Title Versions - 1979 Act Applications Pending

Title Versions - 1979 Act Applications Pending


An intake officer will, on submission of an application for registration of a deed affecting the whole or part of a registered plot on or after 8 December 2014, create the appropriate application. The application will be created automatically using the registered title version, or if there is no registered title version the application will be created from the latest draft version.  

Where there is a pending application submitted under the 1979 Act the 2012 Act application must not be attached on the LRS to the pending 1979 Act application(s). The 1979 Act application(s) must first be completed, before the 2012 Act application is legally examined and completed. The 2012 Act application will not be settled along with the 1979 Act applications. A registration officer encountering such a 2012 Act application affected by still pending 1979 Act applications should not process the application: they should contact their team leader as regards where the application should be stored until the 1979 Act application is completed. 

When the legal officer commences their examination of the dealing or transfer of part application submitted on or after 8 December, they must ensure that they re-import the registered version created at the completion of the last 1979 Act application. 


It is imperative when a 2012 Act application is received and there is a pending 1979 Act application, that the 2012 Act application is not 'attached' to the pending application. Once the 1979 Act application has been dealt with, then the 2012 Act application can be processed.

The legal registration officer examining the 2012 Act application being settled subsequently but which was created in the application record prior to completion of the 179 Act casework must re-import the last 1979 Act registered version of the title sheet before commencing the update required by the application with which they are dealing. This will ensure the accuracy of the title sheet.

The legal registration officer should also check the content of the updated title sheet on completion of their examination of the application and updating of the draft title sheet to ensure that this has been done.


Import function in LRS - screenshots

The import functionality is available within the Title workdesk of LRS.



This gives the user an option to import from another title version- when required.

If more than one Title version is available, the user will be given an option of which version to select (in this situation it will be the RG version).





Registers of Scotland (RoS) seeks to ensure that the information published in the 2012 Act Registration Manual is up to date and accurate but it may be amended from time to time.
The Manual is an internal document intended for RoS staff only. The information in the Manual does not constitute legal or professional advice and RoS cannot accept any liability for actions arising from its use.
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