General search sheet directory

General search sheet directory

On the search sheet homepage there is a link to ‘Look up a general search sheet in the directory’.

By clicking the link you will be directed to a page where all known general search sheets are listed by county.

By clicking on the ‘Show’ link, a list of general search sheets will be displayed for that county. 

The party information is the organisation or person that the search sheet relates to.

For general search sheets which have digital paper images, a pre-prepared PDF is available to view and download.

This is useful when it’s a large search sheet and downloading can take time.

By clicking on the PDF icon, the search sheet will open in a new tab where you can scroll through the pages. Please note electronic entries will not be included.

Not all general search sheets will have a pre-prepared PDF. When the PDF icon is not available, the general search sheet will only have electronic entries.

By clicking on the search sheet number link, you’ll be directed to the results page for that search sheet. You’ll see the electronic entries and copies of the paper images.

If you know of any general search sheets which are not on the list, please contact the development team by clicking on the ‘feedback’ link and it can be added to the list.

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