S10.2 Dispositions A Non Domino by A to A

S10.2 Dispositions A Non Domino by A to A

In the case of The Board of Management of Aberdeen College v Stewart Watt Youngson and another [2005] CSOH 31, the Outer House decided that a disposition by a person in favour of himself in exactly the same status or category is invalid ex facie. It is not a foundation writ for the purposes of positive prescription in terms of section 1 of the Prescription and Limitation (Scotland) Act 1973.

The result is that it is not possible to use section 1(1)(a) of the 1973 Act to establish a title that is exempt from challenge on the basis of a disposition recorded in the General Register of Sasines by a person in favour of himself. This is because section 1(2)(a) disapplies section 1(1) where the deed is invalid ex facie.

Dispositions a non domino by a person to a third party (A to B) presented for dual/joint recording/registration should continue to be considered in line with the Keeper's current a non domino policy on speculative or vexatious dispositions.


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