Act Registration Manual is up to date and accurate but it may be amended from time to time.
The Manual is an internal document intended for RoS staff only. The information in the Manual does not constitute legal or professional advice and RoS cannot accept any liability for actions arising from its use.
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