S23 Quality Checklist - Register of Sasines

SectionCodeData Point NameData Point Description Links to Manual

DeedSQC1ProbativeAre minimum requirements necessary for registration met, such as the following?
• Deed type is acceptable to Sasine Register.
• Execution conforms to legal requirements.
Execution of WritsRequirements Checklist

SQC1 - Deed type is not acceptable to the Sasine Register and should have been rejected.
SQC1 - Deed has not been executed appropriately and should have been rejected.
CSRSQC2Search Sheet• Has the minute been entered on the correct search sheet?
• Was the Search Sheet active prior to the minute being entered?
• Where subjects are inter alia, has the minute been added to all of the correct search sheets?
Reading the Search SheetPreparatory Work in MinutingLabelled Minute
SQC2 - Minute is on the incorrect search sheet.
SQC2 - Subjects were transferred to the Land Register prior to the registration of the deed.
SQC2 - Subjects are inter alia but the minute has not been added to all of the appropriate search sheets.
CSRSQC3Minute Details

Check the following information is correct and spelled correctly:

• Deed type
• Granter and applicants' names
• Subjects with a postal address
• Date of Execution

Check that the following information is correct (spelling errors for these sections should be failed under SQC4):

• Granter and applicants' designations
• Subjects without a postal address including plans references
• Sasine reference deed details
• Any other additional information

Persons IndexingVariations in NamesDesignationsOrder of MinutingSQC3 - Deed type is incorrect.
SQC3 - Granter/Applicant's name is incorrect.
SQC3 - Granter/Applicant's name is spelled incorrectly.
SQC3 - Granter/Applicant's designation is incorrect.
SQC3 - Subjects are incorrect.
SQC3 - Subjects are spelled incorrectly.
SQC3 - The Sasine reference deed details are incorrect.
SQC3 - Minute has not been dated in accordance with the deed.
CSRSQC4Minor Minute Details

Check that the following information is spelled correctly:

  • Granter and applicants designations
  • Subjects without a postal address including plans references
  • Sasine reference deed details
  • Any other additional information
  • If the subjects are inter alia, have all the relevant search sheet numbers been added to the minute

Check that the following information is coded correctly:

  • Granter and applicants names including variations in parties names (including consentors)
  • Subjects
  • Additional information
  • Check that abbreviations should be minuted in full or how they appear in the deed

SQC4 - Granter/Applicant's designation is spelled incorrectly.
SQC4 - Subjects are incorrect.
SQC4 - Subjects are spelled incorrectly.
SQC4 - The Sasine reference deed details are spelled incorrectly.
SQC4 - Subjects are inter alia but appropriate search sheets have been omitted from the minute.
SQC4 - Granter/Applicant's name is coded incorrectly
SQC4 - Subjects are coded incorrectly.
SQC4 - The additional information is coded incorrectly.
SQC4 – The abbreviation should be minuted in full.
SQC4 – The abbreviation should reflect the deed.

SpecificSQC5Grant/Discharge• If the deed is a Grant, has the correct amount and term been entered?
• If the deed is a Discharge, has the correct date of recording of the Standard Security been entered?
Notice of Payment of Grant or LoanStyles of DischargeExample Discharge
SQC5 - The amount being granted is incorrect.
SQC5 - The term the Grant is valid for is incorrect.
SQC5 - Recording date of Standard Security is incorrect.
SQC5 - Recording date of Standard Security has been omitted.

Registers of Scotland (RoS) seeks to ensure that the information published in the Sasines Manual is up to date and accurate but it may be amended from time to time.
The Manual is an internal document intended for RoS staff only. The information in the Manual does not constitute legal or professional advice and RoS cannot accept any liability for actions arising from its use.
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