5.0 Plan Creator Classifications

Each polygon or other plans reference that you add to the Plan Creator will need to be classified. This means it must be identified and given a colour reference and style. The list of classifications is extensive, and includes ownership, servitude, burden and "other" classes. Detail on the appropriate use of the various classifications can be found on Further Guidance page Classification of References.

When choosing a colour reference or style, follow the guidance in the registration manual for the hierarchy of colours and styles. Further guidance page Labelling using the Plan Creator provides additional information on the appropriate ways to label lines and polygons through the Classification menu.

5.1 Polygons

5.1.1 Classifying and styling a polygon

5.1.1.a  Adding classification and style to a single polygon

 Expand - full process
a. To classify a polygon, select the polygon required by either clicking on it, or by selecting it in the left hand panel.

b. Click the ellipsis next to the selected polygon.

c. Select Add classification and style from the pop-up window.

d. The left-hand panel will refresh. Select the appropriate Classification and Style from the drop-down menus.
e. Click Continue.
f. The polygon will still be selected within the pop-up menu which is still on the screen. If the editing of this polygon is complete, press the escape key (Esc) to dismiss the pop-up menu.

 Expand - shortcut

When you want to classify a single polygon that is one of the main classifications (for example, Ownership - Exclusive) and styles (for example, pink fill), you can also use the Right Click shortcut.

Simply right click with your mouse or cursor on the polygon in the main map window, and two pop-up menus will appear on your screen allowing you to add or edit the classification and/or the style of that polygon. Once applied, the selected classification and style will be displayed in the left hand panel as normal.

5.1.1.b  Adding classification and style to multiple polygons

 Click here to expand...

a. To classify multiple polygons, select the required polygons by either clicking on them while holding down the control key (Ctrl), or by selecting them in the left hand panel.

b. Click the ellipsis next to any of the selected polygons and choose Add classification from the pop-up window.

c. The left-hand panel will refresh. Select the appropriate Classification from the drop-down menu and click Continue.

d. The standard left-hand panel will now show with the pop-up menu still visible.

Now select Add style from the pop-up window.

e. The left-hand panel will refresh again. Select the appropriate Style from the drop-down menu and click Continue.
Please note, in the example above the classification was chosen first. When viewing the style menu the selected polygons will show their classification - if the style had been chosen first then the colour & style of the polygons would be shown when viewing the classification menu.
f. The standard left-hand panel will now show with the pop-up menu still visible. 

g.  If the editing of the polygons is complete, press the escape key (Esc) to dismiss the pop-up menu.

5.1.1.c  Editing the classification or style of polygons

i. Editing the classification and/or style of a single polygon is done in the same way as the initial classification and styling - see 5.1.1.a above.

ii. Editing the classification and/or style of multiple polygons is done in the same way as the initial classification and styling - see 5.1.1.b above.

5.1.2 Boundary references

5.1.2.a  Adding boundary references to a polygon

 Click here to expand...
a. To add a boundary reference to a polygon, select the polygon required by either clicking on it, or by selecting it in the left hand panel.

b. Click the ellipsis next to the selected polygon.

c. Select Add boundary references from the pop-up window.

d. Select the start point for the boundary reference.

e. Select the end point for the boundary reference. The selected boundary will now be highlighted in green.
f. Click Confirm Line.
g. Add the Start Label, the End Label and select the Classification.

h. Click either Confirm or Add another.

i. If Confirm was selected the boundary reference will have been added. Press the escape key (Esc) to dismiss the pop-up menu.

j. If Add another was selected, repeat d. to h. until all boundary references have been added. Then finish by pressing the escape key (Esc) to dismiss the pop-up menu.

Please note, the boundary reference will be applied to the boundary between wherever you click the start and end points.

If you wish it to follow a different path between those points, press the hotkey letter O on your keyboard to toggle between the two possibilities.

5.1.2.b  Moving a boundary reference

 Click here to expand...

The boundary reference letter must be moved from the original point to create the call-out line (arrow).

a. Select the letter by clicking on it. The letter will be highlighted blue and the cursor will change to a grab hand 

Drag the boundary reference letter to the required position

b. Click anywhere on the map canvas to deselect the letter.

5.1.2.c  Editing a boundary reference

 Click here to expand...
a. To edit a boundary reference, click the Edit link.

b. If you are happy with the line highlighted in green click the Confirm line button.

c. Otherwise redraw the line and then click the Confirm line button.

d. Re-enter the Start Label and End Label.

You also have the option to amend the Classification.

Once finished, click Confirm.

e. The boundary reference has been amended.

5.1.2.d  Adding a partial boundary reference

 Click here to expand...

Occasionally, a boundary reference is needed for only part of the length of a boundary. If there is an OS point or polygon point located at the place where the partial boundary reference starts or finishes, you can snap to this point and follow the steps at 5.1.2.a, above. However, if there is no OS or polygon point in the right place, a construction point can be added to allow the boundary to be referenced.

a. Map your subjects as normal from the deed. In this example, the deed plan shows a burden that will need a reference between two points.

Establish the distance along the boundary to the point from the deed or deed plan

b. Use the Distance Offset tool to place a construction point at the required position on the boundary.
c. Click the ellipsis next to the selected polygon.
d. Select Add boundary references from the pop-up window.

e. Select the start point for the boundary reference.

 Select the end point for the boundary reference.

The boundary selected will now be highlighted green.

Remember to use the hotkey S on the keyboard to toggle between snapping to an OS point and a construction point.
f. Click Confirm Line.

g. Add the Start Label, the End Label and select the Classification.
h. Click Confirm.

i. The partial boundary reference has now been added.

5.1.2.e  Removing a boundary reference

 Click here to expand...
a. To remove a boundary reference, click the Remove link against the reference you wish to remove.

b. The boundary reference has been removed.

5.1.3 Polygon labels

5.1.3.a  Adding a polygon label

 Click here to expand...
a. If you need the polygon to have a label,select the polygon required by either clicking on it, or by selecting it in the left hand panel.

b. Click the ellipsis next to the selected polygon.
c.  Select Add Label from the pop-up window.

d. Enter the required label information in the field.

e. Click Save Label.
f. The label is placed in the centre of the polygon.

5.1.3.b Repositioning a polygon label

 Click here to expand...

a. If the polygon label needs to be moved from where it has automatically been positioned, click on the label to select it.  The label will be highlighted blue and the cursor will change to a grab hand 

b. Click and drag the label to the required position. If the label is dragged outside the polygon extent, a call out line (arrow) is automatically created.

5.1.3.c Editing a polygon label

 Click here to expand...
a. To amend the polygon label, select the polygon required by either clicking on it, or by selecting it in the left hand panel.

b. Click the ellipsis next to the selected polygon.
c. Select Edit Label from the pop-up window.
d. Delete the current label text and re-enter the required label text in the field.
e. Click Save Label.
f. The label has now been changed.

5.1.3.d Removing a polygon label

 Click here to expand...
a. To remove the polygon label, select the polygon required by either clicking on it, or by selecting it in the left hand panel.
b. Click the ellipsis next to the selected polygon.
c. Select Edit Label from the pop-up window.
d. Delete the current label text so nothing is shown in the polygon label field.

e. Click Save Label.
f. The label has now been deleted.

5.2 Lines

5.2.1 Classifying and colouring a line

5.2.1.a  Adding classification and colour to a single line

 Click here to expand...
a. To classify a line, select the line required by either clicking on it, or by selecting it in the left hand panel.

b. Click the ellipsis next to the selected line.

c. Select Add classification and colour from the pop-up window.

d. The left-hand panel will refresh. Select the appropriate Classification and colour from the drop-down menus.

e. Click Continue.
f. The line will still be selected within the pop-up menu which is still on the screen. If the editing of this line is complete, press the escape key (Esc) to dismiss the pop-up menu.

5.2.1.b  Adding classification and colour to multiple lines

 Click here to expand...

a. To classify multiple lines, select the required lines by either clicking on them while holding down the control key (Ctrl), or by selecting them in the left hand panel.

b. Click the ellipsis next to any of the selected lines and choose Add classification from the pop-up window.

c. The left-hand panel will refresh. Select the appropriate Classification from the drop-down menu and click Continue.

d. The standard left-hand panel will now show with the pop-up menu still visible.

Now select Add Colour from the pop-up window.

e. The left-hand panel will refresh again. Select the appropriate Colour from the drop-down menu.

Please note, in the example above the classification was chosen first. When viewing the colour menu the selected lines will show their classification - if the colour had been chosen first then the colour of the lines would be shown when viewing the classification menu.
f. Click Continue and the standard left-hand panel will now show with the pop-up menu still visible. 

g.  If the editing of the lines is complete, press the escape key (Esc) to dismiss the pop-up menu.

5.2.1.c  Editing the classification or colour of lines

i. Editing the classification and/or colour of a single line is done in the same way as the initial classification and colouring - see 5.2.1.a above.

ii. Editing the classification and/or style of multiple lines is done in the same way as the initial classification and colouring - see 5.2.1.b above.

5.2.2 Labelling a line

5.2.2.a  Adding Labels to a line reference

 Click here to expand...

If labels are needed for a line reference, these are added in a similar way to adding boundary references to a polygon.

a. To add a labels to a line, select the line required by either clicking on it, or by selecting it in the left hand panel.

b. Click the ellipsis next to the selected line.

c. Select Add labels from the pop-up window.

d. The left-hand panel will refresh. Enter the Line Start label and Line End label in the appropriate fields.

e. Click Save Label.

f. The labels have been added to the ends of the line.

g. The labels must now be repositioned away from the end of the line to make them clearly visible.

To do this, click on the label to select it.  The label will be highlighted blue and the cursor will change to a grab hand 

Now click and drag the label to the required position. A call out line (arrow) is automatically created.

5.2.2.b  Editing Labels on a line reference

 Click here to expand...
a. If you need to edit the labels on a line, select the line required by either clicking on it, or by selecting it in the left hand panel.
b. Click the ellipsis next to the selected line.

c. Select Edit labels from the pop-up window.

d. The left-hand panel will refresh. Amend the Line Start label and Line End label as required.
e. Click Save Label.

f. The labels have been amended.

5.3 Points

Point references should only be used to identify unique features that have been identified from the submitted deed(s) or other titles that affect. If you need to add text or number labels that is associated with lines, boundaries or polygons, these should be done using the other methods described above.

5.3.1 Classifying, colouring and labelling a single point reference

 Click here to expand...
a. To classify, colour and label a point reference, select the required point by either clicking on it, or by selecting it in the left hand panel.
b. Click the ellipsis next to the selected point.

c. Select Add classification, colour & label from the pop-up window.

d. The left-hand panel will refresh. Select the appropriate Classification and  Colour, and enter the text for the Point label as required.

e. Click Save Label.

f. The Point label has been added and the colour and classification saved.

g. If you wish to adjust the position of the point label, click on the label to select it.  The label will be highlighted blue and the cursor will change to a grab hand 

Now click and drag the label to the required position. A call out line (arrow) is automatically created.

5.3.2 Classifying, colouring and labelling multiple point references

 Click here to expand...

a. To classify, colour and label multiple point references, select the required points by either clicking on them while holding down the control key (Ctrl), or by selecting them in the left hand panel.

b. Click the ellipsis next to one of the selected points.

c. Select Add classification, Add colour, or Add label from the pop-up window.

d. The left-hand panel will refresh. Select or enter the required Classification, Colour, or text for the Point label as required.

Then click Continue or Save Label, depending on the buttons shown.

e. Repeat instructions c & d choosing your second option.

Then click Continue or Save Label, depending on the buttons shown.

f. Repeat instructions c & d choosing your third option.

Then click Continue or Save Label, depending on the buttons shown.

g. The Point labels have been added and the colour and classification saved.

h. If you wish to adjust the position of a point label, click on the label to select it.  The label will be highlighted blue and the cursor will change to a grab hand 

Now click and drag the label to the required position. A call out line (arrow) is automatically created.

5.3.3  Editing a point reference

i. Editing the classification, colour or label of a single point reference is done in the same way as the initial classification and colouring and labelling - see 5.3.1 above.

ii. Editing the classification, colour of label of multiple point references is done in the same way as the initial classification and colouring and labelling - see 5.3.2 above.

Labels should be positioned to enable the letter reference to be clearly seen on the cadastral map, and therefore should be positioned in blank space with no underlying detail, where possible. The length of the call-out lines to create the labels should be appropriate to the scale of the PDF print generated in Plan Creator, but as a guide, the lengths should be approximately as follows:


  • Draw point labels: Minimum length 8m up to a maximum in most cases of 15m
  • Call-out labels: Minimum length 5m up to a maximum in most cases of 10m


  • Draw point labels: Minimum length 15m up to a maximum in most cases of 20m
  • Call-out labels: Minimum length 10m up to a maximum in most cases of 20m


  • Draw point labels: Minimum length 70m up to a maximum in most cases of 100m
  • Call-out labels: Minimum length 50m up to a maximum in most cases of 100m

Note that the minimum length of Draw point labels is longer than call-out labels because of the arrowhead generated. The length of the label can quickly be checked using the measure tool in Plan Creator if this is felt necessary, but the PDF should always be checked to ensure visibility of references for all cases.

Registers of Scotland (RoS) seeks to ensure that the information published in the 2012 Act Registration Manual is up to date and accurate but it may be amended from time to time.
The Manual is an internal document intended for RoS staff only. The information in the Manual does not constitute legal or professional advice and RoS cannot accept any liability for actions arising from its use.
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