PIP 2/2012 Multi-flap Title Plans

This is the registration manual for 1979 casework.
Do not under any circumstances use the information here when settling 2012 casework. This resource has been archived and is no longer being updated. As such, it contains many broken links. Much of the information contained here is obsolete or superseded.

PIP 2/2012 Multi-flap Title Plans

Plans Information Paper 2/2012: Multi-flap Title Plans

Occasionally the extents and/or references depicted on a Title Plan will cover more than one A4 size print when printed at the required scale. These Title Plans are called multi-flap Title Plans.

The Title Plan will be inserted into the Land Certificate as one page so all other pages of the Title Plan must be securely bound to the page to be inserted into the Land Certificate. There should be no possibility of a page coming loose.

Title plans which, when printed, produce more than 2 A4 pages can be sent to plans finishing to be bound together however any Title Plans which produce 2 pages should be bound by the settler.

The procedure for binding 2 flap title plans are as follows:

Binding left-to-right (landscape)

  1. At the edges where the detail on the 2 pages of the plan meet, they should be trimmed using a guillotine to the black border shown on the print. Ensure that no part of the black border or white space beyond is included and that none of the map detail is excluded. It must be an exact match.
  2. Trim the left hand side of the left page (the page without the header) to just before the black border i.e. the black border should be seen to identify that the detail on the print is not intended to continue. No trimming is required to the top or bottom of the pages.
  3. Using approved book tape, bind the 2 pages together ensuring that the Ordnance Survey detail on both pages match exactly.
  4. When Title plan is bound into the Land Certificate only the page with the header should be bound into the certificate; the Title Plan should be capable of being opened fully for viewing. Ensure that there is enough of a binding edge to allow this.

Binding top-to-bottom (portrait)

  1. At the edges where the detail on the 2 pages of the plan meet, they should be trimmed using a guillotine to the black border shown on the print. Ensure that no part of the black border or white space beyond is included and that none of the map detail is excluded. It must be an exact match.
  2. Trim the right hand side of the bottom page (the page without the header) to just before the black border i.e. the black border should be seen to identify that the detail on the print is not intended to continue.
  3. Trim the bottom of the bottom page as per point 2 to remove the page details.
  4. Using approved book tape, bind the 2 pages together ensuring that the Ordnance Survey detail on both pages match exactly.
  5. When Title plan is bound into the Land Certificate only the page with the header should be bound into the certificate; the Title Plan should be capable of being opened fully for viewing. Ensure that there is enough of a binding edge to allow this.


10 May 2012


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This is the registration manual for 1979 casework.
Do not under any circumstances use the information here when settling 2012 casework. This resource has been archived and is no longer being updated. As such, it contains many broken links. Much of the information contained here is obsolete or superseded.

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