Gift Process

The Gifts processes are currently under review. Please refer to CAJR Team Leader.

Process Steps

Additional Information

1.1 Check the draft warrant from KLTR.

1.2 Make a photocopy of the warrant, including backing.

1.3 Enter the company/person's name and the subjects into the spreadsheet, which is located in the CAJR fileshare. This will give you the reference number for this gift.

1.4 Take a folder from the top of the fire cupboard marked and put the same info at the top of it.

1.5 Check that the subjects in the warrant correctly reflect the SSI, CSR, or Land Register title sheet. Keep a copy of the search sheet or title sheet and all correspondence in the folder.

1.5.1 If LR – Scan to me (usually double sided) highlight title number and email to CSC to check there are no competing titles.

1.6 Complete an ROI search against the last known persons infeft.

1.7 If the subjects are in the LR take the Warrant to customer services and ask one of the plans officers to check the title number to make sure that there are no competing titles. If they are busy, just leave the copy with them and they will get back to you when they can. If Sasines subjects then this could take longer to check so ask colleagues with Sasine experience for advice.

1.7.1 Note: KLTR should have already investigated this so we don’t want to spend a lot of time on it. If it is difficult to confirm there are no competing titles, or you feel there are competing titles then speak to CAJR manager.

1.8 Do a general check of the Draft Royal Warrant to make sure that it is OK. Sometimes there are small spelling mistakes. Check that the year of the dissolution of the company ties in with the act they are quoting by checking the Legislation Scotland website.

1.9 Send the Draft Warrant and any title sheets and/or plans back to them pointing out any errors or telling them that everything is OK

1.10 Letter templates (if required) are available in the CAJR fileshare

CAJR fileshare - O:\Registration\Public\CAJR

Receive Signed Official Royal Warrant

2.1 Check subjects, dates and names in the signed Warrant against the copy of the draft Warrant and also check that they have made any corrections that have been pointed out to them.

2.2 Once you are happy that the Royal Warrant is OK, give it over to the SO1 on Chancery and ask her/him to arrange with Typists to have the Gift typed up.

2.3 If there is a plan then this will be supplied – give to chancery support along with the signed gift.

2.4 SO1 support will contact the Keeper's secretary and ask for a signing date, allowing time for typing, quality check and printing of extract, etc. 1-2 weeks depending on resource.

2.5 When the Gift comes back from Typists the SO1s will quality check. Once everything ok the typist will send a word document to the CAJR team (usually via the CAJR manager. This will get printed off on Chancery paper – see print instructions below.

2.6 It then gets taken up to the Secretariat. The Keeper's secretary will bring it back once it has been signed by relevant signatory. It is useful to put a ‘sign here’ sticker on to prevent the document being signed in wrong place.

2.7 The CAJR manager will receive a word document from the typist. Save this to appropriate folder in the CAJR Fileshare and rename appropriately with Typist name.

2.8 Open the template in the CAJR Fileshare that has the same pages as you require. The most common number of pages are 3 and 4 pages. 

2.8.1 This template needs to be protected but in the meantime try not to overwrite, save as bond as soon as you open. 

2.9 In the CAJR Fileshare - 'File', 'Save as' and 'Rename' a new version. e.g. "Gift_XX_Denrom_Invest_Bond".

2.10 Arrange the window (both in ‘print layout’ view) so you can view both documents. ('Window', 'Arrange all')

2.10.1 Check print layout is correct.

2.11 Copy and paste over the text from the typist version to the Bond version i.e. preamble, page numbers and backing, text, signatory.

2.11.1 When copying the actual text, make sure you only copy and paste a page at a time and make sure you only copy the text and not the section breaks (which are directly after the page no.)

2.11.2 You may notice that depending on how many lines you are pasting in that you may have to either add or delete paragraph marks, to allow for the page no at the bottom right to re-appear, if it gets pushed down to the next page, bring it back up. The page number should always appear on the last line available.

2.11.3 spacing – There should only be one double space between ‘Page second’ and the new paragraph.

2.12 Once you are content everything has been copied over correctly you can, close the typist copy, save the Bond copy and then File, Save as and rename to a Keeper&TL version. i.e. Gift XX company Keeper&TL.

2.13 On this new Keeper and TL Copy we will now delete the information that is not required; the preamble, page numbers and typed signature.

2.13.1 Because you are deleting the preamble you will need to replace the missing line with paragraph marks.

2.14 The plan. If you receive a plan with a gift then you will need to copy this twice in colour. The original will be used with the Keepers copy, one colour copy will need to be numbered for the Bond copy and one unnumbered colour copy for the TL copy.

Put the plan in the relevant tray/Follow you and send the blank numbered page. Do a test with the blank page to see where the number will appear on the plan

2.15 When you come to print. The Keeper copy must be double sided Chancery paper (use Tray 3 or 4 as it is not used as much as others. Keep long edge on for double sided. The Bond copy must be double sided and100grm. Print backings separately in 80grm. The TL copy can be double sided on 80 or100grm.

2.16 Signing. When the signatory signs the extract copy – make sure they sign the plan too, if there is one.

2.17 Do a quality check of the signed extract i.e. make sure the seal has been added correctly (because we are creating a ‘Deed of Gift’ we add the Register of Deeds seal to the extract.

2.18 We keep the Warrant and once a volume is complete they are transmitted up to NAS once they have been stamped with the Cachet Seal (Queen's signature) and an Index has been created.

2.19 All we need to do now is send an invoice, you may want to send a letter if there have been any issues with the gift, templates for letters can be found in the fileshare as mentioned earlier.

2.20 Generate an invoice:

  • Open eFin
  • The FAS for KLTR is 9714
  • Choose Credit as payment method
  • Ord Ref: ‘your name’
  • Agent Ref: The Gift Ref: BV/???/?? or UH/???/??
  • Party: Name of Dissolved company or person on Gift.
  • Subjects: GIFT No. ?? Vol. No. ?? Subjects: brief subjects description
  • Go to details:
  • Quarter Seal for £130 – Authorise and Complete,
  • Update Cashbook
  • Put copy in CAJR FWA (Fee with Application)
  • Keep a copy of the invoice in the brown folder if not sending out a letter

Gift check list

Registers of Scotland (RoS) seeks to ensure that the information published in the CAJR Manual is up to date and accurate but it may be amended from time to time.
The Manual is an internal document intended for RoS staff only. The information in the Manual does not constitute legal or professional advice and RoS cannot accept any liability for actions arising from its use.
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