After removing withdrawal letter and accompanying form/deed from withdrawal tray, the following process should be followed by the odd-jobs officer:
1. Withdrawal letter must be scanned, using Scan-to-me process, and saved to the appropriate folder in the shared drive:
- For Intake withdrawal letters, the file should be renamed to reflect the county and subjects in the letter and saved here: O:\Production\REG2\Public\Team 2\Sasine withdrawal letters\Intake withdrawal letters.
- For Drafting withdrawal letters, the file should be renamed to reflect the county, daily running number and date of presentment, e.g. ANG1x040865, and saved here: O:\Production\REG2\Public\Team 2\Sasine withdrawal letters\Drafting withdrawal letters.
- For Advance Notice withdrawal letters, the file should be renamed to reflect the county and subjects in the letter and saved here: O:\Production\REG2\Public\Team 2\Sasine withdrawal letters\Advance Notices.
2. Details of withdrawal should be processed through Cool-ice.
3. Letter, form and deed should be returned to agent.