• In progress
  • Section 1: Registrations

    1. Log into RoD registration homepage

    2. Under create a registration, click start a new registration.

    1. Customer Information

      1. On the start a new registration screen, enter a FAS number or account customer name to create a registration for an account customer.

      2. For example, entering the number 0468 into the customer information search, as shown on the picture below, should return a result of “Brodies LLP, Edinburgh” on the next screen. Typing in “Brodies LLP” should return a selection of FAS numbers linked to Brodies, with 0468 among them.


    c. For a non-account customer registration, select the link at the bottom of the page, which will take you to the page below, where you can manually enter the customer information.

    1. Check your customer search results to see if the correct result has been returned.

      1. If the right result is returned, select it from the dropdown menu.

      2. If the right result is not returned, click the “change” link to alter your search.

      3. If it is a non-account customer, click the enter non-account customer details manually link at the bottom of the page.

    1. On the next screen, enter the customer email address if the customer has provided one. This is important because:

      1. the Acknowledgment letter is automatically sent to this email address for all customers.

      2. for non-account customers, the invoice is also emailed to that address.

    1. Then, add the customer reference if they have supplied one. This reference will be shown on the acknowledgement, cover sheet and invoice.

    1. The “review customer information” screen will then ask you to check the information entered so far on the screen below. If the information is correct, click continue. If anything needs to be amended, click the change links in the required section.

    Deed Information

    The next section will collect information about the deed that is going to be registered.

    1. The first screen will ask whether the deed is for Preservation and Execution or Preservation only.

    1. Next you will be asked for the deed type. This field will filter the list of deeds when you start typing a deed name or code into it.

      1. If the deed type you are looking for does not appear, follow the process for adding a new deed type

    1. The property information screen asks you to decide whether the deed contains any property information, including:

      • LBTT

      • Lease information

      • Joint recording

    If the answer is yes, you will be taken to the LBTT screen, followed by lease info and then joint recording.

    If the answer is no, on clicking continue you will be taken to the extracts screen.

    1. If the answer to the property information question was yes, the next screen will ask whether the deed was notifiable for LBTT, Land and Buildings Transaction Tax.

      1. If yes, you must enter the Revenue Scotland (S43) tax record number

    1. The next screen is for lease information. Enter the information as needed (if at all).

    1. The system will then ask whether the deed is a joint recording

      1. If yes, you must enter the Land Register title number

    1. The next page will ask about the type and number of extracts. This information will be used to generate the invoice.

      1. If paper is selected, enter the number of extracts requested by the customer.

      2. If you are working on a QES application, select digital.

      3. Only select digital if you are working on a QES application, doing so otherwise will cause issues during print jobs.

    1. The review deed information screen will then ask you to check the deed information on the screen below.

      1. If the information is correct, click continue.

      2. If anything needs to be amended, click the change link next to that field to update it.

    Party Information

    1. The final section will collect information on the parties named in the deed. You can add as many parties as you need; the system will let you go through the add party loop as many times as needed.

      1. The first page will always ask whether the party is a person or organisation.

      2. Parties will appear in the order they were entered. To re-order them, remove previously entered parties and add new ones.

    1. If you selected person, you will be taken to the Person Information screen below.

    1. If you selected organisation you will be taken to the Organisation Information screen below.

    1. In either case, you will end with the screen asking you to review the party information that you have just entered.

      1. If you need to add another party, click add another

      2. If you need to amend a party, click on the change link next to that party

      3. If you need to delete a party, click remove.

    1. The final review screen lets you review all the information you’ve entered throughout the journey; in the order you entered it.

      1. If the information is correct, click register

      2. Once a deed has been registered, it cannot be removed from the register, so it is worth double checking your work at this stage.

      3. If anything needs to be amended, click the change link next to that entry on the list.

    1. Once you’ve pressed register, you will see a confirmation screen with confirmation that the minute has been registered, and the minute number. It also provides a link back to the Register of Deeds homepage and a link to go directly to the start a new registration screen.

    1. At this point, if the customer provided an email, an acknowledgement email will be sent confirming that their deed has been registered. If no email was provided for registration, the Acknowledgement letter will be printed and posted to the customer via Day 2 Print Jobs process.

    Registers of Scotland (RoS) seeks to ensure that the information published in the CAJR Manual is up to date and accurate but it may be amended from time to time.
    The Manual is an internal document intended for RoS staff only. The information in the Manual does not constitute legal or professional advice and RoS cannot accept any liability for actions arising from its use.
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