Termination/Renunciation of Lease - Intake

Process Steps

Additional Information

Intake Officer

1.1 Complete the initial examination steps as normal.

1.2 Check the deed closely conforms to the statutory style or contains the minimum content. Refer if necessary. 

1.2.1 Refer to the guidance page for the renunciation of lease style.

1.2.2 Refer to a senior officer if a Notice of Irritancy or any other form of evidence is submitted for registration to terminate the lease.

1.3 Identify the relevant scenario applicable to the deed undergoing registration. Refer if necessary.

1.3.1 Check the deed narrates the correct title number.

If the deed does not conform to the statutory style, if it does not narrate a title number/the correct title number or if the deed is not capable of being registered in the land register the application must be rejected. Refer if necessary.

1.4 Identify if an internal DW application is required.

1.4.1 Refer to a plans referral officer to check the Plan Viewer.

An internal DW is required when both the lease (tenant's title) and the plot (landlord's title) titles are registered. This must be identified at intake as the internal DW application must be contemporaneous with the lead application.

1.5 Create the DW application and any additional internal DW application. 

 Creation of an Internal Dealing
  • An internal DW should be created using the title number of the plot in the same way the lead DW application was created but deed details should not be added to the application workdesk (i.e. deed type, agent, UID, reference, email addresses).
  • The following picklist note should be added to the 'Additional Information' field:

Application to effect termination of Lease [insert deed type/parties/see app. (insert lead application number)].

  • No fee will apply to the internal DW.
  • The internal DW must be contemporaneous with the lead application.
  • Both applications should travel together.
  • Both applications should have the same category.

1.6 Prepare and release the case to the next location as normal.

Registers of Scotland (RoS) seeks to ensure that the information published in the 2012 Act Registration Manual is up to date and accurate but it may be amended from time to time.
The Manual is an internal document intended for RoS staff only. The information in the Manual does not constitute legal or professional advice and RoS cannot accept any liability for actions arising from its use.
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