Legal - Complete Securities Section - KIR (Public)

Legal - Complete Securities Section - KIR (Public)

3.1 Enter details of any outstanding securities/charges/grants etc identified from the search sheet check, for which no discharge/deed of restriction has been recorded.

  • Leave the registration date field blank.
  • Select Style that reflects search sheet minute and shows that the deed was recorded in the Sasine Register.
  • Enter the debtors information.
    • Add the name/designation of the debtor as they appear on the search sheet entry.
    • Select appropriate Debtor Type from the Type drop down menu.
  • Enter the creditor information.
    • Select "U" from the Type drop down menu.
    • Enter the creditor’s details exactly as they appear on the search sheet entry.
  • Enter the recording date of the standard security in the Additional field in the following style: "DD MMM. YYYY (e.g. 22 Dec. 1984)"
  • Complete other fields if relevant.

Do not attempt to add any additional information about the creditor - use only the information available from the search sheet. 

3.2 For any security/charge/grant etc. over part, check if a reference has been provided on the cadastral map. If no reference has been provided add a note to plans on the title workdesk. 

3.3 Consider ranking and add ranking note(s) if necessary. 

3.4 Consider other recorded deed(s) that affect the outstanding security, for example a deed of variation, and add appropriate note(s). 

3.5 Check details and Close C section. 

3.6 Apply on title workdesk.

Registers of Scotland (RoS) seeks to ensure that the information published in the 2012 Act Registration Manual is up to date and accurate but it may be amended from time to time.
The Manual is an internal document intended for RoS staff only. The information in the Manual does not constitute legal or professional advice and RoS cannot accept any liability for actions arising from its use.
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